The wrong turn

Around seven in the evening, Tang Wei Sheng reached Ning family's private resort in the outskirts of the city. Due to the paparazzi and the netizens, Ning Jing's agency told her to take a break and let them handle the issue.

When Tang Wei Sheng's car reached in the entrance of the resort, a butler came out to receive him.

"Good evening sir, the young miss is waiting for you," Butler informed and led Tang Wei Sheng to the suite room of the luxurious resort.

"Good evening CEO Tang. I am sorry for troubling you to come here." Ning Jing apologised as soon as she saw Tang Wei Sheng.

"It is fine." Tang Wei Sheng politely declined her apology.

"Please come inside," Ning Jing invited him into the living room.

"How about a drink or did you had dinner?" She asked him without any second thoughts.

"I came to clear the misunderstandings," Tang Wei Sheng informed in an aloof manner.

"Are there any misunderstandings between us?" Ning Jing asked with a surprised tone.

"Miss Ning, I don't know what your objectives about the meeting were, but for me, it was a business meeting." Tang Wei Sheng cut the chase.

"Yes, CEO Tang." Ning Jing smiled as she understood his words. "You have worked as director of an entertainment agency and you know how pointless these rumours are.

Even though it wasn't my fault...I am extremely sorry for it." Ning Jing apologized.

"I am not blaming you. Tang Wei Sheng looked at her. I know it is difficult for you. But I don't want it to affect our personal lives."

"I believe that you are aware of the fact that our families are trying to set us on an alliance." Ning Jing tried to clarify his doubts with him.

"I have a girlfriend." Tang Wei Sheng said nonchalantly. He already decided to lead a life with Li Juan.

"Good for you." Ning Jing's face was extremely calm without any despair.

"It will be a wonder if a person like you remains single." She chortled and continued. "Did your girlfriend saw these rumours?"

"No." Tang Wei Sheng had a strong belief that Li Juan won't be affected by these kinds of rumours. She is not like those people who stupidly believe whatever appears on the internet.

"Cool!!" Ning Jing smiled and adjusted her posture. "Half of your problems are solved then… Well, nothing is scarier than a jealous girlfriend."

Tang Wei Sheng slightly smiled. Ning Jing noticed that his temper was cooling down.

"In this situation, both of us are victims and we have to solve it by any means as soon as possible." Ning Jing looked at Tang Wei Sheng for an answer. He remained stoic.

"I am sorry to ask you...but can I order something to eat? I was sleeping all day and I am starving." Ning Jing asked with an apologetic look.

"Go ahead." Tang Wei Sheng replied.

"Okay, should I order some wine to ease your stress?" Ning Jing enquired.

"Well, there is nothing in this world which cannot be solved with alcohol."

"I need to drive," Tang Wei Sheng replied.

"Wow, I thought you will have ten personal chauffeurs." Ning Jing was surprised by his answer.

"I prefer driving alone," Tang Wei Sheng replied.

"I wish I could do the same, but my grandpa won't allow me." Ning Jing pouted her lips in disagreement.

"I can relate to that." Tang Wei Sheng added to her comment.

"I think every corporate heir can relate to that." Ning Jing smiled.

"I was free when I was abroad.

No restrictions at all, I have seen the Aston Martin you had in university." Ning Jing was excited to share those memories.

"I was totally in love with that."

"You like cars too?" There was a surprise in Tang Wei Sheng's voice.

"Oh, I love them." Ning Jing replied. "While I was in university my grandpa arranged a chauffeur and I hated that.

One day I saw your car in the parking lot and I went crazy, like who is that person who drives an Aston Martin to a university.

I wanted to ride it, and I kinda tried to get in touch with you." Ning Jing's face was filled with happiness.

"Really! When?" Tang Wei Sheng asked her in curiosity.

"On ken's birthday, I tried to engage you in a conversation and out of nowhere that stupid Tony threw up on me…oh eww…" Ning Jing tried to remind him about old days.

"It was you…"Tang Wei Sheng's voice was elated in surprise. Five years ago he met a girl in one of his friend's birthday with whom he had a conversation about the cars.

"Yes, that was me." Ning Jing said while smiling.

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

"We were on a business meet dude," Ning Jing dropped the honorifics with Tang Wei Sheng.

"Oh yeah." Tang Wei Sheng agreed with her.

"My grandpa is eating my head whenever I meet him. He wants me to get married as soon as possible." Ning Jing shared her part of the story. "You know how hard is to stay single when you're in a family power dispute."

"I am afraid that I should agree with it." Tang Wei Sheng smiled.

"Why these old people are so crazy about gaining power? They have saved enough for 100 generations. And still, they try to control their children's lives." Ning Jing shared her thoughts on family disputes and corporate marriages.

"At least let your grandchildren enjoy their freedom."

"Everyone may not have a similar opinion as Miss Ning." Tang Wei Sheng supported her point of view.

"Oh please, call me Jane. I know you are the Tang Wei Sheng of Tang corporations. But we are of the same age and used to study together. Why don't we stick to Win and Jane?" Ning Jing suggested.

'Win' was Tang Wei Sheng's pet name while he was abroad.


"This is cool, I don't have any friends in C country and right now it feels like a reunion.

You don't mind calling for a chauffeur for one night? Because I am so in a mood to celebrate." Ning Jing suggested.

"Go ahead." Tang Wei Sheng finally put down his aloof armour. Somehow Ning Jing gave the same vibes as his friends. Her style of talking reminded of him, the Tang Wei Sheng during the college days.

The careless, goofy Winston Tang.

"So why are your family setting you up with girls, don't they know about your girlfriend?" Ning Jing asked him about Li Juan.

"It is quite complicated."

"I am all ears." Ning Jing crossed her hands and listened to him.

"She is from a normal household." Tang Wei Sheng sipped the wine.

"Oh man, you are revolutionary." Ning Jing was full of praise. "Who is that lucky girl?"

"We went to the same high school."

"Oh wow, child sweethearts."

"What about you?" Tang Wei Sheng asked Ning Jing. She had maintained a scandal-free record in the industry all these years.

"Well, I had a crush on someone. But unfortunately, He likes some other girl. So here I am going on dates which my family arranges." She replied in a cheerful voice as if it doesn't affect her anymore.

"Good luck with the dates." Tang Wei Sheng said with a smile.

"It is not that I am eager to get married. My grandpa is forcing me.

You know these family feuds. My uncles are trying to crawl into the business and my old man is unwilling to give them any positions.

Since my father has only a daughter, not a son, he thinks that it is easier for them to tackle me. And my grandpa is trying to fill that void with a powerful son in law."

Ning Jing looked at Tang Wei Sheng's powerful eyes.

"It is not that I am not capable to lead the business, but I don't want to hurt my grandpa's feelings. If my marriage makes him happy then I thought I will do it."

"You love him a lot," Tang Wei Sheng commented.

"Ain't all grandchildren are like that?" Ning Jing's parents were busy handling business overseas and from her childhood itself, she used to live with grandfather in C country. She shared a warm bond with her grandfather.

"Yes, I am closer to my grandpa than my dad." Tang Wei Sheng said as if he is proud of his grandfather.

"Do you know something? You are quite different from others. You are amicable than other people out there. You give out the warmth of happiness which makes people like you." Ning Jing always had an admiration towards Tang Wei Sheng.

"I wasn't like this in the past."

Tang Wei Sheng replied with a bitter smile.

"It took me quite a time to become like this."

"Is that so?" Ning Jing asked out of curiosity. " I don't find any difference from the ten years old boy whom I met in the family reunions or the twenty years old man I have seen in the friend's reunions."

"Thanks for mentioning that." Tang Wei Sheng smiled. "But it may not be always true."

"Why? Is there any beast hiding behind this pretty mask?" Ning Jing asked with a serious tone.

"Don't we all have an inner beast on hibernation?" Tang Wei Sheng refuted back.

"A monster which can only awaken when we are pushed towards the cliff,"

"Why do I feel that your beast waiting to be awakened?"

"He is tamed." Tang Wei Sheng replied calmly.

"I guess it is your girlfriend's doing?"

"I did it for her."

"Oh, Jeez these love-struck people, they make me sick." Ning Jing laughed.

"Anyway, I will make sure that no one will mess up with our daily lives." Tang Wei Sheng assured her.

"Thanks." Ning Jing smiled happily.

"I will take leave now." Tang Wei Sheng stood up from his seat and Ning Jing followed him.

"It was nice meeting you, Win." Ning Jing flashed her cute smile. She was genuinely happy to meet Tang Wei Sheng.

"Me too," Tang Wei Sheng leaned forward to shake her hands.

"Handshakes are kinda formal Win." Ning Jing came closer to him.

Tang Wei Sheng smiled and hugged her as a parting gesture.

"By then, Drive safe." Ning Jing waved her hand and bid adieu to him.

Next day,

Yang Xiong came running to Tang Wei sheng's office. His face was flustered.

"Boss, there is something you need to see." Yang Xiong passed the tablet to Tang Wei Sheng.

Female celebrity and CEO of X Corporation have spent a night together.

The renowned A-lister celebrity Miss Ning and CEO has finally gone public with their relationship. It seems like the rumours that have circulated in social networking sites are nothing but true.

There was a picture of both of them hugging near the car.

Suddenly Tang Wei Sheng's mobile rang. It was from Tang Fei's assistant.

"Tang Wei Sheng, come home."

"Yes, Grandpa." He ended the conversation and looked displeased. He thought Ning Jing as a good friend and never thought that their relationship will take a wrong turn.

"Inform the PR team and take it down as soon as possible." Tang Wei Sheng stopped for a moment. "Find every single person behind this and Sue them."

"Yes, Boss." Yang Xiong replied.

Suddenly the intercom in the desk rang. Tang Wei Sheng took the call.

"Boss, you have a visitor. It is Miss Ning Jing."

"Tell her to come inside."

Ning Jing entered into his office and removed the mask which covered her face. Her face appeared tired.

"Please," Tang Wei Sheng pointed towards the lounge.

"I came here to inform you about my grandpa." Ning Jing said.

"He believes that we are in a relationship and he wants us to get married." Ning Jing reported in one breath.

"Ning Jing, I have already told you about my decision."

"I know, I know but it seems like things are getting out of our hands. And you have no idea what my grandpa is capable of."

"You know there is nothing between us and you should talk this out with your grandfather." Tang Wei Sheng immediately told her. He doesn't want to involve with Ning family anymore.

"See, I have no interest in marrying you. But I have been pushed to my limits today." Ning Jing was on the verge of exploding her anger and despair.

"Look, we are adults and we need to be responsible for our actions." Tang Wei Sheng tried to explain.

"That's what I am saying. Let's be responsible.

Both of our shares are going down while we argue here. And I can't afford to lose my grandpa.

So I am begging you to help me."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Let's get married."

"What? No way. I have a girlfriend."

"Please, whether it is fake marriage or hidden marriage or whatever you say. I just want this to end."

"No, it is not possible."

"I will talk to your girlfriend. She will understand my situation.

Please I beg you."

"No, I can't." Tang Wei Sheng said with straight tone.

Ning Jing's mobile rang. She attended the call with trembling hands.

"Young Miss, please come to the first hospital, you are grandfather has collapsed."

Grandpa, a drop of tear fell from Ning Jing's eyes. She clenched her fists and stood up from the seat. Tang Wei Sheng was sitting in the lounge without any expressions.

"I thought you were different." Ning Jing said to him with a grim voice and dashed out of the door.

"Boss," Yang Xiong called Tang Wei Sheng.

"Let's go." He stood up from the seat and walked towards the exit. Tang Fei has called him to Tang mansion to discuss and solve the dating scandal.

For some reasons, his mind was getting filled with remorse feelings.

It felt like something bad is going to happen.

On the midway to Tang mansion, Tang Wei Sheng got a call from assistant asking him to go to the first hospital instead of Tang mansion.

Ning Jing's grandfather had a heart attack and he is rushed towards the hospital.

Tang Wei Sheng met his grandfather in front of the hospital gate. Both of them walked into the intensive care unit.

The elders in the Ning family were having a conversation among themselves and in a corner Ning Jing stood with her head held low. All the members in the Ning family were desperately waiting for the doctor to inform the death of Chairman Ning.

It was the second time when Chairman Ning had a heart attack. And his chances for survival were minimal. Apart from Ning Jing, others were only bothered about the shares and money in the Ning corporation.

The voice of footsteps suddenly heard in the cold corridor. Everyone looked at the end of the corridor and saw Tang Wei Sheng walking with his grandfather.

"Chairman Tang," they were surprised to see the Tang Family in the hospital.

Tang Fei didn't mind those people in the corridor, he walked towards Ning Jing.

"Xiao Ning," Tang Fei called Ning Jing who stood silently.

Ning Jing looked at him with red eyes. He patted her shoulders to console her.

"So the rumours were indeed true. That wench is dating the young master of the Tang family", someone whispered.

Suddenly the door of ICU opened and a doctor came out.

"It was a minor attack; there is no need to panic for now.

Thank you, doctor, can I meet him? Ning Jing asked the doctor."

After a few hour's observation Chairman Ning will be transferred from ICU. Then you may visit him. Try not to stress him.

Thank You, doctor,

When Chairman Ning transferred to a room, Ning Jing went to visit him.

After a few minutes, Tang Wei Sheng was called inside.

Tang Wei Sheng looked at the oldman in the bed with many tubes attached to his body.

"My granddaughter has no one in this world other than me. Please don't ruin her life."

Grandfather Ning looked at Tang Wei Sheng with pleading eyes.

"If I am the one who is caused by all these problems, then I am willing to take care of it." Tang Wei Sheng said non-chalantly.

"I want you to take care of her, please." Grandfather Ning requested.

"I promise that I will take care of your granddaughter." Tang Wei Sheng said to him.

"Let me talk to your grandpa".

Tang Wei Sheng bowed and walked out of the room. Ning Jing followed him.

"Tang Wei Sheng," she tried to talk to him.

"The marriage, it will be for namesake, once everything gets settled I want a divorce." Tang Wei Sheng said without looking at Ning Jing.

Yes, I agree to your condition.

Tang Wei Sheng believed that he was capable enough to handle this situation.

But he was wrong.

His life already took a wrong turn from the right path which was supposed to lead him towards his ultimate destination, towards Li Juan.