Stay here, with me

It has been five days since Li Juan came to Liang's vacation house. She somehow managed to get acquainted with Liang and his home.

Normally Li Juan had a starting trouble with socialising, however, she became friendlier with Liang. Even Aunty Xu has become fond of her.

But in her deepest layer of heart, Li Juan was unhappy. There were so many things that bothered her.

Firstly, the research- if she wasn't attacked, by now Professor Han and his team would have started the preparation for their expedition to find the lost city.

And most importantly the route map is still with her.

Li Juan was afraid to carry it around, so she only used the photos of the map to check the details.

Thank God, that route map was drawn by hyrdochromic ink otherwise, it would've destroyed when she fell into the river.

Secondly, Tang Wei Sheng,

Since Li Juan lost her mobile phone, it has been almost a week she contacted Tang Wei Sheng. He would've worried about her.

But weirdly enough, there wasn't any news of Tang Wei Sheng or not even a phone call.

There is something wrong.

Li Juan came out of the room and looked for Liang. He wasn't in the house.

Probably, he will be in the garden, Li Juan looked out of the window and found Liang was talking to someone over the phone call. Li Juan slowly walked towards him without making any sound. Liang broad back was facing Li Juan and he was conversing in the K language with a serious tone.

"Are you sure about it? It is not fake news?

What about Li Juan? Is he aware of the fact that she is alive?

What about Professor Han and her team? are they aware of all these things?" Liang sounded anxious.

"We will wait and see."

Liang ended the phone call and turned and met Li Juan's dubious eyes.

Did she hear his conversation? Liang got alarmed.

"Yes, Miss Li." Liang tried to greet her with a radiant smile.

"Does Tang Wei Sheng know that I'm alive?" Li Juan asked him.

Liang's heart skipped a beat.

She heard his conversation.

"Miss Li," he tried to explain.

"Please tell me the truth. Does Wei Sheng Ge know that I'm alive?" Li Juan eyes were turning red.

"I don't know," Liang replied with a stern face.

"What do you mean? You said that he told you to take care of me; To protect me?" Li Juan glared into Liang's cold eyes.

"Let me talk to Tang Wei Sheng." Li Juan eyes shifted to Liang's mobile.

Liang let out a sigh.

"I don't think it is possible."

Liang looked aloof, but his eyes were cold and sharp. It was a clear rejection.

Li Juan was amazed to see his response. It was the first time she saw an aloof response from Liang.

"Dr Liang," Li Juan called him.

"I don't have his contact number." He replied in a husky voice with no emotion.

"Oh, come on! You guys are friends and how come you don't have his number?" Li Juan felt she was getting mocked by Liang. But still, there wasn't any response from Liang.

Li Juan looked at him in confusion. She felt that he was hiding something from her, otherwise, he would've replied.

"Please, Dr Liang, I have something important to share with him. It is too important." Li Juan looked at Liang with her puppy eyes.

"Li Juan, take a seat." Liang walked towards the bench and Li Juan followed him.

Both of them sat facing each other.

"Li Juan, please pay attention to what I am going to say." Liang looked into her pitch-black eyes and warned her.

"You have to be brave, no matter what happens to you, you have to think about yourself."

Li Juan eagerly waited for his words. Liang sounded like he was going to talk about something dangerous and grave.

Li Juan felt he she was standing inside hellfire.

Her mind got filled with so many questions.

Is Tang Wei Sheng safe?

The gangsters who attacked her, did they attack him too?

"Dr Liang is Wei Sheng Ge alright?" Li Juan asked him in a worried tone.

Liang didn't reply instead of that he slid his mobile phone towards Li Juan's hand.

Li Juan took it and looked at the screen.

She felt like someone stabbed her heart with a red hot iron rod.

CEO of Tang Corporation is getting married.

CEO of Tang Corporation Tang Wei Sheng is getting married to leading actress Ning Jing. According to our sources, both of them have been dating for a while. Recently netizens have come across with the young couples who were having dinner. Later Tang Corporation's Chairman Tang Fei and Ning Corporation's Chairman Ning Ji Zhe has confirmed their relationship and released the date of the wedding.

Li Juan stood like a statue and kept looking into the screen.

Her face remained expressionless, but deep down in her heart- she was in pain.

Her heart was shattering like a crystal bowl.

Liang carefully observed Li Juan.

He thought she would make a tantrum asking to contact Tang Wei Sheng.

But she was silent, she was shocked.

There was no response from Li Juan.

Her eyes were glued into the mobile's screen.

Li Juan's mind was in turmoil. She never thought that Tang Wei Sheng would cheat her.

After all, both of them liked each other for a long time.

There is no way Tang Wei Sheng would do something like this to his sweetheart.

So many things were buzzing in Li Juan's mind.

All those things Tang Wei Sheng told her, his words, his actions; everything reappeared in her mind.

Everything was real and felt genuine. Li Juan's mind didn't want to believe what she just saw.

There is no way Tang Wei Sheng would cheat Li Juan.

But those dating rumours, it was confirmed by Chairman Tang- Tang Wei Sheng's grandfather himself.

Then the whole dating story is must be real?

But that leaves Li Juan in a difficult position- what is her relation with Tang Wei Sheng?

He said that he loved Li Juan, the moment they met.

But this doesn't make any sense.

Did he lie to her? All those things Tang Wei Sheng told Li Juan were a lie?

Lie!!! Li Juan unconsciously uttered that word.

Her mind only recognized that word.

Li Juan felt a thrumming pain arising from her temples.

Her heart started to beat faster.

Her face became pale like a ghost.

A small channel of blood oozed out from her nose and Li Juan fell like a log.

"Li Juan!!!!" Liang called her name.

When Li Juan opened her eyes, she saw Liang's deep eyes. He helped her to sit up and handed her a glass of water.

"How do you feel?" Liang asked her. "Li Juan didn't respond."

Liang wasn't disappointed with her silence.

"Li Juan, I am asking you as a doctor. You hit your head when you fainted, Do you feel any pain?"

Before Liang could complete his question, Li Juan looked directly into his eyes. Her big black eyes were filled with tears.

Her cheeks appeared faint red.

"Li Juan!" Liang called her out.

A single drop of tear rolled down Li Juan's cheeks. She was in pain. She felt like she was lying on a mat of nails and her heart was pinned down with a hot blade.

Teardrops were continuously falling from her eyes like a waterfall.

"Juan," Liang couldn't control him- he threw his hands over her and embraced her.

She silently cried in his arms without uttering a single word.

"It's okay. It's okay." Liang gently stroked her curly hairs and consoled her.

Li Juan's fragile body shivered while sobbing.

She held on to Liang's strong shoulders.

Liang could felt a faint piercing pain on his shoulder.

Li Juan bit him.

He didn't stop her.

It was a sign.

She was in pain and she needs someone to rely upon.

Liang held Li Juan in his embrace until she became normal.

After a while, Liang looked at Li Juan, who fell asleep in his arms.

His warmth spread like a protecting coat over Li Juan's fragile body.

Liang heard the buzzing sound of his mobile.

He slowly placed Li Juan on to the bed and covered her with the quilt.

He looked at her sleeping face and placed a small peck on her forehead and left the room to attend the call.

"She knows now," Liang said as soon as he picked up the call. I told her.

He waited a moment to hear the reply from the other side and ended the phone call.

The next day Li Juan woke up earlier as nothing happened to her and prepared breakfast for both of them. When Liang came out of the room, he was amazed to see Li Juan in the kitchen cooking.

"Did you prepare breakfast?" Liang looked at the numerous dishes kept in the dining table. Li Juan replied with a faint smile and asked him to sit down. She served the food for him as well as for her. Both of them had their breakfast silently.

Liang examined Li Juan- her face was appeared gloomy. Eye bags under her eyes indicated her continuous crying.

He was hesitant to ask Li Juan about her condition.

"Dr Liang, I wish to return to Jing city." Li Juan made up her mind.

"Hmm." Liang agreed with her. "When do you want to return?"

"As soon as possible;" Li Juan was determined.

She didn't want to stay here. She wished to go back to Jing city, to her home, to her life before she met Tang Wei Sheng again.

"Let me check the availability of the boats." Liang walked towards the garden with his phone in hand.

"Dr Liang, if you don't mind, can I contact my friend?" Li Juan politely asked him.

Liang ended his call and gave it to Li Juan without saying anything. Li Juan took his phone and dialled Lee Tae Min's contact number.

"Hello," Tae Min's soulful voice heard from the mobile.

Li Juan looked at Liang. He was sitting on the sofa without any expression.

"Tae Min, it is me Li Juan."

"Noona!" There was a shock in his voice.

"Where are you Noona? I couldn't contact you? Whose number is this?" Lee Tae Min anxiously asked Li Juan.

"Tae Min, Professor is there?"

"No, Noona. Professor went to meet our investors.

What is the matter Noona? Are you okay?"

"I," Li Juan hesitated for a moment. "Tae Min, could you pick me up from here, please?" Li Juan's voice was calm, but melancholy filled in her eyes.

She wanted to go back.

Lee Tae Min felt that something wrong with Li Juan. So he didn't think more.

"Yes. I'll come and pick you. Please tell me about the location and address." Li Juan looked at Liang and handed over the phone.

"Hello, My name is Liang and I am a friend of Li Juan. She is with me right now in the east sea island near Xi city," Liang informed Lee Tae Min.

"She is still in Xi city?" Lee Tae Min was confused.

"I can bring her to Jing city. You don't have to worry." Liang assured him.

"Thank you, but can you send me the location?"

"Yes, I will send you the location, I will give it to Li Juan, you guys talk." Liang kept his conversation short and precise and handed over the cell phone to Li Juan.

"Noona, don't worry, I will come for you." Lee Tae Min assured her.

"Hmmm." Li Juan replied.

"Noona, I will leave right now."

Li Juan replied quietly. "You don't have to worry; Dr Liang seems like a nice person. I will come back as soon as possible. You stay brave."

"You take care."

"You too; Bye Noona"

Li Juan ended her phone call and gave back the mobile to Liang.

"Tae Min will come to pick me," She informed Liang.

"Hmm, Let me share the location." Liang took his phone and hesitated for a moment.

Li Juan is leaving!

She needs to go back.

She must return to Jing city.

He has no right to make her stay here, with him.

Yes, he has no right over her.

Liang looked at Li Juan's agonised eyes.

"Don't go, I want you to stay, with me-" Liang's heart screamed inside.