Is this a nightmare?

After three days, The final report on Lost city was presented, before the investors of the research project.

Since Li Juan was not recovered well from the accident, it was Professor Han and his other two researchers who presented the route map and the plan of the expedition.

On behalf of Tang Corporation, Chairman Tang Fei, President Tang Yi and Tang Wei Sheng were present in the meeting.

Li Juan refused to face anyone from Tang Corporation, so she purposely came late for the meeting and sat in the back row of the seminar hall. She didn't even dare to sit with Cheng Tao and Lee Tae Min.

In the cold and dim-lit hall, Li Juan's eyes only looked at the manly silhouette of Tang Wei Sheng.

His jovial voice filled the entire hall whenever he asked questions about the lost city.

He cheated her, but still

Why is it almost impossible to get over this guy?

Li Juan got lost in thoughts when the presentation was over and the lights were switched on.

Upon hitting by the sudden influx of bright light, Li Juan quickly stood up from the seat. She must leave now.


Her bag fell into the floor with a thud sound. And Everyone in the room looks shifted to Li Juan.

"Oh, you came?" Professor Han Guang who was talking to Tang Yi was surprised to see Li Juan. Since she was unwell, he thought Li Juan only join by next week.

"Come over Li Juan," Han Guang called her.

Li Juan reluctantly walked towards them, keeping her eyes on the ground. What is it now?

Li Juan smiled and bowed in front of them.

"This is Li Juan, it was she who deciphered the route map." Professor Han introduced Li Juan to everyone.

"Miss Li, your work is astonishing, thanks for your hard work." Chairman Tang congratulated and thanked her while Li Juan stood there smiling.

It was just three days she met with Tang Fei and had a conversation over Tang Wei Sheng.

Actually, when Li Juan got back home after the hospital visit, she was afraid that her research funding will be cancelled.

She did something, she wasn't supposed to do.

She loved her boss and didn't even try to hide it before his family.

She feared that Tang Fei would cancel her scholarship and or may kick her out of the research team.

But thankfully, Nothing hasn't happened, yet.

"Chairman Tang, why don't we treat them with a meal?" Tang Wei Sheng's voice interrupted Li Juan's line of thoughts.

"That's good." Tang Fei agreed to his grandson. "What do you think Professor?"

"It will be an honour." Han Guang didn't refuse.

"Secretary Yang, can you make the reservations at Blue Diamond." Tang Wei Sheng ordered his secretary.

"Yes, Boss." Yang Xiong immediately took his phone and walked outside.

"Shall we leave?" Tang Wei Sheng showed the way to his Grandpa and father, but he stayed in the hall.

Only Li Juan and Tang Wei Sheng were left alone in the aisle in the middle of the seminar hall.

"Sweetheart" Tang Wei Sheng called her name in a low voice.

Here it goes!

Li Juan was trying to not make eye contact with him during the meeting and now she has to face him all alone.

"Why didn't inform me that you've returned?"

Li Juan stared at the ground without replying back.

"Do you know how much-"

"Noona, you have a call," suddenly they were interrupted by Lee Tae Min.

Lee Tae Min walked towards Li Juan and passed his mobile to her.

Li Juan apologetically bowed and walked outside with the mobile.

"Congratulations on your engagement." Lee Tae Min told Tang Wei Sheng with a faint smile.

Tang Wei Sheng looked at the boy with his cold eyes.

His enemy number one is back.

"It was a surprise for us." Cheng Tao who joined the conversation added his remarks.

"Congratulations, CEO Tang."

"Thank you," Tang Wei Sheng replied with a faint smile.

"Boss, we should leave, grandmaster has been waiting outside." Yang Xiong informed him.

"Okay then, see you at the restaurant." Tang Wei Sheng told them and walked outside.

While walking towards the parking lot Tang Wei Sheng's eyes were searching for Li Juan, but she was nowhere to see.

At Blue Diamond restaurant's private room, Chairman Tang ordered a high-end lunch menu for the research team.

It was filled with various types of meat and fish dishes.

Li Juan sat silently at the far end of the desk without making any eye contact with anyone. She tried so many ways to avoid the lunch with Tang family, but Cheng Tao practically dragged her to the restaurant.

"Why are you not eating anything?" Cheng Tao asked Li Juan who was picking on a simple garden salad.

"When did you become a goat?" Cheng Tao placed a prawn on to Li Juan's bowl.

Even though she was a seafood lover, but today she lost her appetite to eat her favourite food.

"You must eat well, Noona," Lee Tae Min tried to add some braised chicken to Li Juan's bowl.

"No," Li Juan replied in a low voice.

"Are you on a diet Miss Li?" Tang Yi's gaze fell on the woman sitting at the end of the table.

"You are already thin, why are you following a diet?" Tang Yi who never cared to initiate a conversation suddenly asked Li Juan.

"Huh," Li Juan looked at him with dazed eyes. Isn't he is the scarry president of Tang corporation?

"I am under medication sir, I am only allowed to eat vegetables." Li Juan immediately answered a lie came into her mind.

"Oh, I wonder what kind of medication you are following?" Tang Fei who was silent till the moment asked her.

"In the past, I had a head injury and I am still under medication."

"It must be difficult for you." Tang Fei sympathised with her. "You are at an age when you must enjoy your life."

"It is fine now, I'm familiarised with it." Li Juan replied without any emotion.

Tang Wei Sheng looked at Li Juan.

Did she lose some weight?

She looked thin and her complexion looked pale.

Li Juan slowly ate her food with down casted eyes. She didn't want anyone to notice or start a conversation with her.

Lee Tae Min noticed Li Juan's odd behaviour. "Are you alright Noona?"

"May I come in?" Suddenly a gentle female voice rang in the room. Everyone's looks shifted towards the door.

It was Ning Jing, Tang Wei Sheng's fiancée.

Li Juan took a look at her and drew back her eyes into the salad.

"I came here with my friends and I heard that Grandpa and uncle were here. So I thought I will come and greet you." Ning Jing notified them in a gentle voice.

"That's good, little Ning." Tang Fei smiled and continued, "Professor you might've known her.

This is Miss Ning Jing, my granddaughter-in-law."

Tang Fei introduced Ning Jing to everyone present in the room.

"Daughter in law" Tang Wei Sheng felt awkward. They were only engaged by word. And his family already treats Ning Jing as their daughter in law.

He took a peek at Li Juan's face.

She was eating her salad without looking at anyone. She is not even caring to look up to see the intruder in the room.

"Little Ning, this is professor Han Guang and his team. They are the one who researches about the lost city."

"Nice to meet you,"

"Nice meeting you miss Ning and Congratulations on your engagement." Professor Han Guang congratulated with a pleasant smile.

"Thank you." Ning Jing replied with a beautiful smile. She was indeed beautiful and her cute facial features made her look like an angel.

"Grandpa, I will leave now, please enjoy the meal." Ning Jing said to them.

Ning Jing left the room after a brief conversation.

"Chairman Tang, you surely got a beautiful and talented daughter in law." Han Guang praised them.

"She is indeed a good child." Tang Fei smiled in agreement." I was well aware of the fact that my grandson would not choose someone who does not possess the qualities as the daughter in law of Tang family." Chairman Tang stated.

Upon hearing that Li Juan lost her appetite.

She wanted to get out of this room right now!

"Excuse me," Li Juan said sorry and walked towards the washroom.

Why must she endure this heartbreak?

Why? Li Juan splashed water onto her face.

A throbbing sensation started from her temples. Li Juan repeatedly washed her face to keep calm.

No, she must not cry. Li Juan said to herself. But the pain on her temples was getting stronger.

It was a signal for her to take the medicines. Otherwise, she will collapse.

Li Juan kept her bag in the room, so she reluctantly walked out of the washroom.

The moment Li Juan stepped out of the washroom, she saw Tang Wei Sheng standing outside the private room as if he was waiting for her.

Li Juan stopped in her tracks.

She didn't want to talk to him.

Tang Wei Sheng sensed her presence and looked at the direction of Li Juan.

He smiled and started to walk towards her.

"Wei Sheng," Suddenly someone called his name and stopped him.

It was Ning Jing and her friends.

"Do you have a moment?"


"These are my friends," Ning Jing started to introduce her friends to Tang Wei Sheng.

"This is the right time," Li Juan thought and quickly strode towards the private kitchen without looking at Tang Wei Sheng.

"Professor," the moment she entered into the room, Li Juan called Han Guang.

"I have to pick my results from the hospital, can I leave now?"

Han Guang looked at President Tang for permission. After all, it was their treat.

"It is disappointing that you have to leave in the middle of the meal."

"I am sorry President Tang."

"It is alright Miss Li, Let's do something, once your diet is over, we can have a meal together." Tang Yi suggested," What do you think father?"

"Why not?" Tang Fei replied with a smile. "after all, Wei Sheng is getting married, as his junior and friend from high school, we really appreciate if you visit our home."

"Thank you so much for the invitation," Chairman Tang. Li Juan thanked him and picked her bag.

"Noona, I'll come with you." Lee Tae Min immediately stood up from his seat.

Han Guang looked at his researchers in shock.

What are they trying to do?

Are they not afraid of upsetting Elder Tang by leaving in the middle of a meal?

Lee Tae Min didn't wait for any answer. He quickly bowed before them and rushed outside.

"Are they in a relationship or something?" President Tang asked Han Guang.

Han Guang was surprised to see the president of Tang Corporation is a nosy person.

"Not really. Li Juan does not have any immediate family here. So he is the one who takes care of her, due to her medical conditions." Han Guang explained.

"Oh, I see."

When Tang Wei Sheng came back, Li Juan and Lee Tae Min were missing from the dining room.

Did she leave without a word? Tang Wei Sheng was curious.

Does that mean he missed the opportunity to talk to her, once again?

Tang Fei glanced at Tang Wei Sheng's who appeared like appeared heartbroken.

You lost her, there is no way you can win her back!

"Noona what results are you talking about?" Lee Tae Min who followed Li Juan asked her while catching up with her pace.

"Huh, Nothing. I just wanted to get out from there." Li Juan said while panting.

"Is there a problem Noona?" Lee Tae Min grabbed Li Juan's hand and stopped her.

"It is just a headache." Lee Tae Min looked anxious and worried." I will be okay after a nap."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." Li Juan flashed him a faint smile.

"Come, I will drop you at home," Lee Tae Min held her hand and walked towards the parking lot.

Even after dropping Li Juan at home, Lee Tae Min didn't leave immediately.

He stayed at her home till dinner and cooked congee since she didn't eat anything at the restaurant.

"Noona," Lee Tae Min looked at Li Juan who is silently eating the congee.

"Will you be alright, staying here alone?"

Li Juan glanced at him in surprise, "I am living alone for the past two years."

"I know, but your headaches are getting worse as time passes. Should I move here or will you move to my place?" Lee Tae Min's voice filled with concern.

Li Juan put down her spoon and looked at him with gentle eyes.

"I will be alright Tae Minah. You don't have to worry about me." Li Juan assured him with a smile.

"At least can we arrange a maid?" Lee Tae Min sat beside her with puppy eyes and held her shirt's cuff. He acted like a child who needed attention.

"It is okay Tae Minah," she patted his hair with love.

"I will be with you all day and in the night, I will be sleeping.

What is there to fear during my sleep?"

"But still." Lee Tae Min was still not convinced.

"Nothing will happen to me." She reassured him

"It's getting late, you should leave now."

"I will leave after you finish eating."

"Oh, my poor baby." Li Juan pinched his cheeks.

After Dinner Lee Tae Min helped Li Juan to wash the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. He was still delaying on going back to his apartment.

"are you sure you will be alright here? why don't you go to aunt Mei Rong's home?"

"Uffo, this guy!!! I told you, I will be alright."

"Hmm, take a warm bath and sleep early, don't go and immerse yourself in books." Lee Tae Min ordered her.

"Yes, your majesty."

Lee Tae Min smiled and bid adieu to her.

"Good night, drive safe Tae Minah"

Li Juan was in the shower when she heard the continuous ringing of the doorbell.

It must be Lee Tae Min!

This boy, he just went now.

Li Juan quickly changed into a bathrobe and opened the door.

"Hi, Sweetheart!"

Li Juan was stunned to see Tang Wei Sheng at her doorstep.

The person whom she avoided like plague for the entire day, stood at her doorstep, flashing his radiant smile.

Is this a nightmare?