Stuck between Wolf and Dog

Li Juan was stunned to see Tang Wei Sheng when she opened the door. He stood in the entrance flashing his radiant smile.

Li Juan stood in front of the door like a statue with dripping wet hair.

She never expected him to show up at her doorstep, especially at this time.

"You don't invite me inside?" Tang Wei Sheng asked Li Juan who appeared petrified.

"Huh," Li Juan took a step back and let him in.

"Were you in the middle of showering?" Tang Wei Sheng asked Li Juan when he noticed her clean face and dripping wet hair.

"Take a seat. I will change and come back." Li Juan told him and went inside her room.

While she was changing into pyjamas, the doorbell rang again.

Who is this again?

Don't tell me it is Tae Min?

Li Juan quickly changed and rushed outside to find who is the visitor. It was a food delivery man.

"I ordered some food." Tang Wei Sheng smiled and he has already removed his suit jacket.

He rolled up his shirt's sleeves and began to serve the food like a host.

"I already ate," Li Juan said without any emotions.

"You already had your dinner?" Tang Wei Sheng looked at her confusingly. "Hey, at least there will be some space left in your stomach for a salad."

Li Juan quietly walked towards the dinner table and sat with him.

"I wanted to eat dinner with you." Tang Wei Sheng said with a smile and served her the food.

"Hmm, thank you for the food."

Both of them quietly ate the food.

Li Juan was already full, she just ate something for namesake.

Tang Wei Sheng waited patiently, for her to finish eating and wanted to clean the dishes together.

But Li Juan refused his help and sent him back to the living room.

After cleaning up, Li Juan came to the living room and sat opposite to Tang Wei Sheng in the couch.

"So do you have anything to say?" Li Juan asked him calmly.

"Sweet Heart, I'm sorry that I couldn't control the situations." Tang Wei Sheng apologised her. "You are the one I,"

"Wei Sheng Ge lets end it." Li Juan interrupted him.

"Whatever relationships we have now, let's end it."

"Sweetheart, let me explain?" Tang Wei Sheng moved towards her and grabbed her hands with a kneeling position.

"The marriage, it is only a decoy. You might've seen those rumours, our shares were going down and Ning Jing needed my help.

For the sake of both of our family's honour, I had to agree with the marriage. Trust me, sweetheart, I don't love her.

The one, I have ever loved is you, Li Juan." Tang Wei Sheng looked at Li Juan's eyes.

Her eyes lacked warmth and her gaze felt distant.

"Juan, look at me," Tang Wei Sheng called her.

Li Juan raised her eyes and met with Tang Wei Sheng's handsome face. It appeared remorseful.

Li Juan took a deep breath and crossed her hands across the chest.

"Wei Sheng Ge, what do you want me to do?" Li Juan asked him in a firm tone, but her eyes failed to hide the pain.

"Wait for me till everything settles down. I will get divorced and we can have a wedding." Tang Wei Sheng suggested.

"It won't take any long, just six months that's what I'm asking."

Li Juan pursed her lips together and looked at Tang Wei Sheng's breathtakingly stunning face. But what made her curious was the look in his black eyes.

The yearning in his eyes appeared genuine.

"Sweetheart, you waited for me all these years without expecting anything. Now you know me, you know that I love you, so why don't wait for some more time? I promise that nothing will change between us-you will always remain as my girlfriend."

Li Juan's mind was in turmoil. Tang Wei Shengs statements didn't convince her foggy mind.

He was asking for her to wait. Wait till everything gets sorted, including his divorce.

"Wei Sheng Ge, I loved you. I loved you for ten years.

I was too afraid to confess my feelings because I was scared that I will lose you as a friend.

I concealed my feelings deep in my heart.

I have never dared to imagine that both of us can share life.

I was well aware, that it was impossible.

The difference between us is huge.

Even I try a million times, I can never overcome that difference and stand with you as a potential bride.

I will always remain as the daughter of a detective and you will remain as the young master of Tang corporations.

I only wanted to confess my love and I did." Li Juan stopped for a moment and looked at Tang Wei Sheng.

"Sweet Heart, I know. I know you love me and I love you too."

Tang Wei Sheng's face was lit with happiness.

He was sure that Li Juan would never leave him for some mere rumour. She will always understand him.

"But," Li Juan stared directly into Tang Wei Sheng's eyes and continued.

"What you've just mentioned, Tang Wei Sheng you're asking me to become your mistress." Li Juan's eyes were filled with coldness.

"No sweetheart, I didn't mean that.

Corporate weddings, you know it happens with everybody." Tang Wei Sheng tried to explain.

"Heirs of corporations marry each other for the sake of the shares. And after a few months, they will part their ways. What is wrong in it?" Tang Wei Sheng kept it simple.

"You don't find anything wrong in it?" Li Juan asked with hurtful eyes.

Tang Wei Sheng is going to marry Ning Jing for the sake of shares and after that, he is going to divorce her. How simple!

"Sweetheart, what do you want me to do?" Tang Wei Sheng looked at her big black eyes which were filled with a chilling stare.

"What do you want me to do to make you mine?" Tang Wei Sheng was pleading.

"Li Juan, I can't live without you." Tang Wei Sheng pressed her soft palms.

"Wei Sheng Ge let's end this. I really can't." Li Juan tried to pull her palms from his hold.

"Sweetheart," Tang Wei Sheng called her melancholically and tightened his grip on her hands.

"Give me one last chance."

"Wei Sheng Ge," Li Juan pulled out her palms from his hands. His tight grip made red marks on Li Juan's wrist.

The green Jade ring was glistening in her long slender finger. The ring was given by Tang Wei Sheng when he proposed to move in together. Li Juan tried to remove the ring from her finger.

Suddenly Tang Wei Sheng grabbed her fingers and prevented her from removing it.

"No," sweetheart, Tang Wei Sheng was pleading.

In his whole life, he never pleaded for anything to anyone. But when it comes to Li Juan, he was ready to sacrifice everything he owns.

Tang Wei Sheng looked at her face, her eyes were teary and lips were trembling. Her barrier of self restrain was broken.

"Wei Sheng Ge, Please," Tears were dripping down from Li Juan's eyes. Let me go,

Her tears fell on Tang Wei Sheng's hands.

It felt like a hot burning liquid.

A sharp pain arose in his heart.

"Sweetheart," Tang Wei Sheng released his grip on her hands and sat next to her. He cupped her moist face and gazed into those black holes in her eyes.

"Are you scared that people will bad mouth you?"

"Are you scared because you don't want to be a third person, a homewrecker?"

"Fine, Let's get married." Tang Wei Sheng told Li Juan, "let's get married next week itself."

A sudden chill went down Li Juan's spine.

"Wei Sheng Ge, what are you saying?"

"Let's register our marriage and the rest of the things, we can deal with it later." Tang Wei Sheng replied without a second thought.

Li Juan's mind couldn't digest all those words she heard.

"Tang Wei Sheng, do you have any idea about the non- sense you are doing?"

"I want you, sweetheart. I only wanted you."

Tang Wei Sheng captured her lips.

"Please stay with me." Tang Wei Sheng held her waist and pulled her towards him. "I cannot afford to lose you again,"

He was devouring her lips like a hungry wolf.

No one knows how badly He missed her.

For the past ten days, Tang Wei Sheng was going through hell and all he wanted to hold Li Juan in his arms.

While he was struggling with solving the dating scandals and share loses, it was the memory of Li Juan what kept him alive.

He was like a lone wolf who only gained power in the presence of his precious moon.

But on the other hand, Li Juan appeared like a lifeless doll.

Her eyes lacked emotions and appeared like dead fish.

Li Juan's consciousness wanted to resist Tang Wei Sheng's advances, but her body failed to comprehend the signals and remained submissive to his touches.

While Tang Wei Sheng was in ecstasy, Li Juan's mind got bugged with queries and worries.

He is crossing her personal space. Why is she unable to reject him?

Does she desperate for his love and attention?

Is she giving Tang Wei Sheng, a chance to prove himself worthy of her?

Tang Wei Sheng asked her to register their marriage,

The marriage registration is not as simple as it seems.

Even if they secretly register the marriage, For the outer world, he is engaged to another woman.

What will happen if Tang Family comes to know about it?

Will his family also disown him for a marrying an orphan?

"Make her mine"

That was the only line rang in Tang Wei Sheng's mind while kissing her.

Bind her to his soul, make her stay with him for the rest of their life.

Tang Wei Sheng's hands swiftly moved under her shirt and tried to remove it.

Suddenly someone rang the doorbell. Both of them woke up from their world into reality. Li Juan pushed Tang Wei Sheng away from her and rushed to open the door.

It was at Lee Tae Min. He was still wearing his leather jacket and helmet.

"Noona, I forgot to give your medicines." Lee Tae Min smiled and shoved a package into Li Juan's hands.

Li Juan looked at him with a stupified face.

"I saw that your tablets are over, so I bought them over." Lee Tae Min looked at Li Juan remained silent.

"Noona is everything alright?" Lee Tae Min noticed the dazed Li Juan. Her eyes appeared moist and red.

Lee Tae Min touched Li Juan's face.

Her face was slightly hot.

"Noona are you having a fever?"

He grabbed Li Juan's hand and pulled her inside.

"Let's check it now."

Lee Tae Min removed the helmet and was startled to see a man in the couch in the living room.

Like an emperor on the throne, Tang Wei Sheng sat there in the four-figure position.

Why is he here at this time?

The intimidating look on both of their faces clearly showed the disinterest on each other.

Li Juan looked at the two aloof men staring at each other.

Why does she feel that she is stuck between a wolf and a dog?