The Great Wolf

The wolf insists on fidelity from its mate, even after its partner has sworn its devotion.

Is it love or a deep animalistic lust that is the wolf's secret hunger? The answer proves elusive even to the wolf, whose appetites for the hunt bedevil its romantic stability.

When a relationship is in trouble, the wolf leaves no stone unturned in its quest to restore harmony.

Unfortunately, this obsessive behaviour can give the impression that its partner is simply another challenge for the wolf to conquer.

The moment Li Juan resisted Tang Wei Sheng, the alpha wolf inside him overpowered his humanly instincts and tried to dominate his "Luna".

He couldn't stand the fact his mate refused him and choose another person.

Tang Wei Sheng was about to undress when he realized that Li Juan stopped struggling.

Did she submit to his authority?

He looked at Li Juan's face. Her eyes remained closed while her head slightly bent towards the side.

The sight of Li Juan's debilitated body made him startled. A cold chill went down his spine and woke up from hysteria.

"Sweetheart," Tang Wei Sheng called her.

There is no response.

"Li Juan," Tang Wei Sheng patted her cheeks to wake her up.

A thick canal of blood oozed from her nose.

"Juan," Tang Wei Sheng shook her shoulders. But no response,

He took some water from the bedside table and sprinkled on her face.

"What did you do, monster?" Tang Wei Sheng cursed under his breath and checked Li Juan's breath.

"Li Juan, open your eyes." Tang Wei Sheng once again called her and quickly put on Li Juan's clothes.

There is no point in calling her, Tang Wei Sheng immediately wore his shirt and carried her towards the car.

"Li Juan" Someone called her name.

Li Juan opened her eyes to a field filled with white light. She looked around and found that she was all alone in the place.

Where is she?

"Li Juan"

"Yes," Li Juan looked at the direction where she heard the voice.

A familiar silhouette of a woman slowly became visible to her.

In a gust of wind, her long black hair was fluttering all around, making a perfect contrast with her pure white Hanfu. On her hair, she wore a jade hair ornament with five coloured gemstones and a phoenix.

It was the Queen.

Your Majesty!!! Li Juan rushed towards her.

The queen welcomed her with a warm and gentle smile.

You are here!!!! Li Juan stood in front of the queen, maintaining a pace distance.

"It's been a while," The queen said in an affectionate and melodious voice.

Am I dreaming? Li Juan was curious, The queen is talking to her! Whenever she met the Queen in her dreams Li Juan never got an opportunity to talk to her.

"What do you think, Lili?"

Lili! Li Juan glanced at the queen with amusement.

"Lili!!!" Only her mother used to call her like that.

"Mom," Li Juan's involuntarily mumbled that word, " Mom, are you my mother?" She confusingly asked the Queen.

"Only if you want me to,"

"Hmm, I am sorry, I mumbled something unknowingly." Li Juan apologised to her for spurting nonsense. The Queen appears to be same age with her and how dumb is she to ask her that question?

"Why are you here? I thought I will never get a chance to meet you again."

"I came because you called me."

"Did I call you? Li Juan's eyes enlarged in surprise. When?"

Li Juan was confused.

"Just now," the queen smiled at her and continued,

"So from whom should I save you now?"

"Did you save me? Li Juan looked at the ravishing beauty stood in front of her. Isn't she is the same person who appeared bleeding to death in her dreams and asked to save her? "Aren't you the one who asked me to save you?"

"Can't we both save each other? The Queen suggested. "I will save you and you will save me?"

"Huh?" Li Juan appeared clueless.

"Is it a man?" Queen asked Li Juan with a serious face. "Whom you are running away?"

"I am not running away from him." Li Juan tried to hide the truth.


Well, she didn't had an answer to that question.

"Li Juan, be bold to say "No" to the ones who hurt you" She advised Li Juan. " stand up for yourself, speak for yourself."

"He will not listen to me." Li Juan replied in a low voice. " He won't allow me to leave"

"How can you let someone else control your life?" The Queen's beautiful lips curled into a haughty smile. " You are a woman and didn't your mother taught you that you are no lesser than a man?"

Li Juan's face lost its brightness upon mentioning her mother. Why everyone is blaming her mom whenever she does something.

The Queen noticed the colour change in Li Juan's face and realized that her words hurt Li Juan.

"Since you called me Mother, I will help you once again." Queen declared.

"Will you?" Li Juan's face regained its colour.

"Yes, but you should promise me that whenever you will come across with a problem, you will stand up for yourself and speak yourself." Queen looked at with soft and affectionate eyes.

"you will not have someone to save you always, did you understand?"

"Yes, majesty, I promise you that I will not back off and I will always fight for myself." Li Juan assured her with a determined voice.

"And Do not hesitate to take decisions- have some faith in yourself, there is only one of "You" in this world."

The Queen opened her palm and showed it to Li Juan.

"Promise me"

Li Juan reached out for Queen's palm. The moment Li Juan's palm almost touched Queen's palm, her palm went through a hollow space.

The Queen's image started to get blurry.

"Majesty, are you leaving you?" Li Juan asked with a heavy heart.

"We will meet soon, Lili!" The Queen reassured her.

"But," Li Juan had few more questions to ask her.

"Stay true to your promise"

"Majesty, Majesty what is your name?"

"I am You," Queen said with a placid smile and vanished from Li Juan's vicinity.

"I am You, does that mean she is Me?" Li Juan was left in confusion.

Majesty!!!! Li Juan called her once again with her top of lungs.

When Li Juan opened her eyes, she saw the white-coloured walls of the hospital. She turned her gaze from the ceiling and found Tang Wei Sheng sitting near to her bed. He was looking at her with gentle eyes.

"Sweetheart," Tang Wei Sheng called her and pressed the bell to call the doctor.

"Sweetheart, he grabbed her palm...I am sorry sweetheart. I, I didn't mean to hurt you...I am really sorry..." He shared his genuine apologies.

Li Juan moved her eyes from him. She didn't want to see him.

"Sweetheart!!!" Tang Wei Sheng called her once again.

"Excuse me, CEO Tang..." Suddenly the Doctor and nurses came into the room. Tang Wei Sheng got up from Li Juan's side.

"How are you, Miss Li Juan? Can you talk?" The doctor asked Li Juan.

Hmm. Li Juan hummed.

"Good, let me check your vitals." He took her hand and checked the pulse. There was a red ribbon like mark was on Li Juan's wrist.

"You don't have to worry everything is fine." The doctor smiled and told her.

"Nurse, give her some liquid food." He notified the nurse, "if you feel uncomfortable please let us know, especially headaches or fatigue"

"Yes," Li Juan replied nonchalantly."Okay then, CEO Tang please," Doctor called Tang Wei Sheng and walked outside. Li Juan let out a sigh of relief.

"How is her condition?" Tang Wei Sheng asked the doctor.

"I am not hiding anything, her condition is not good." The doctor said with a worried face. " With the information you provided us, it is a miracle that she survived this time."

"Is there anything we can do for her?" Tang Wei Sheng asked in a low voice.

"There is no permanent solution for her condition. All we can try to stabilize her condition with medicines." Doctor notified Tang Wei Sheng.

"But please try to avoid all the things which can give stress to the patient."

"Yes, doctor."

"Even though her injuries are not that bad, we can say that it is an attempt of molestation." The doctor asked Tang Wei Sheng with a curious face." Are you sure that you don't want to report the case?"

Since the Tang Corporation is the hospital's one of the hospital authorities attended Li Juan's case without any questions. They only know that the patient was brought by Tang Wei Sheng.

"Is she alright?" Tang Wei Sheng asked.

"We checked for the signs of any physical intercourse, doctor stopped for a moment. "Nothing happened to her, she is still a virgin."

"Hm…, Tang Wei Sheng hummed."

"These kinds of cases, you needed to report." The doctor reminded him." It is a criminal offense."

"I will handle this. Doctor, thanks for the hard work,"

Tang Wei Sheng thanked him and went back to Li Juan's room.

Li Juan was sitting on the bed and was having soup.

"Nurse, May I..." Tang Wei Sheng asked the nurse and she gave him the soup bowl and spoon and left the room.

Tang Wei Sheng tried to feed her. But Li Juan refused to look at him.

"Sweetheart!!! I know you are mad at me.

If you don't eat, how are you going for the expedition?" Tang Wei Sheng knew that bringing the topic of the expedition will make her eat the food.

Li Juan glared at him and snatched the spoon from his hand and started to drink the soup. Tang Wei Sheng smiled.

"I am really sorry sweetheart; I didn't mean to hurt you. I was not in right mind at that time when you said that you don't want to marry just made me go crazy."

Li Juan remained silent.

"Things at my family, It is not as simple as you think. I am an heir of Tang Corporation...but not the only one. There are lots of people who have an eye on my position. In order to secure my position, I have to gain support from a lot of people and Ning Jing is one of them." Tang Wei Sheng tried to explain.

"For her, I am a benefactor. I have told you a thousand times that the relationship between us strictly professional and there is no romantic feelings attached to it.

There is only one person in my life that I consider as mine and that's you, sweetheart. Living without you will be torture for me."

Li Juan didn't respond to him. She just immersed herself in drinking the soup.

"Say something..."He tried to touch her hand. Li Juan dodged from him.

"I am sorry." No response from Li Juan.

"Juan, look at me???" Tang Wei Sheng was desperate. Li Juan refused to look at him.

"I know you are disappointed with me. But can't you forgive me once? I couldn't control myself at that time. I love you and I want you."

"Do you think that we can live without ourselves? He tried to negotiate.

"Says something?"

"I have already said about my decision." Li Juan said with an aloof face." We are not meant to be together."

"Why do you think like that?"

"There is something called morality." Li Juan didn't sugar coat her words.

"Do you think that what I am doing right now is immoral?"

Li Juan didn't say anything.

"Why don't you just understand the situation, Juan? It is for both of us. I love you and you love me, why don't you adjust a little bit?" Tang Wei Sheng was deseperate and equally annoyed with Li Juan's attitude.

"I don't want to argue with you."

"Don't argue then..."

" Will you, lease leave me alone." Li Juan said in an annoyed tone.

"Okay...I will go now, but I will come back later." Tang Wei Sheng agreed to that Li Juan need some rest to think properly. " When I return, you have to be prepared with an answer."

Li Juan glared at him in disbelief.

"Why don't you try to understand that I don't want to marry you? Li Juan asked him suddenly.

That question shocked Tang Wei Sheng, but he hid it very well and refuted back with the same tone.

"Why don't you tell me the reason for rejecting me?"

"I don't love you anymore."

The moment Li Juan shut her mouth, the look in Tang Wei Sheng's bright eyes changed grim,

"You don't love me anymore, why? Did you find someone else?"

The change in Tang Wei Sheng's face startled Li Juan.

Is he back?

The one who scares her,

The one who is obsessed with her,

The one who claims that he owns her,

Tang Wei Sheng's alter ego, Tang Wei Lang!!!