The Untamed Beast

Seven years ago,

During the summer holidays, Li Juan started to work part-time work at a restaurant. It wasn't anything fancy, just a pork belly restaurant run by an old lady. The owner needed someone to help her and she asked Mei Rong to look for some one. Since Li Juan was looking for a part-time job and the restaurant was nearby, Mei Rong recommended it to Li Juan. Even the work timings- four to eight pm, was feasible for Li Juan, .

Qiao Chu who finishes his daily basketball practice session around eight pm, volunteered to pick up Li Juan after her work hours.

But one day Qiao Chu had a match and he was unable to accompany Li Juan. That was the day when she witnessed the transformation of Tang Wei Sheng into his beastly alter ego.

Li Juan was about to leave the restaurant when a last-minute delivery order came. It was from a club across two blocks.

"Xiao Li, Shao Fei just called, they just ran out of their side dishes. Can you deliver this?" the restaurant owner asked Li Juan.

"Yes, aunt Mo"

"They are having a busy day and no one is free enough to pick the order." The owner tried to explain the situation.

"It is alright, aunt Mo." Li Juan said with a smile.

"Let's do something, Since the club is on the way to your home, you collect the cash and give it to tomorrow," Aunt Mo suggested.

Li Juan took the package from the owner.

"Okay, Good night aunt Mo, see you tomorrow"

"Good night Xiao Li, drive safe"

The club was just two blocks away and Li Juan reached there quicker than she thought. She went towards the backyard of the club and parked her bicycle.

"Your delivery is here," Li Juan informed in a loud voice.

"Yes, I am coming" someone shouted from the kitchen and rushed outside.

"Thank you so much, He paid Li Juan and took the package. "we are sorry that you have to come to deliver this" The man apologized to Li Juan when he realised that it was a girl who delivered the order in this time.

"Ah it is alright, it must be a busy day for you, keep the good work," Li Juan said with a smile and walked out.

Li Juan was about to leave the backyard when she got stopped a drunken man.

"How much?" He asked her while scanning her top to bottom.

Li Juan looked at him in confusion,

What is he asking? She tried to ignore him and walked ahead.

He immediately grabbed Li Juan's hand and stopped her.

"Where are you going? I asked you how much is your rate?"

"You are mistaken, I am not, I came to," Li Juan tried to explain.

"I know who you are, come with me" he pulled Li Juan towards him.

"Bro, What are you doing there?" Another man shouted from the other end of the back yard.

"I've found us a company for tonight," The drunk man yelled excitedly.

"She looks too young to become an escort"

"Nowadays they just start early" he commented and tried to hold Li Juan closer.

"Don't touch me!!!" Li Juan yelled.

"This one is fierce" The man laughed to tightened his grip on Li Juan's hand and Li Juan immediately dodged him and kicked his legs.

He immediately fell on the ground

"Bro!!!" the other man who was watching them from another side, shouted and ran towards them.

"Here comes the danger," An alarming tone rang in Li Juan's mind and she immediately darted towards her bicycle.

Before Li Juan could start cycling, the man who followed her, kicked the bicycle. Li Juan fell to ground with a Thud sound.

"Ah, lowly bitch, where are you running away?" The man grabbed Li Juan's hair and picked her from the ground.

"Ahhhhh!!!! Leave me!!!" Li Juan tried to kick him away.

"Oh, you like to kick people!!!" He aimed his fist towards Li Juan's face.


Something hit his head. He pushed Li Juan to the ground and turned back to see who hit him.

It was a Tang Wei Sheng.

Li Juan was startled to see him at the club.

What is he doing here? He was supposed to be on a vacation.

Tang Wei Sheng wanted to meet Li Juan,

It was only in the afternoon that he returned to Jing city from the vacation. As soon as he reached home, the first thing he did was to visit Li Juan. However, when he went to her house he got to know that Li Juan started working in a restaurant. He went to the restaurant and followed her to the club only to witness that someone is trying to assault Li Juan.

"Who the F**k are you?" The man growled at Tang Wei Sheng.

Tang Wei Sheng scorned and hit him again with his helmet.

"You dared to hit my moon?"

"YAAAA," the man tried to punch Tang Wei Sheng, but he blocked him and kicked back in his gut. The man immediately spat blood.

"Ha, what is this teenage love story?" someone commented in a mocking voice.

Tang Wei Sheng looked at the direction where the voice heard.

A gruesome-looking man with four other men stood near the back gate of the club.

"Boss!!!" The man who fought with Tang Wei Sheng called him.

"Is this your pack?" Tang Wei Sheng grabbed the collar of the man and kicked him towards his gang.

"Easy boy," the boss tried to pacify the angry young man before him.

"Who are you?"

Tang Wei Sheng looked at him with raging eyes.

"A measly boy who is still wet behind ears, you dared to hit my men?"

"These are your men?" Tang Wei Sheng looked at them with insolent eyes.

"Which pack leader lets their betas go rogue?"

"Huh?" The boss looked at him with confused eyes. "What is he saying?"

"You are an incompetent leader" Tang Wei Sheng replied casually.

"This bastard," one of the men in the gang cussed at Tang Wei Sheng. But their boss stopped him with a look.

"Boss, he is just a high schooler, why are you listening to him?"

"What is your name?"

"Wei Lang." Tang Wei Sheng replied.

Wei Lang! Li Juan looked at Tang Wei Sheng with a surprised face.

"So Wei Lang, why did you hit my men?"

"Hit? I should've killed them."

"For a lowly woman who sells her body," The boss looked at Li Juan with a dirty smile.


The boss didn't see that coming, within a glimpse of an eye, something hit his face and he spat blood.

It was Tang Wei Sheng; he threw a punch on to the boss's face.

"You dared to abuse my woman in front of me" Tang Wei Sheng grabbed the collar of the boss and repeatedly punched the face without even giving a moment to breathe.

" What are you looking at fools, help the boss" One of them shouted and rushed towards Tang Wei Sheng.

They grabbed Tang Wei Sheng and tried to move him away from their boss. But unfortunately, none of their efforts worked, Tang Wei Sheng kept on punching.

"Senior Tang" Li Juan rushed towards them to save Tang Wei Sheng.

"Get the girl," One of the men growled. It was clear that the girl was the weak point of this demon. They will have a chance to end his arrogance.

A man approached Li Juan with a knife and caught her as a hostage.

"Li Juan!!!" Tang Wei Sheng looked at Li Juan who is at the knifepoint and stopped fighting.

" HAHAHA, Of course, you love your girlfriend," The man who held Li Juan closer to his body and kept the knife on her neck.

Tang Wei Sheng looked at Li Juan with helplessness and anger.

One of the men from the gangster gang punched Tang Wei Sheng and he did not fight back. His eyes were focused on Li Juan.

"Senior Tang!!!" Li Juan yelled upon seeing Tang Wei Sheng getting hurt.

The men ganged upon Tang Wei Sheng and beat him without any mercy until he fell on the ground.

"You loverboy, what did you say? kill those who abused my woman, keep your eyes wide open and see what I'm going to do to your little love... AHHHHHHHH!!!!! "

His words got replaced by an ear-deafening scream and thud sound

Tang Wei Sheng looked at the direction of Li Juan.

He saw a young man in the early twenties with a bloody kitchen knife standing beside Li Juan.

The man who tried held Li Juan as a hostage was laying in the ground under that young man's feet.

Someone rescued Li Juan.

The moment Tang Wei Sheng realized that Li Juan is safe, he blocked the punches thrown by the gangster gang and stood up.

All of them looked at Tang Wei Sheng like they have seen a devil.

It was impossible,

They have beat this boy to pulp and still, he is standing upright in front of them, without showing any pain.

"What monster is he?"

Tang Wei Sheng looked at them with furious eyes.

"I give you five minutes to run for your life. Or your death will be even pathetic than a street dog."

His warning was cold and brutal.

The men looked at each other.

"One!" Tang Wei Sheng stretched her arms and cracked his knuckles "Two!"

"He is a monster, he is gonna kill us,"

The men got panicked and tried to run away from the scene with their unconscious leader.

The young man removed his feet from the goon was lying down. He immediately stood up from the ground with a bleeding arm.

He tried to catch up with his gang, without making eye contact with Tang Wei Sheng.

"Not you!" Tang Wei Sheng blocked him.

"Which hand did you use to touch my woman?"

He looked at Tang Wei Sheng with terrified eyes.

His arm already got injured and what is now?

Tang Wei Sheng walked closer to him and grabbed his uninjured arm.

" Do you know why I hit your friend in the first place? He held her hair like this,"

Tang Wei Sheng grabbed the man's hair on the back of his head. The man screamed in pain.

"You know what I dislike the most?"

"I hate it when someone touches what is mine" Tang Wei Sheng said with a cold smirk and pointed towards Li Juan,

" that girl over there, she is mine. You dared to put your filthy hands on her and even dared to threaten me. How should I repay you?" Tang Wei Sheng let out a scornful laugh and twisted his arm.

The man howled in pain.

"Do you have any, Ah a scum like you don't deserve any last words?" Tang Wei Sheng grabbed the neck of the man and tried to lift him from the ground.

"No, No, don't kill me!"

Is he going to kill that man? Li Juan looked at Tang Wei Sheng with horrified eyes. Where is the Tang Wei Sheng she knew? The one who is standing before is a ruthless demon.

"Senior Tang, No!!!" Li Juan darted towards Tang Wei Sheng and clung to his arm.

"No, don't do this."

Huh! Tang Wei Sheng looked at her with a surprise." What are you saying my moon? You want to leave him like that, see, I'm getting revenge for you."

"Wei Sheng ge, please, I beg you, leave him."

Li Juan tried to loosen his grip on the man's neck.

" He is going to die, you are going to kill him, Wei Sheng ge, don't do this, listen to me please," Li Juan begged him with teary eyes.

Upon seeing her tears, Tang Wei Sheng released the man and threw him to the ground.

"What did you call me?" Tang Wei Sheng gazed at her big black eyes and repeated his question."Wei Sheng ge! HAHAHA"

Looking at the evil laughter of Tang Wei Sheng, Li Juan was startled for a moment and took her hands off from him.

The look in his eyes felt different. It is not Tang Wei Sheng.

"Wei Lang, It is Tang Wei Lang," He corrected her.

"Remember, it is me whom you belong to, not that coward."

Tang Wei Sheng reached out for Li Juan, but the moment his palm touched her, he collapsed to the ground.

"Wei Sheng ge!!!" Li Juan tried to get hold of his body.

The young man who stood there watching all these came closer to Li Juan.

" Big brother, can you call an ambulance, we need to get him into hospital"

The man sat beside her and checked an unconscious Tang Wei Sheng.

"He got beaten to a pulp and I doubt something wicked happened to his brain too? Let's inform his family first."


"Do you know his parent's contact number or something?"

Li Juan immediately recited Tang's family's phone number and the man went to call the ambulance.

Li Juan looked at Tang Wei Sheng who is lying on her lap.

Senior Tang, Li Juan wiped the sweat and dirt from Tang Wei Sheng's face.

Li Juan couldn't believe the fact that there is an untamed beast inside Tang Wei Sheng, who is ready to kill for his woman.

"Tang Wei Lang, the one who claims that Li Juan belongs to him."