Cutting their way through the dense, suffocating undergrowth, fighting through the very air, which hung heavy, moist and still. Trees tall as cathedrals surrounded them, and a strange green light - almost holy - shimmered through the vast canopy of leaves. The rain forest seemed to have an intelligence of it's own. It's voice was the sudden screech of a parrot, the flicker of a monkey swinging through the branches overhead. It knew they were there. So far they had been lucky. They had been attacked, of course, by leeches and mosquitoes and stinging ants. But the snakes and scorpions had left them alone.

"We won't survive" said Casey while crying in a broken voice. "We have to survive for the sake of the whole humanity" replied Axel. "Not for long kid, as soon as we reach the earth we both will tell everything to our leader" said Quipz. "You guys have good brains, so we'll extract it with special care" said Omega. "Consider it as a privilege humans" said Quipz. "Let's see what will happen" replied Fred. "Argh, too bad kid 6 humans versus super strong and ultra-advanced aliens. Humans will be awarded a spot in our great book of invasions and you will be placed in the column for extinct species" replied Omega. "There's very less time to fight each other, c'mon lead the way Omega" said Madeleine. "Yup, you are right we are short on time, follow me" replied Omega. They moved like a train, one behind one and so on.

The towering trees slanted over the land, the sun passed through any miniature hole it can reach and illuminated the green background. They moved east and they were now half way done. They were luck that they weren't attacked by wild creatures. Axel looked forward and spotted a wide river in front of them. He guessed that there would be fishes that could kill them. Omega and Quipz thought of a way to cross the river and in the meantime the crew members made a machete out of stones and wood and they tried to make a small raft.

The river passed through the jungle wide and opaque. The water was green, darker in the shadows and more pale in the light, but still green. Against the noise of the birds that are welcoming the new day the gentle murmur of the water can only just be heard, a backdrop to the musical notes coming from above. For all its serenity there is more danger in its swirling depths than the trees behind. Between the crocs and the piranhas Axel didn't even wanted to get his boots wet. But in this wooden raft it will take them miles in the direction they wished to travel.

"Hey, Quipz how do you know our language?" asked Axel. "We are highly advanced that we can understand anything if we point our eyes at a specific thing. Likewise when I looked at you guys I understood most of the things about you" answered Quipz. "Whoa, that's pretty cool" said Axel. "Hmm, if this wasn't the savage lands I could have used my powers, damn it" said Quipz.

It was dark and by that time the raft was ready. Quipz and Omega had built a small shed at the tree top so that they can have a sound sleep. Everybody took shelter in the small shed and they occupied some space for each person to sleep. "Beware of the crawling venom bearers humans" said Quipz. "We know how to handle snakes, so don't teach us" replied Fred. Quipz said nothing in reply and he laid down and went to sleep.

In the darkness under shade of the trees the snakes lay the eggs. Without any detectable noise the shells were pushed from the inside until they cracked and oozed clear liquid. No-one witnessed the birth of the black mamba snakes, already two feet in length. The new born snakes yawned, showing their black mouths and fangs, everyone with enough poison to kill a dozen of the sleeping people above. Each body, a smooth column of armoured muscle, slithered into the charcoal light that preceded the dawn. Pale bellies gliding over the parched soil and stone, dark backs to the fading stars.

Axel failed to sleep that night as he was afraid of the snakes that hisses and kills the humans. Late at the night he heard the hissing sound of the snakes and when he looked down he saw two or three black mambas crawling through the soil. The snakes of that region were nothing to be trifled with. Almost every one of them packed enough venom to drop as many men as were foolish enough to get close. There were some that revered them, some phobic. For most it was a matter of having a healthy respect and letting the snakes do their thing.

The star which luminates the savage lands rose in the west and Axel was surprised to see that. All the six of them were confused on seeing the sun rise in the west. "Don't be surprised, it is usual" said Omega. "But how is that possible?" asked Phil. "The savage lands are located in a different dimension so the Gioang in the west" replied Omega.

They pulled the raft into the river and everyone jumped onto the raft. Axel and Phil paddled the raft and when they were half way down their raft was attacked by the piranhas which kills and eats the humans leaving behind their prey's skeletons. Axel sand Phil somehow managed to paddle the raft to the other end and they jumped out of the raft in a hurry. As soon as they got out the raft was completely eaten by the man eaters. They were so afraid that they screamed aloud and Casey fainted on seeing such crazy things. "This river is a ribbon of living turquoise, boldly flowing amid the green of the forest. No matter the chatter of the trees it is steady, welcoming, refreshing. On quiet days it can be heard to whisper its wisdom, on stormy days it is lost to all but those who listen closely. The river always talks, always speaks the wisdom of the water to anyone who treasures its musical words. Even on the rainiest of days it can heard beneath the splashes, a sacred melody, always moving, always present" said Quipz. "Only the bravest of braves can drink water from this river and the person who drinks it would become strong and nourished and the light of wisdom will be shone on him and he will be the wisest man on the whole universe" said Omega. "Was anyone able to do that?" asked Madeleine. "Yes, the great and mighty Riop was able to do that, now he's the leader of our planet Zewo. No one in the crew dared to make a try to drink water from the river. After a few minutes Casey woke up and enquired about the things that had happened while she was unconscious.

"So what is the next step Quipz?" asked Axel. "Walk straight until this jungle ends" replied Quipz. They walked straight slashing and hacking the bushes and thorny plants in front of them with a machete. Hours passed by and they were at the end of the great jungle. "I think all you said was a lie Quipz, this jungle wasn't dangerous as you've said" said Fred. "Kid, thank the goddess of the great jungle for not being attacked by the enormous and dangerous animals here". When Fred looked forward he saw a round thing and he asked Quipz about that. Quipz replied that it is a teleporter and it will help them reach the middle part of the savage lands which is a barren land. When they started walking towards the teleporter they heard a loud roaring sound. "It might be a Lion" said Fred. "Nah, it ain't kid. It is a sabre-tooth. Jump into that hole before that dreaded animal comes" shouted Omega. The saber toothed tiger jumped on to them in a flash but they were lucky enough not to be eaten by that animal as they all have jumped into that time vortex.