Icy winds blew over the entire land and it was so cold that small water droplets get turned into small ice pieces. Quipz and Omega gathered some barks and rubbed two stones together to make a spark that would ignite the dry barks. Meanwhile the crew members resisted the extreme climate. Madeleine said "poor man Axel, we shouldn't have left him alone". "It was our only choice" replied Phil. "Axel would be remembered forever for sacrificing his life to save the earth" said Fred. "Without him we can't do anything" said Madeleine. "Change your mind set Madeleine, then you'll feel that anything can be done" replied Fred. Madeleine went near Casey and said "There is something weird with Fred". "That is because of your goofy thoughts Madeleine".

Madeleine had been doubting Fred right from the day they met. Before a few days Madeleine had seen Fred speaking to himself some weird things. He spoke about radiations and nuclear wars, but Madeleine didn't care about that at that time because Fred was a science student. But as time went by Madeleine had spotted some loopholes in Fred's behaviour and decided to talk with him in a different way. But she wasn't able to talk to him as a different Madeleine. Fred became more suspicious to Madeleine when he jumped on to Quipz to grab the techno watch. She was sure that an alien on a mission to destroy humanity would have surely killed them right at the moment when they were seen. Madeleine's suspicions grew stronger when they left behind Axel.

10 minutes went by and within that time Quipz and Omega had stored sufficient amount of heat in their bodies. They then asked the humans to come near them to start their journey to the well of hope. Quipz said "I have said about the well of hope earlier but it was a mistake, it is actually the tower of hope". "Oh, it isn't a big mistake" replied Fred. Quipz started walking straight and the crew members followed him. After an hour Quipz said "We're halfway down". "We are so lucky that we weren't attacked by ice creatures" said Omega. Fred winked his eyes and said "Your's is a golden tongue Omega, look straight and see who's coming". An ice monster was approaching them and all of them scattered. Fred said "let's take shelter in a tree top". "How are we gonna climb up?" asked Madeleine. "Do whatever you can" replied Fred. The ice monster had sharp glossy teeth and it reflected the light that fell on it. It's eyes were blue in colour and a common man would faint right at the moment when he or she sees such a creature. Madeleine shivered and closed her eyes in fear and said in mind "I'm coming to you Axel, will surely meet you at heaven". Everyone thought that death was near Madeleine. When she opened her eyes she saw the ice monster sitting like a dog near her legs. The others thought that everything was fine and they jumped from the tree tops in that belief and started to walk towards Madeleine. She patted on the ice monster's head gently with her gentle palm and said "hey there cutie pie". When the ice monster saw the others coming near Madeleine it screamed aloud and ran towards Fred and hit him hard with its stone head. He was hurt and he started to cry aloud. The ice monster then stood on legs and ran towards Madeleine and took her in its arms and swallowed her and ran away in joy. Fred grinned and shouted "We have lost her too, what the hell is going on here". "Oh dear, our task is easier now!" replied Omega. They were sure that Madeleine would be killed by that ice monster so rather than waiting for her come back they started walking to the final destination.

Madeleine was still inside the ice monster's belly, but surprisingly she was still alive. She was able to breath but it was difficult for her to move and she could sense the movements of the ice monster due to its muscle movement. After a few minutes Madeleine no more sensed the movements of the ice monster.

Axel was standing in the middle of nowhere when the ice monster came near him with his best friend Madeleine. Axel had a magic wand in his hands and a crown on his head. His eyes shone bright and his facial expression showed that he was dampened by the activities of his friends. He raised the magic wand and commanded "come out Madeleine". As soon as he murmured those words a bright purple coloured ray was emitted towards the ice monster from his magic wand. When the ray touched the ice monster it melted down and Madeleine was set free from its belly. "Don't worry Madeleine this is me Axel" said Axel in a godly voice. Madeleine ran towards him, hugged him tight and said "I thought that you were dead Axel". "It's a far possibility Maddie" replied Axel. "What happened to you Axel?" asked Madeleine. "Before a lot of years the god of savage lands Zehorah was cursed by a witch and was turned into a rattle snake. In order to nullify the curse he had to bite a human who comes to the savage lands. Luckily I got bitten by him and he got back to his actual form and I was able to ask him for a wish. I asked about my friends' location and I granted me a magic ball. He said that if I touch that ball sincerely I would be able to hear your sounds and see the visual representation of your locations. Luckily I was able to hear and see you all. After that he said that only a few would be able to do that, so I was given new powers by him and now I'm the king of the savage lands" replied Axel. "Woah, you are a superhuman and a magician now" said Madeleine. "I'm no longer a superhuman. If I was so I would have been dead by this day" replied Axel. "Axel, don't feel bad because I'm just revealing my goofy thoughts" said Madeleine. Axel wasn't willing to reveal more about his powers because he had planned a lot of things in his mind. "Okay tell me Maddie" replied Axel. "Don't feel bad because I'm gonna reveal my goofy thoughts" said Madeleine.

Axel wasn't willing to reveal more about his powers because he had planned a lot of things in his mind. "Okay tell me Maddie" replied Axel. Madeleine looked down and said "I'm doubtful about Fred, he's so friendly with the aliens and I spotted him smiling when the aliens decided to leave you alone". "Ah, leave it Maddie, it might be your mistake. Please don't think that I'm supporting my brother".

Axel too had some doubts on Fred but he wasn't able to trace out his mind with his special abilities.

Within that time the aliens and the remaining crew members reached the tower of hope. Omega gave a wide grin to Phil and said "Yup, we have reached the destination". Quipz said in Uqua, an alien language "Omega, I've manipulated Phil's, Casey's and Lucy's brains and now they are completely in our control". "Excellent work Quipz" replied Omega in the same language. "Then what about me alien guys?" asked Fred in Uqua as Fred is a worker of the aliens. "Oops, if your brother was still alive he would have died of a heart attack knowing that you are a traitor. I have transmitted a message to your brain stating all your rewards" said Quipz. Fred went through all the words in that message and replied "Oh thanks so much for promising to make me the king of the whole earth". "Hey kid, keep in mind one thing" said Omega. "What's that?" asked Fred. "Even if you are the king of earth you'll be always subordinate to our leader Riop Z". "Oh, that's easy" replied Fred. Quipz used his powers to transform the other 3 humans into their servants. Fred said "Let's open the wormhole to Earth". "And yes, we've successfully got rid of the 2 scoundrels, but I still don't know why I wasn't able to manipulate their brains" said Quipz. "It doesn't matter now Quipz, lets open the wormhole" replied Omega. Quipz used his techno watch to open the wormhole to earth. After a few seconds the wormhole was opened and they jumped into it. It was dark inside the wormhole, Fred saw shining things which was as small as a pin hole. Fred gone unconscious as he was a human and had no experience travelling through wormholes. The others too had went unconscious except the aliens. After a few minutes they reached the point in earth where the leader of Zewo was resting. Quipz used his powers again to make Fred conscious again.

Quipz asked Omega and Fred to wait outside until he calls them inside Riop's shelter. He opened the door leading to Riop's room. "Boss" called Quipz. "And yes you are back. I think the plan has worked out" replied Riop. "Yes boss, everything is perfectly fine" said Quipz in reply. "Whole thanks goes to Fred, hahaha" said Riop. "Without him we would have done nothing" said Quipz. "Yup, I know" replied Riop.