After taking a bath, I immediately went to my bed and saw my gown and the mascara.

I might thank Annie for making me borrow her stiletto heels. She's even curious about it so I reasoned that I'll use her stiletto heels 'coz I'm attending a party whic is not a lie.

I dried my hair with a blower and styled it. I put seducing make up and I applied blood red lipstick to make it more seductive.

I styled my hair into messy bun and I wore my accessories. Then I unbuckle my robe.

I wore a stretchy black band on my right leg so I can put my pistol there. After that, I wore my gown and Annie's red stiletto heels. It has a slit on the left side and it's really seductive.

I grabbed my red chain sling bag and put my tactical knife, pepper spray, extra pistol, invitation card, and my phone. I can bring this deadly weapons because I'm confident that they can't see what's inside my precious bag. Thay can't detect what's inside my bag because it's special. My mom gave this to me. And knowing mom, I know that it's not ordinary.

After preparing, I walked towards the box and wore the mascara. I sighed and looked at the mirror.

"Okay, this is it." I whispered to myself as I walked towards the door. I opened it and walked outside. I entered the elevator and press the key to the ground floor. I waited a seconds before I heard the bell. A sign that I'm already at the ground floor.

I immediately walked out and went to my precious Ducati. I started the engine and drove to the venue.

When I arrived, I parked my motorbike first before walking. I glanced at every corner of my surrounding and smirked. A lot of people are checking on me. Well, I'm gorgeous.

I walked towards the entrance. And while I'm doing that, I can hear some whispers behind me. Are they talking to me? Am I really stunning? Don't get me wrong but I'm not a self-proclaimed attention seeker. I just want to be like this right now. I want to experience this since I'm not into this. Or is it because of my bigbike?

I stopped and gave the invitation to them. They made me stand to a spear. A green laser that can detect any deadly weapons. But I still raised my chin up. I am confident that they can't detect what's on my bag. As what I've said earlier, my bag is special. After that, I can finally enter the Ball.

I saw some musicians playing a soft song using violin, flute, and piano. I travelled my eyes. A lot of people are here. Some of them are corrupt officials, business man and woman and so on. I smirked inwardly.

I went to find my table where my colleague is waiting. I almost jump when someone talked on my hidden earpiece.

"On your left, Anicka." Ah I forgot to mention that my earrings are special just like my bag.

I tilted my head and walked towards the table. The man stood up and held my hand. He smiled but I remained my poker face.

"Good evening, Ms. Wilson." He then kissed my hand as a sign of respect. I just rolled my eyes at him.

"Ahh... gentlemen, may I introduce to you my cousin, Ms. Anicka Wilson." Lexus my cousin, introduced me to them. I glanced at them but I stopped and stared at the man who's staring at me.

He's with a slutty woman who's very clingy but I don't give a damn. I know that he's a powerful human being because of his aura. His presence is too much to handle.

I gulped when he looked at me from head to toe. It's like he's checking me out. After that, he stared at me with his dark piercing eyes. I looked away from his stares.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Wilson. I'm Edward, and my wife... Jane." The mid 40's man introduced. I plastered a fake smile and held their hands as a sign og handshake.

"Yeah, it's nice... meeting you too."

I saw in my peripheral vision, the slutty koala stood up and walked towards me.

"It's not nice to meet you, Ms. Wilson. I'm Addison. And his my boyfriend, I saw you kanina. You are staring at him. Don't you ever dare to snatch him or else--"

"One threat and I'll slice you to death." I threatened her and gave her my deadliest glare. She stilled and walked backwards. That's when Lexus interrupt.

"My apology Ms. Addison. Don't mind her threat she's a hot tempered woman." He said and immediately held my wrist and made me sit beside him. I didn't mind the slutty koala's glare while she walks back to her sit.

I just stared at nowhere until the waiter came and gave us our dinner. While eating, I simply frowned when I saw my peripheral vision, the two love birds are flirting. Hey! Single here! I tsked. And I didn't mind that I ate something bitter. Damn, I'm not bitter. I just hate PDA. I grabbed a bottle of water and sipped on it. I can feel his stares but I didn't mind.

While eating, the man called Edward spoke.

"So Mr. Taylor, how's the delivery? Hindi ba natunton ng mga police?" I stilled in a moment but continued to eat in a casual way.

"What do you think of me? Nagpapahuli sa mga police?" I feel like all of my hair stood up because of his dangerous voice. It's too deep like he's commanding. Mr. Edward laugh nervously then drunk his water. I think we feel the same.

"Chill. It's not what you think. What I mean to say is, did your people delivered the cocaine in Vanuatu safely? I'm just worried."

"Yeah." He just said. Mr. Edward just nodded and then the table went silent. Again. After a minute, Mr. Edward again, spoke.

"By the way, the case of that fucking Gatchalian couple opened again. It's almost 2 years and then now, they're trying to investigate again? Damn that PID." I froze when I felt Lexus stopped on eating. I held the utensils tightly and I simply stomped his feet. I think he felt my stiletto on his so he calmed down.

"Oh, is that so?" Lexus reacted while chewing.

"Yeah, they found an information that hey have a child. I need to find their child first before them. So I can kill him and no evidence will be found." Before Lexus turn to beast, I immediately joined the conversation.

"So..." I started and gulped down. I glanced at Edward who's also looking at me while eating his food. "Do we care?" I continued. They all went to silent, also Lexus who's now looking at me with confusion on his eyes. I sipped my wine and raised my brows at them.

"What?" I asked. I saw Addison rolled her eyes.

"What a cheap woman." Hah! What the heck is her problem?

"What a slut woman." I talked back to her. She immediately glanced at me and glared. I just gave her my annoying smile.


"I'll take that as a compliment, Ms. Koala." I jokingly said.

"What did you say?!" She stood up and was ready to fight when Mrs. Jane spoke.

"Okay-okay, chill girls." Said Mrs. Jane. I went to silent and didn't glance at the koala who's now giving me her ugly glare.

"What really is the problem with that woman? I didn't even know her existence." I whispered to myself.

"She's insecure bitch because Mr. Taylor noticed you." Lexus answered me. I raised my brows.

"I don't give a damn with that man. I didn't even know his existence." Then I simply looked at the man but then I immediately looked away when I caught him AGAIN staring at me. What the goddamn fuck is their problem really?

"Do you even care? He's actually staring at you since the time when you came." I simply stomped his foot making him flinch.

We finished our food and the meeting finally started. I'm getting bored here you know. And the host was about to talk when a man, a man walked towards the center and stood up infront of the host. Now, he took the attention of the people. And the host' face filled with confusion while looking at the man. The people we're shock when the man suddenly pulls out a gun on his hidden pocket and shoot the host' forehead. All of us immediately stood up after the show.

After that shocking incident, a lot of MIB walked towards the man. Then they pulled out their guns and then they started firing the guests making the others scream and hide tk save their lives.

I cursed under beneath my breath. "Fuck Agents." I tsked. I pulled out my pistol inside mh bag and made my tactical knife a hair clip.

I started firing the enemies with Lexus since we have no choice Damn that DIA. Great. Just great. They fucking ruined the plan!

I run and find a place to hide to prevent myself from the flying bullets. I fired the people who's in my way. Well, I need to kill them all. That's the mission.

I threw my pistol and used my extra. Someone grabbed my wrist so I used my elbow to punched the fucking man in his neck.

While walking and finding my job, I saw Lexus killed Edward and Jane. I smiled. They deserve it. At last.

I walked towards Agent crow. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him then throw a kick to the fucker's when someone attacked me.

"Boss's command." He answered. I tsked. That old man. What if I fired him using my fucking gun?

"Hey Nickie, you still hear me?" I heard Lexus voice on the earpiece.

"Yeah. Where are you? You just faded on my vision." I said while looking at every corner.

"I'm here in the Male's bathroom." I raised my brows.

"What the fuck are you doing there?"

"Peeing. I really want to pee. I don't want to be sick you know." He answered. I heavily sighed and massaged my temple.

"Okay faster. I need you here."

"Roger." I run while preventing myself to be killed. A lot of flying bullets and shuriken are hunting me.

I don't have enough magazine left and I did not bring extra so with a force, I throw my pistol at the man.

The exact time, I grabbed my tactical knife and ducked then kick the man who attempted to choke me. I stabbed him to death.

I almost shouted when someone grabbed my hair and punched my abdomen. I walked backwards because of the impact. I need to breath in and breath out to make my breath back to normal. And then I looked at the koala who's now smirking at me.

"What? Did I hurt you so bad? Hah! You're a weakling like them." Is she insulting me? Or was that a joke? What an immature bitch.

I stood up straight and raised my brows at her. "Do you still remember my threat earlier?" I asked her using my angelic voice. She raised her brows making me rolled my eyes.

"Don't worry dear, 'coz that's not gonna happen." I continued. She remained silent and still wearing her confusion face. Annoyed, I took off my stiletto heels and the bun. I'm feel comfortable with this.

"What the fuck are you doi-" I did not finish her and attacked her without a doubt. She didn't expect that happening so I took the chance to kick her chest making her walked backwards. She coughed and puked her blood. I broke the stiletto and grabbed the heels. Oh god, I'm very sure that Annie will beat me if ever she finds out.

"H-how dare you bitch!" She shouted angrily while catching her own breath. I smirked at her because of her fucking ugly face.

I grabbed her head up and walked towards the wall. With no ceremony, I pushed her head to the wall again and again. Her head exploded and her thick and stinky blood showed up. But I'm still not satisfied. I stabbed her chest and her throat making her blood exploded in my gown and face. I tsked.

I slit her gown behind with her undergarment I grabbed the heels and put that inside her butthole. I stood up and stared at her dead body.

"I'm not brutal. I'm innocent." I said while laughing. Then I rolled my eyes and walked to the Female's Bathroom.

"Lexus, y'all okay?" I asked.

"A lot of them escaped but a lot of our enemies we're killed."

"Okay good. I'm wait for me. I'm here in the Female's Bathro-" I did not finish my words because of a sudden exhaustion. I feel numb. Someone injected a sleeping potion in my nape.

I can't feel my body now. I can't even move any of my muscles. But I force myself to look back.

"Nickie?" I heard Lexus' voice but I can't talk.

My eyes are focused on the man who is smiling devilishly while looking at me.

"W-who the fuck... a-are you?" I asked. Stuttering. I lost my balance and waited my body to fall but he caught me in his arms.

"I told you to be careful. Right baby?"

I felt all of my hair stood up. I can't clearly see his face because of my blurry vision. But I still heard his words before darkness came.

"I'm Elvis Verdict. It's a pleasure to meet you, baby."