I woke up because of the shine hitting my face. I can't open my eyes and I feel like I'm about to passed out again. But before darkness take me, I saw two people who's standing and looking at me.

"You think, when will she wake up?"

"I don't know."

"This is all your fault. Hays."

"It was an accident. I didn't know that I accidentally pressed it."

"I don't care."

"Yeah whatever... I'm going. Take care of her."

"Yeah yeah."

I woke up when I felt the opening and closing of the door. Slowly, I opened my eyes but I immediately closed it because of the sunlight hitting my face. I adjusted my vision and opened my eyes again.

I looked at every corner of the room. That's when I realized that I'm not in my room. It's stating the fact because of the black painted walls and a few unfamiliar designs.

"You're finally awake." I glanced at the woman sitting beside the bed. She stared at me for a while then she smiled but I did not smile back.

"Where am I?" I asked. I can't remember what happened to me. I can only remember the time when I killed in a brutal way the koala, Addison

"You're in a place with no exit." I raised my brows at her.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I'm confused. She just smiled as if waiting for me to do something expected.

I looked at my clothes. Who the the fuck dressed me this freaking silver lingerie? I feel uncomfortable not because of my clothes but because of my smell. I frowned and I looked again at the woman.

"How many days?"

"Almost 1 week. It's Sunday." My jaw literally dropped after she said that. 1 goddamn week?! The heck?!

I kept myself to sit down and ducked.

"What's your name?" I asked without looking at her.

"I'm Arianne."

"So Arriane," Then I looked at her again while keeping myself not to shout. She raised a brow when she saw my expression. "May I ask where the bathroom is? I just want to take a bath and apply my skin care." I said formally. She stilled then chuckled a bit.

"Oh, okay. Actually, I did not expect this reaction to you. I thought you'll be gone berserk because he kidnapped you." Now I'm the one who raised a brow at her.

"Kidnapped? Me?" I cursed myself for being dumb.

"Yeah. By the way, the bathroom's ready. You can clean yourself now." I just nodded and slowly, I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

I was about to open the door when she spoke.

"Are you really sure that you're not gonna go berserk? She asked again. I'm just gonna waste my time and energy.

"I'm actually not in the mood to freak-out." I just said then entered the bathroom. I locked it and there I saw the shinning bathtub with bubbles and candles on it. And I smell lavender too. I smiled.

I took off the lingerie and my lace panty. Then I opened the shower first before heading to the tub.

"Ahh, so relaxing." I whispered and closed my eyes. I scrubbed every part of my body especially the 'most important. I need to take care of my body. Then I showered again and brushed my teeth.

I'm thankful because they provided a hand sanitizer and alcohol. I can't live without them. I also applied a lotion and did my skin care. After a minute, I went put and saw Arianne, still on her spot. She's like a statue.

"Uhm, I'm done." I said. She smiled and stood up.

"Okay now that you're ready, you will choose your clothes that I chose earlier." She said and walked towards the glass aparador.

She arranged the clothes and and went to my side and I'm just staring at the clothes she chose. She wants me to choose the clothes she chose.

"You choose." She said. I walked towards her and gently massaged the fabric. But I immediately let the fabric go. I can see her confused look.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" She asked. I looked at her.

"I'm allergic to any local fabric." I answered. She looked shock after hearing my answer.

"O-oh," She only said and gave me her awkward smile. "Haha, I'm not nainformed."

"That's because we're strangers."

"Yeah right. I'm really thankful to God that you did not have allergic reaction to the lingerie." She said. I don't want her to worry but I really hate lying.

"Actually," I started to unbuckle my robe and walked 360° and again, I wore the robe and faced her.

"I'm thankful that this robe's fabric im wearing is different." I said but she didn't answer me. She's just staring at me. With her amused face. So I snapped my fingers infront of her face.

"Oh my god! I didn't know! I mean- yeah we're not that close. But are you okay? You feeling itchy? Skin irritation?" She asked wearing her worried voice. I simply chuckled and waved my left hand as a sign that i'm okay.

"Chill girl. I will not pass out or whatever you're thinking. And it's not itchy as well. My skin will have red spots and that's all. Very thankful that my neck didn't get the allergy and my face." I answered at the same time explained. She sighed in relief and smiled.

"What type of fabric do you usually use? So I'll tell the dressmaker to make your clothes." She asked. I smiled.

"The branded one."

And now, I'm just sitting here in the bench (in front of the bed) and randomly staring to nowhere.

I'm wearing this black turtle neck long sleeve (tucked in) with this dirty yellow jagger wearing a gucci belt,. I paired my clothes with a designer's brand boots. I styled my hair into pony tail coz I'm uncomfy.

I glanced at the door when I heard the opening of the door and there I saw, Arianne who's pushing a cart. She closed the door before she went to me.

She slowly pulled off the cover and I smelled beautiful aroma of the foods are spreading into the room. I saw a fluffy blue berry pancake, fried rice, orange juice, grilled chicken, grilled baby back ribs, fresh salad, and one bowl of chili ice cream. I looked at her.

"Did you made this all?" I asked.

"Nope. The chef does." She answered with a smile on her face. So that's why, I can't actually imagine her preparing all of this.

"I think... it's too much."

"Well, You're 1 week unconcious. So you need to keep up. Eat all of this." I flinched.

"All of this? I don't think I can make it." I commented. On second thought, I actually can eat all of this. It's not even on my eruption part.

"You really need to build up your stamina. So your energy will come back." I just nodded and prayed.

"Amen." I whispered and dig in. She seated beside me and talked.

"May I ask if what's your religion?"

"Eglisha ni Kristo." I answered. She suddenly stood up with wide eyes.

"What?!" She shouted at me. I flinched.

" I'm kidding. It's Bornagain. Christian." I immediately said.

"Well then, your joke is lame."

"Yeah, whatever." And I bite a piece of pancake. Yum! I feel like I'm in a cloud, floating. It immediately melted on my tongue and it's so good. I did not expect those to happen but anyways, again I ate all of it and the next target is the baby back ribs.

After eating ALL OF THE DISHES, I grabbed the spoon in front of me and started to eat the chili ice cream. It's actually good. Yeah it's a bit spicy but the rest is sweet. And too much cold.

After finishing the dessert, I grabbed the orange juice and immediately drink it. I also drunk a bottle of water to be safe from UTI.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to brushed my teeth. Then I washed my hands with alcohol and applied a hand sanitizer. I went out and saw only Arriane. I think she already took the dishes out.

"Oh, I thought it's too much for you to eat all of this?" I smirked.

"I'm kidding. I have a lot of space in my tummy you know." I said. She stared at me wearing her amused face.

I walked as I grabbed a chair and sat down. I looked at him with a serious face.

"So.." I talked first, "What do you want from me? Why did you kidnapped me? You need something from me?" I asked. He heavily sighed and stared at me with his serious face.

"To be honest, I also don't have any idea. I'm literally shocked when he brought you here." I did not talk so she continued. "I don't have any idea because he never mentioned to me this... his plan. And when I asked him, his always answer was 'Take care of her.' "

"I need to go home." I whispered. She sighed.

"I know. But I don't think he will let you leave this place. And you can't just leave this place, dear."

"What do you mean?"

"This place. There's no exit. You can only get out if you'll drive a chopper. This place is a secluded area. And we, are the only one who knows this place." I felt my chance got snatched away from me after hearing her explanation.

"But I need to go back there. I need to finish my mission. I have a work. I need to go back. I need to kill the person who killed my brothers in-law. I need to finish the mission my Dad gave me." I said in a fastest way. She's just quiet. I can only hear the hummingbirds and the fresh wind coming from the open windows.

After a minute, she stood up. I looked at her.

"I'll go again. I need to do something important."

"Like drugs?" I bluntly asked. She looked away.

"I'm going." She did not answer my question. She walked away but before that, I asked again.

"Can I got out? I'm bored as fuck." She just stared at me and slowly shake her head as a sign of "NO." I just pouted and waited for her to go out.

When she's gone, I stood up and lay down on the bed. I just stared at the ceiling, thinking.

How's Anne? Did Dad gave her a mission? How about Dad? Did he already caught the man on the ID? Or Mom? Is she okay? How about Fin? Did he still train the trainees? Or Lexus? Are they finding me? I closed my eyes. I missed them.

I need to get out as soon as possible. I really need to finish my mission. But how could I do that if there's no exist and the only way to escape is to drive a chopper? I heavily sighed.

I did not know that I was already sleeping until I woke up and it's already dawn. I poked my eyes ang sat down. But I stilled when I saw a silhouette of a man.

"You're awake." I felt shivers down my spine after I heard his voice. His deep and threatening voice. I felt familiar but I can't remember if when and where did I heard his voice.

"Who are you?" I asked. He didn't respond. He finally replied after a long silence.

"Oh, you already forgotten about that?" He answered me with a question and slowly, he looked back at me.

I stilled when he glanced at me. I really want to look away but I can't stop myself from staring at his perfect face.

Messy black hair, thick brows, pointed nose, perfect jaw line, the eyes, long lashes, reddish and kissable lips, and his goddamn sexy adam's apple. I can't help myself but to admire his perfect face. I can compare him to Adonis. The lover of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty.

He slowly walked towards me. "Don't come near me. I swear, I'm going to kick your freaking face." I threatened him but he didn't even give a damn. I flinched when he suddenly pulled me up. And our faces now are only few meters away from each other.

I flinched when he touched my face. I flinched when he touched my face. He caressed my hair softly and arranged it. Yeah, it's a bit messy. Then his eyes caught mine.

His peircing black eyes are staring at me and it makes my heart pound.

"Why did you kidnapped me?" I whispered. He smiled and it weakened my knees. What a gorgeous hot man he is.

"Because I like you."