chapter 9

I reached at home and there was dark in the hall. I called out servants but nobody gave me response. Suddenly, the lights on and I looked at Karan. Without any thinking, I rushed towards him and asked, "Are you alright?"

He smiled and nodded. I asked in concern, "but sameera said...." I looked at him but he was smiling. I asked, "why are you smiling?"

He replied, "you are not giving me time because of your work. That's why I thought...."

I hit at his arm and told, "do you know how much I got worried for you? How can you do like this with me?"

He asked in shocked, "wait... Did you hit me?"

I told with confidence, "yeah, I hit you and next time if you do like it again, I will kill you. Do you understand it?"

He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, "okay, I understood. Next time, I won't do. Let's go and you get fresh. I have a surprise for you."

When I came out from bathroom after changing my clothes, Karan was waiting in the bedroom. I asked with excitement, "where is the surprise?"

He took my hand into his hand, "Come with me."

We went to terrace. It was decorated. I looked at it with amaze, "wow, it's awesome."

He asked with happily, "do you like it?"

I nodded, "who would not like it? By the way, Today is something special."

He shook his head with no, "I want to spend time with you. So I arranged the date here for you."

I blushed, "thanks" I never went to date. It was my first date that's why it was special for me.

We sat on the table. He served. I asked, "why are you serving? Where are servants?"

He responded, "Everyone is on leave. Today only you and me.  Don't think so much. You only enjoy your date."

I blushed and nodded.

We enjoyed our dinner. After dinner, he asked, "Now what do you want to do?"

I replied, "I don't know. You arranged it so tell me what's your plan."

He smirked, "fine..... Let's watch movie. What do you say?"

"No problem" I responded.

We came to hall and sat on the couch. He took the remote and asked, "which movie?"

"Any... I arrange the popcorn and coke till you select the movie." I told him and stood up.

"Do you need any help?" He asked.

"If I need, I will call." He nodded and I went to kitchen for baking popcorn.

When I came back to hall with popcorn and coke. He told, "I was waiting for you. Let's watch."

I sat beside him and we started to watch. He put his arm on my shoulder and took my hand into his other hand. He asked, "do you feel comfortable?"

I nodded, "but I think I can't eat popcorn like in this position."

"Don't you eat dinner just some time ago?" He asked with unbelievable.

"Yeah, but eating popcorn during movie is like necessary part of watching movie. Don't you like to eat something during watching movie?"

"Ok but you can eat later. Just stay for some minutes like it." He said.

I started to enjoy the movie. It's my problem. If I like any movie, my all concentration would be on screen. I forget everything around me.

His fingers put my hair locks behind my ear and he called out my name, "Natasha"

I only hummed. He told, "I have something to tell you."

I opened my mouth, "yeah" but I was looking at the screen.

"Are you hearing me?"


"Look at me." I looked at him and asked, "yeah... "

"Leave it. We can talk about it later." When he said, I looked at him with blinking my eyes. Seriously, he wanted to tell me but he suddenly changed his mind. What it could be? I don't like when somebody do it. Now I was curious to know what he wanted to tell me.

I took the remote and paused the movie. "So tell me what do you wanna tell me."

He opened his mouth, "Actually, I wanted to tell you many times. But I don't know how to tell you."

I told him nonchalantly, "Just tell me. Please don't create any suspense."

He nodded and started, "Many years ago, I went to Meerut. It's about the time when I just joined the business. I went for business. It was during evening time.  I came out from restaurant and was going towards my car which was another side of road. I was crossing the road. Suddenly, someone pushed me and we fall on the road. I was angry but immediately, I released she saved me from the truck. Truck driver drived fastly that's why I missed the truck number. But that girl injured from saving me.

I hospitalized her and paid her all medical expenses. I came back but I never forgot that girl. I missed her so much but I don't know what she thinks about me. That's why I don't take any steps towards her.

But after many years, she got accident by my car. When I looked at her like that, my heart stopped to beat. I wanted to save her at any cost. It's feel like if I couldn't save her, I also can't live."

He took my face into his hands, "Do you know who is that girl? That girl is you. You don't remember anything about me but I remember everything very clearly. In the past years, you were always in my memory.

I didn't want you to came my house because I knew. If I saw you into my house, I couldn't control myself.

But I am glad now. Sameera took you here otherwise we couldn't be together.

I know you have  many doubts towards me. But you never asked me. Are your all doubts clear? If you have something ask me, you can ask me anything anytime."

I was looking at him unbelievable. What was he saying? I saved him. When? I suddenly remembered.

'I was returning from my office. I was already late. My sister called me many times when I was coming. I was looking for auto but it's already late that's why there was no auto. If I called to bro and papa for lift, I will have to wait. I hate to wait that's why I decided to walk. I was almost running. Then I saw a guy was crossing road but a truck came suddenly from nowhere. That's why I called him but he was on phone and not listening me. That's why I took action without thinking. In that result, I cracked my leg. I blanked out from pain. When I opened my eyes, I was in hospital and my family were there.

They were giving me lecture. Why did I do it? And I was also scolded myself. I saved him because I got insane. And that guy left without saying thank.' Yeah, it's right he paid off my all medical expenses. But I regretted to save him. It's not that I totally regretted but because of pain I seriously cursed. I mean after all, I am human being. And you have to bear a lot of pain because of cracking bone and injured. I never remembered that guy face. It's mean that guy was Karan. He saved me because I saved him. Its well said if you help anyone, one day, someone will help you.

But one minute, he likes me from many years. Am I that beautiful? Come on the earth, Mita. He likes me because I saved him. Don't think so much Mita. You can't never understand guy's thinking. I mean if you do anything for a guy, he will never impress. But he can impress with you for a little thing even you can't imagine.

I came out from my thinking when I felt someone was shaking me. I heard his concern voice, "Are you alright, Natasha?"

I blinked my eyes and nodded. He continued, "you scared me. I was calling your name but you was not replying. Are you really alright?"

I blinked my eyes, " yeah, I am fine."

"Do you get it what I want to tell you?" He asked.

I asked, "it means you saved me because I saved you."

He nodded, "Yeah, you can say it but I love you from that day you saved me that's why I saved you."

I asked again, "you said that you hospitalized me and paid off my all medical expenses. It means you knew me who I am."

He didn't respond for some minutes but I was waiting for his answer. But at last, he opened his mouth, "Actually, I came back after hospitalized you because of some reasons. My manager took care all things behalf of me. Even, I don't know your real name. I only remember your face. I asked my manager for any records but it's many year ago.   That's why we have no records of anything. and he also didn't remember anything.

"But you know I belong to Meerut. We can search in Meerut if there is any missing report or anything." I asked with suspicious.

"I already do it but I couldn't find any lead. Don't worry. I appointed my agent some days ago. He will definitely find any lead." He assured me.

He took my hands into his hands, "don't you believe me?"

I smiled, "I believe you."

He hugged me, "I love you. I don't care who are you or what's your past. I will never let you go now."

I hugged him back, "I love you." It's not that I was saying because he loves me. But this evening, I realised that I started to love him. When I heard, he was not well. I worried. It's hard for me to spend any seconds. I seriously fall in love with him. I don't know it was right or not. I didn't know what would be our future. But I wanted to live every single moment with him.

I felt his lips on my lips. We started to kiss. He was laying on me. He was kissing on my neck. I heard his voice, "if you feel uncomfortable, just tell me. I will stop. But it's hard for me to control myself."

I nodded because I also wanted it. I didn't know if we will be together in the future. But I wanted him to be my first and last.

I chewed my lips, "Karan, I have to tell you something."

He hummed with kissing on my skin. I quickly said, "Karan, I think I am virgin." He looked at me. I continued, "I mean if you are okay that I am virgin. Because I heard some guys like experience girls. And I mean..."

He kissed on my lips and told, "I told you I don't care anything. I want only you. It's my honor to give you experience."

I blushed. He took me into his arms and whispered into my ears with husky voice, "let's go to our bedroom." And I nodded.