Dream or Reality

"Finally completed Pokemon X also, Now what to play next ? I think I should look for fan made games on Pokecommunity Site" I said in my mind.

Sorry, Hello all my name is Ujjawal Rai. I am a boy of age 16 years and doing my college from University of Illinois, Chicago. I am big fan of pokemon, I play Pokemon Go all day, because of this I get very bad grades. Oops, sorry about that, OK so coming to point, I always look on internet for finding anyway to go to alternate world. Blah, I know you all might be thinking that what I am talking about, how is it even possible. OK so truth is that I have been to Pokemon world. I will share my experience in that world to you all and how I was able to return back to this world. Hope you all are ready to experience this fabulous incident happened with me, so lets start from the day when this all started.

"Mom, I am back home" I said after entering my house.

My apartment is in a building and it's 2 BHK apartment. We are only four people in my house, My dad who owns a shop in the street, my cute mom who always support us all and my cute little sister who is 5 years old now and ofcourse me also.

"Welcome back honey, go wash your hands and come to dining table to have your lunch. i have made delicious Pancakes" Said Mom.

"Pancakes, Pancakes" My little sister was shouting in excitement.

Ohh yeah I love Pancakes, ok so about me I am 15 years old in My High School now, we are a very happy family.

I ate Pancakes and went to my Bedroom, I completed my homework and than now It's time for Pokemon games. I played pokemon prism and than pokemon diamond.

In night after dinner I went to my bed directly as next day was a big day in school. As usual before sleeping I was thinking about pokemons.

'Larvitar is so cool, it evolves into Tyranitar and so Riolu is it evolves into Lucario, if I get chance to go to pokemon world I will catch these two for sure' So thinking this I slept.

I saw a weird dream in which a white light was talking to me, "Ujjawal you are destined to do great things, there is a chaos going on in alternate world and we need your support . For that I will teleport you to that alternate world and when the work is done you will be able to come back to your world if you wish". That white light got brighter and more brighter, due to that light I woke up in shock.

'That was a weird dream' I thought. When I looked around I was not in my room. I was in a forest, a very dense forest.

'Where am I ? Am I in that alternate world about which that light was talking ?'

What is this alternate world ? What will be happening ? I will share you all my experience through that world in various chapters of this book. One hint that this is a Pokemon World.

Thank you and Hope you will continue to read.....