Journey Begins

'What is this place, how to get out of this forest. How will I be able to reach my home ? What was that dream about, am I in that alternate world now ?' All this was going through my mind.

I thought of to start looking for a way to get out of this forest. I stood up and started going straight, when I heard a cry. I was not sure about whose it was as it was not like any animal nor like any human. I was not aware of this alternate world also as that light didn't brief me about this world, but that cry was of someone in pain. I thought I should go and look for what it is. I started walking towards the sound, slowly and more cautiously of surrounding as I was not aware of what will be coming in my way upfront. I took a wooden stick in my hand which I found nearby, when I reached further near I could hear the cry more clearly. It was something like " Larvi Lar Larvi". I went more further towards the sound and after clearing last bush I saw 3 Black dog shaped animals with bones clearly visible on the back, they were a little bigger in size than that of a puppy. They were surrounding a small green reptilian creature, when I looked that creature it was looking something similar to what I have seen before and even those pups looked similar. They were resembling pokemons Houndour and Larvitar from the games I played. And that cry "Larvi lar Larvi" I am hearing its like that pokemon saying something similar to it's name as I had seen in animes. I was in shock, am I in a Pokemon world ? Is the alternate world that light was talking about was Pokemon world ?

I was thinking all of this than suddenly I heard that cry again by which I regained my consciousness. I needed to protect that small creature or Larvitar if it was really one from those three pups. I picked up a stone and threw on one of the pup which angered them more and now not to that small creature but against me, I held stick more tightly in my hand just to hit if any of those pup attacks me directly. One of the Pup attacked me I hit that animal as hard as I could, It felt down aside which might frightened other two and one of them came from my left I hit him as well. Last one came from right who also got hit from my stick and felt down, I was sure that this is not enough to keep them unconscious for more time, so I hurriedly went to tiny creature which was still frightened by my presence.

"Hey buddy, trust me I am here to protect you. Please trust me and come into my arms and we will leave from here before they wake up again" I said.

"Larvi tarrr" that tiny creature said and hesitatingly came to my lap.

That creature or now Larvitar was too heavy. I picked it up and started running forward just to reach some village where I can go and take shelter and get larvitar's injuries healed.

After running for around 45 minutes I saw light through a tree, I went through and saw a Village a little far from where I was standing.

"Grrrr" I heard something from behind.

I turned around to see those three pups standing behind me, 'Now I am screwed, if I could have got some more time' I thought. Larvitar in my Lap was shivering, one of the pup attacked me from left and I fall down, my hand was bleeding and larvitar fall on my right.

'Ok so first day in this alternate world and I am gonna die now' I thought, I just wanted to save that larvitar which looked like a baby, at any cost so I stood up and shouted "Hey you stupid creatures come to me" I started running to left so that those pups will chase me and that will give Larvitar a little time to escape. But my bad another pup tackled me from front and I fall down, blood coming from my mouth.

"Sorry Tiny Cutie, I am not able to protect you" I said in Pain.

Larvitar came in front of me and stood in between me and those pups as that he wanted to protect me. He focused and threw some sharpen rocks towards those pups. It scared them and they ran back to the forest. Larvitar fall unconscious, like this move drained all its energies. I gathered my all remaining energy and picked up Larvitar and started running towards the village.

When I reached in village I asked a man for the place to heal that larvitar, and he pointed towards a red roof building which looked like Pokecenter from anime. I went inside and asked lady on reception to take care of Larvitar, She took Larvitar in a room and after Thirty Minutes she came back and said Larvitar is fine he is sleeping now and will get better by tomorrow. When she saw my bleeding hand she took me to a room and bandaged those wounds as well. I asked her is I can stay here for night and she said yes.

Next morning I went directly to the room where larvitar was and saw that he was steel asleep. I went closer and put my hand on his Forehead, because of my touch he woke up, I said "Sorry I just came to see if you are okay, you take rest". Larvitar smiled and held my hand with his tiny hands.

That Lady doctor came to me and asked whether that Larvitar is mine so I briefed her all the story happened with us. Than she said someone is outside with a Tyranitar looking for baby Larvitar. I was happy and sad both at the same time, Happy because Larvitar is reuniting with its family and sad because I will have to leave Larvitar now.

I picked Larvitar in My lap who hold my shirt tightly and hugged me, and I went outside to meet that trainer. When trainer saw larvitar he came running and said "Where were you Larvitar, you Mamma and me both were looking for you all around" Larvitar recognized familiar face and just smiled towards him but kept hugging me. I briefed that trainer about all happened with us and than we went outside to meet mamma Tyranitar, Mamma took Larvitar in her hand and tear fell from her eyes. This reminded of my mamma.

Trainer thanked me and started to leave, but Larvitar started crying and jumped from his mamma's lap and came back to my lap holding me back tightly.

"I think this larvitar started liking you" That Trainer Said

"Yes, but it has to go with you and his mamma" I replied.

Larvitar hugged more tightly like it didn't want to leave me.

"You can keep Larvitar if you promise us that you will take care of it properly" Said Trainer looking at his tyranitar, who nodded in reply.

"I will take care of him for sure" I said excitedly.

"Will you be happy with me Larvitar" I asked Larvitar who was in my Lap.

He smiled to me like he was saying yes.

"I want to know more about this place" I asked trainer and briefed about all that happened before reaching to this world.

"I will help you, You come with me I will take you professor's Lab, she might be able to do something for it" Said Trainer.

And than we both started walking together, Larvitar slept in my Lap and he was looking so cute.

Now what will happen at Professor's Lab, How journey will begin ? Stay tuned for more....