Route 1

Now I am on Route 1 which will take me to Erectus Town. There is no gym though but atleast I can do some rest and proceed for the nearest city having gym which is Shikrapur Town and as per Pokenav there is a gym and that specialize in bug type.

"I choose you". I said and threw both pokeballs in air. Two pokemons Larvitar and Charmander Came out of those pokeballs.

"Hello my friends, I am Ujjawal and I will be your trainer and best friend. We will complete our journeys together and with your help we will overcome all difficulties coming in our way" I said to them.

"Char Char" Said Charmander Happily.

"Larvi Lar" Said Larvitar with lot of enthusiasm.

" Now lets start your training and see what more you can do. Than we will proceed with learning more attacks that will help us in future" I said.

They both jumped happily and so our training began. I was just monitoring power in attacks they were using and also any scope to learn any new attacks. Charmander's fire power was really good and she was trying to push it more harder. I asked charmander to focus in her fire power and store within than throw at once as she uses ember. She did exactly but still the attack was not as I expected. I wanted her to learn new move Flame Burst.

"Charmander you are doing great" I said her patting her head to which she responded back with baby cuddle.

"Ok Charmander continue this focus and concentration in your fire power, I will watch over you and also will look for larvitar." I Told and she nodded in reply.

I went towards Larvitar who was using its rock throw, none of its ground moves were yet unlocked so I thought of starting from sand attack and than to sand storm just to boost his ground power and simultaneously using rock throw.

"Ok Larvitar now lets focus and find for your ground power within you" I said.

That was really easy for Larvitar as it had ground attribute as well. Larvitar is Rock and ground type and its skin is rocky and hard so it can take any physical damage more easily. I also read in pokedex that Larvitar feed on soil and if they eat enough than that can evolve in Pupa pokemon Pupitar which can be soon evolved to Tyranitar. This Larvitar was still a baby so to reach at level of Pupitar it was going to take atleast 2 to 3 weeks and than if we train more effectively and awake its dark core than it can easily evolve to Tyranitar which is Rock and Dark type Pokemon.

"Larvitar try to move soil around and throw it as trying to use sand attack, that will blur vision of any enemy" I said.

Larvitar did that very easily as sand attack is not so hard move. So I further asked him to focus the power and make a whirlwind in the sand to create a storm of sand. He tried but a small storm emerged but larger for any first time user I guess. This Larvitar has big capabilities, he can be a tank when he evolves in Tyranitar.

"Do it once again and with more focus and strength" I said.

He did it and it was easy for him. Now my Larvitar has learned Sand attack and sand storm in its first day training, which are not moves that do alot of damage but these can blur the vision of enemies and that will be helpful for Larvitar to beat enemy. Charmander was also trying her best and she was able to throw more powerful ember move. Which was not as powerful as flame burst but it was near to it. So a little bit more push and than charmander will be able to learn that move as well. So I thought to teach her move sand attack as she can use it also for her beneficial tactics. I asked Larvitar to demonstrate her the move and she learned it with a little push. Charmander has good power as well but she still lacks focus in that. My both pokemons were trying there hard to Learn the move.

It was almost evening and my both pokemon were tired after training though we took a break in between but still they both are babies so I thought to stop training and asked them to stop. By evening Larvitar had learned Sand Attack, Sand Storm and was able to shake earth with small eruption and next day training will unlock his first egg move. Charmander learned Flame Burst, Sand Attack and was able to hon its metal claw move which eventually helped her to learn slash move. I was happy with our first day training and my both pokemon were laying on my both side and they also seemed to be satisfied by the training as they unlocked 3-3 moves each which is great achievement for any pokemon on its first day training.

While we were laying and chatting we heard some sound in the bushes, we three stood up and in position to attack whatever comes. It was a tiny bipedal Blue pokemon, it was small and from its appearance I recognized it, it was Riolu. Riolu was hurt and when he saw us he positioned himself for attack. I knew he was hurt but if he was going to attack us we needed to protect ourselves as well. Riolu moved towards us but fell down unconscious, I ran towards it and said to my pokemon "He seems to be badly hurt, we need to take him to hospital or situation may be really bad for him". They both nodded and I picked him up, my both pokemon or my little protectors were in ready position to hurt Riolu if he do anything to me. But he didn't and we reached back to Sunbloom City to Professor's Laboratory. Professor Oak came running and when she saw Riolu she took her to the room where they treated pokemons.

What happened to Riolu and why it was frightened by seeing us ? i will tell you all in my next chapter....