Professor's Laboratory

Riolu was taken to the room in Laboratory for treatment. After 1 hour Professor came back and she said "Riolu is severely hurt and he don't trust any human, we tried to calm it down but it was not listening to any of us. Can come with us for a while Ujjawal ?". my pokemon looked upto me and I told them to relax and continue to eat and said I will back in while. They nodded but this time they were looking at me with care eyes. I just patted them both and went with Professor.

When i went in room I saw one of Assistant struggling in Calming Riolu, Professor looked at me and asked to go and try to calm him. I went to riolu who was still struggling against me as well but when I touched it it calmed and sat peacefully. I know that Riolu is Aura pokemon and they can feel aura or touch of any person and I think it remembered my aura from before when I tried to protect it and took it to hospital. I asked Riolu to calm down and he did so. professor said me to wait here as Riolu may again start Tantrum and in my presence he won't be doing anything harsh. So I agreed with her and stayed there, Professor also told me that if I help her with treating Riolu than that can also help me in future to treat pokemon with minor injuries in case when not hospital is nearby.

Riolu was treated and he slept after a while than we both came out and professor told me that it might take 5-6 days for Riolu to recover and I am needed here with him all the time.

'Now thats gonna be difficult, if I stay with Riolu all the time than how I will be able to train Larvitar and Charmander' I thought, than I saw hope of light, Vishal was there. I went to him,

"Hello vishal if you don't mind will you help me with something" I asked.

"Sure why not Ujjawal" he replied.

"Will you train my larvitar and charmander for 5-6 days as I wanted to teach them some good moves but Riolu is injured and he is not listening to anyone else than me so I will have to stay with him for next 5-6 days and take care of him" I said.

"Sure why not, Tyranitar will be happy to help her Son and also My Arcanine will help as well" He replied.

"Now you two, you have to listen to Vishal and Behave nicely till i take care of riolu, I don't want any complain" I told my both pokemons.

Those babies nodded but sadly.

I patted their head and said "Babies I will be around and after 5-6 days you show me what new strength you learned. I know you will make your trainer proud"

They both nodded and jumped happily.

Now for next 6 days I was taking care of Riolu and my pokemon were getting trained under experienced trainer vishal. In these 6 days I learned alot about Riolu and about healing Pokemons. Me and Riolu both bonded together and he started trusting a little to all humans around.

I asked professor about what might have happened to Riolu than she told me that this might be work of Pokemon Poachers and Riolu might have got hurt while escaping from them. I hate Poachers, when i use to see anime that time also I hated poachers but here something happened to a pokemon and its all in reality now, now my hate for poachers was more.

Now 6 days were over and Riolu was completely fine, so I said him goodbye but he refused to leave me, Professor asked me to take him along with me and I asked Riolu if he will be happy to join my team and he replied Happily. vishal was back with my pokemons, they were so happy seeing me and hugged me. I introduced them to their new teammate Riolu and all three greeted each other.

Next morning I packed my everything and told Professor and Vishal that i am leaving, they both said good bye to me and asked me to take care of me and my all 3 pokemons. I nodded and left to Route 1.

Now it was time to Check My Pokemon's Stats, I put Riolu's Pokeball in front of Pokedex, It said as follows,

Species- Riolu

Gender- Male

Type- Fighting

Ability- Inner Focus

Moves- Quick Attack, Foresight, Counter, Force Palm

Egg move- Dragon Claw, Shadow Ball

(*Egg moves not unlocked)

Than I kept Larvitar's pokeball in front of Pokedex, it said,

Species- Larvitar

Gender- Male

Type- Rock/Ground

Ability- Sand Veil

Moves- Tackle, Growl, Rock Throw, Sand Tomb, Sand Attack, Sand Storm, Earth Power, Rock Slide, Bite, Crunch, Sneak Attack, Magnitude

Egg Move- Earth Power, Iron Head

(* egg move Earth power unlocked, Iron head yet to be unlocked)

Wow it learned so many more moves, now I kept Charmander's Pokeball below Pokedex and it said,

Species- Charmander

Gender- Female

Type- Fire

Ability- Blaze

Moves- Scratch, Growl, Ember, Metal Claw, Flame Burst, Sand Attack, Slash, Flame Burst, Flame thrower, Brick Break, Dragon Claw, Smokescreen

Egg Move- Dragon Claw, Eruption

(*Egg move Dragon Claw unlocked, Eruption yet to be unlocked)

'Vishal helped my these pokemons to learn many new moves' I thought.

Now I have to train my Riolu and help Larvitar and Charmander hon their skills and try to unlock their other egg move.

"I choose you" I said and threw all three pokeballs in air.

My three pokemon came out and I said "Training starts now and with more intensity and Riolu get ready to be strong together".

All three jumped happily.

Training with Riolu start now, See what we encounter next in next chapter.