Route 1- Revisit- Day 1

Now we are back on route 1 and we are here with 1 new friend Riolu who needs to learn some more new attacks. As Charmander and Larvitar were trained under Vishal they learned many new moves and also became strong. There are two moves that Charmander knows which can be effective for Riolu, Brick Break and Metal Claw. Metal Claw because to evolve into Lucario Riolu will need to unlock its steel power as well with its fighting power and also awake its aura more. I asked Riolu to start focusing on its aura to see the enemies or feel enemies with closed eyes that will be useful if enemy use any move which can blur its vision. So I asked larvitar and charmander to help him in that and they both agreed. Now for first stage I asked Riolu to dodge my movements as he can feel my aura more clearly. Which he did more efficiently than asked him to feel his surrounding and to feel the type of elements present around, which will later help him in learning some moves which are not of his type.

He started concentrating on surrounding and meanwhile other two were practicing there learned skills to make those more powerful. I asked Charmander to demonstrate Larvitar her Metal claw move and asked Larvitar to feel the move intensity and also feel same power within him, as I knew that he has egg move Iron Head so he must have some power to concentrate in Metallic power, Which they both started doing.

I went back to Riolu and told him to dodge rocks I throw on him and after few tries he started dodging them more efficiently. Than for next step and hard step I asked Riolu to keep his eyes closed and recall his concentration on the surrounding and me and than chase me through the area. I started running towards jungle in Zig Zag, Riolu was following me, initially he bumped into few trees but with more concentration he started chasing me with more speed than with his normal speed. We kept training about same for around 4 hours than took break for lunch and we all had lunch also Larvitar was feeding on Soil around and after few minutes a white light glowed, I knew this process, its evolution and now I saw Pupitar infront of me. He was bigger than before. Finally my one pokemon evolved because of intense training by Vishal and some by me and also vishal helped him in learning 2 dark type moves which will later help me in unlocking his dark core.

I took pokedex and checked his data,

Species- Pupitar

Gender- Male

Type- Rock/Ground

Ability- Sand veil

Moves- Tackle, Growl, Rock Throw, Sand Tomb, Sand Attack, Sandstorm, Earth Power, Rock Slide, Bite, Crunch, Sneak Attack, Magnitude, Ancient Power, Earthquake

Egg Moves- Earth Power, Iron head

(*Egg move Earth Power unlocked, Iron Head yet to be unlocked)

My Larvitar learned Ancient Power and Earthquake through evolution. Now we will have to work on its speed and unlocking its dark core.

Charmander and Riolu were happy after seeing their friend evolve and they were rounding Pupitar, who was still trying to copup with its new body. Now I asked everyone to restart their training. And also asked Pupitar to start working with new body and on his speed. Charmander was helping Pupitar in keeping up with new body and they both were training together. Riolu was looking at me for next order so I asked him to continue with the last training we were doing before lunch and tied few stones on his feet and hand to increase his weight which will eventually decrease his speed but if he work more hard than his speed will increase gradually later.

We started training his speed was slow but reflexes were quick so he was able to dodge any tree or rock coming in between chase, by mistake in chasing me Riolu bumped into an Pidgey who got angry by this sudden bump and started attacking riolu which he was dodging more efficiently. I asked Riolu to close his eyes and focus on Pidgey's attack which he did. I knew it was risky but worth testing his aura ability. He was fighting efficiently by feeling aura and speed was almost equal to his speed without stones. His hand movements were also almost equal to that without stones. This made me happy as if I remove his stones than his speed will be more than that before.

Riolu used last punch which made pidgey to faint and I threw pokeball to catch it. I caught a Pidgey. This was my first official catch as all other joined me because of bonding.

I took my Pokedex to check Pidgey's Stats,

Species- Pidgey

Gender- Female

Type- Flying/Normal

Ability- keen Eye

Moves- Tackle, Growl, Sand Attack, Quick Attack, Gust, Whirlwind

Egg Moves- Sky Attack, Steel Wing

(*Egg Moves not unlocked)

So now Charmander got one more female companion in team. This pidgey have good moveset and we can increase it by training. I called Pidgey out and used potion to heal its damage and than told him to take rest today and watch other train. It was already 5 pm so I asked all to continue on focus and meditation training and increase potential to other types for next 1:30 hours. They continued it and till that I with pidgey went in jungle to collect berries and wood for cooking food for all of us. Than at 7 pm i prepared Meal and than we all took rest. Pidgey was sleeping on my chest and others were lying beside me. I told pidgey that tomorrow is going to be big day for you and all others too so take good rest today and all including pidgey replied happily and than we all slept.

Next day training and what all other events are waiting for me we will see in next chapters.