Route 1- Day 2

I woke up early in the morning to get ready to train but first I thought to go more near to the town, so if any of my pokemon gets hurt than I will be able to reach the town quickly and go to Pokecenter.

2 Hours Later

After walking for 2 hours at around 8 am, I reached to an open field from where town was clearly visible an this was perfect place to train pidgey and train other pokemon for speed. I called out all 4 from there pokeball and I told Charmander, Pupitar and Riolu to train together and also asked Charmander and Pupitar to train Riolu for increasing its aura power. Charmander knows Brick Break and Metal Claw as well so asked her to teach and demonstrate Riolu those moves and also asked Pupitar to focus on the power when Charmander uses metal claw to awake steel power that can help in learning Iron Head.

'This will do for these three. They are matured now and Riolu is already powerful so he can help others to learn Aura power as well' I thought and left with pidgey to nearby open ground.

"Pidgey show me your Gust attack" I said

Pidgey used gust attack which was powerful. "Now show me your whirlwind" She used Whirlwind which was also too powerful.

"Pidgey can you use whirlwind and gust at same time?" I asked

pidgey looked at me confused, "Let's give it a shot my girl" I said

And Pidgey happily agreed and she used it at the same time, this emerged a big gusty storm which shocked other 3 as well and they started looking at us. I ordered them to continue with training and than turned to pidgey "That was really something, we should use it as a combo attack. A little more practice and we will master it" I said. Pidgey said happily and than started practicing new move again.

They continued practicing on there own for next 1 hour and in mean while I prepared breakfast for all and also some equipments using stones and cloth in my bag to slow down there current speed so they will try to reach there current speed while equipped with those equipment and eventually that will increase there speed in battle.

"Ok everyone its time for a break. Come for breakfast. Food is also required, we need energy to train further." I said.

All of my pokemons gathered around and I served all their breakfast, they all ate happily and than I told them to take a break of 30 minutes.

At 10 am we resumed our training, I tied those stones which were equivalent to there weights on there foot and hand and on body of Pupitar as its hands are small. I told them to work on speed moves and asked Pidgey to start flying. Except Riolu others were not able to walk, but they trusted me and all of my pokemons loved me so they started with that and started training. Riolu is a great pokemon and previously I used same equipment with less weight though so he is use to it, so he got with his normal speed more easily. Pidgey was also flying and using its combo moves with a little less speed though but she was trying her best. I told them to continue with this training for today. They all were training with it and riolu was practicing its aura while running.

I started my own meditation and exercises as if trainer is weak than pokemon also become weak. I did my meditation and exercise for next 3 hours and at 1 pm I stood up and went in forest to collect some berries and wood. I returned back with those started making meals for all of us.

At 2 pm I called them all and we all had Lunch than they continued to train. Now they were gaining there normal speed which was before equipping these stones. I was happy with the progress and went to continue training with Riolu and we again started working on chasing and dodging but this time I was not only one who was attacking on riolu but Charmander and Pupitar were also there so we three were attacking Riolu from all three sides but than also Riolu was able to dodge all the attacks using its aura, which was really a great sign and now I knew that my these 4 pokemon will alone be able to defeat large no. of enemies.

We continues to train Riolu than Charmander and than pupitar and pidgey , they all were not as quick as Riolu but were able to dodge around 70% of the attacks. We continued training till 7 pm which exhausted them all so I said to stop for today and take rest. As Town was near so I recalled all four back to pokeball and went to Pokemon Center, There after entering I gave my Pokemons to nurse joy for taking care and she returned with my pokeball after half hour saying they all are fighting fit. I asked if I can stay here in night for that she told me that official trainers are allowed to stay at Poke Center for free and food is also free to them.

I was glad hearing this, we all had our dinner and than went backyard of pokemon center for some walk. Where I met a girl, she was kinda cute, She approached me,

"Hi, I am Ankita a pokemon trainer. I started 2 weeks back and now taking rest here. Can we have a friendly battle, I want to check my pokemon's potential as of now." She said

"Why not. How many pokemon's we will be using ?" I replied.

"2 on 2 battle" She said.

We both went to nearby battle ground and than we started our battle.

"Go Charmeleon, show him what we are" She sent her first pokemon.

"I Choose you" I sent Pupitar.

Charmeleon used flamethrower which my pokemon dodged and i told to use sand storm (Our planned tactics) Vision of charmeleon was blurred.

"Now its time, use rock slide and than magnitude" I said

Those were enough to knock charmeleon down. 'This was easy, I think our intensive training is giving us results' I thought.

"A good battle and great tactic, now lets see how you will battle this, Go Marill" she sent Marill next.

"Good job Pupitar, now return. I choose you Riolu. Its time to show what we are" I sent Riolu.

"A fighting type against fairy type is a bad choice". She said

"Tactics matters most, type difference is secondary. Show her what I mean Riolu" I replied.

"Marill use fairy wind" She said.

"You know what to do Riolu and close your eyes while battling this time." I said

"Are you mad, how will he fight by closing his eyes ?" Ankita said.

Riolu dodged move by quick movements. "Now Riolu show her some good moves" I said.

Riolu used first quick attack which was equivalent to extreme-speed move and than used metal claw and for finishing touch used force palm. That knocked out Marill.

"Ok so we won our first battle" I said excitedly.

Riolu jumped with excitement and a white light emerged, 'wait riolu is evolving ? But riolu evolves if it has good bonding with trainer. Do we reached that point so soon ?' I thought.

"Lucario" A big Lucario was standing before me.

"Congrats your pokemon evolved" Ankita Said and than left me there amused.

Ok so now i got Lucario, ok lets check what pokedex says,

Species- Lucario

Gender- Male

Type- Fighting/Steel

Ability- Inner Focus

Moves- Quick Attack, Foresight, Counter, Force Palm, Extreme Speed, Metal Claw, Aura Sphere, Bone Rush.

Egg Moves- Dragon Claw, Shadow Ball

(* Egg Moves yet to be unlocked)

'So it learned Aura Sphere and Bone Rush by evolving. Thats so awesome' I thought.

Now I have two evolved pokemons, Pupitar and Lucario and other two first form but powerful charmander and Pidgey. We can now go for our first gym battle. I was thinking all this and than I fell asleep.

What will happen Next ? Will tell in Next Chapter.....