Route 2 & 3

Next morning I woke up early and went downstairs after getting fresh. Ankita was waiting there already.

"hey, Good Morning. Ready for travel ?" I said.

"Hey Ujjawal, Good Morning. Looking cute. So let's have our breakfast and than we will leave" She said.

'Am I cute ? Does she has a crush on me like I have on her ?' I thought and than we left for breakfast together. We had our breakfast and packed some food for our lunch.

"Where we are going next ?" She asked.

"Ok lets see, nearest town with gym is Shikrapur Town, so we will go there through route 2 and route 3" I said Looking in my Pokenav.

"So what are we waiting for ? Lets go" She said excitedly.

We left together for route 2.

Route 2

We reached route two after a walk of 30 minutes and as per pokenav to reach shikrapur town we need to cross route 2 and route 3 and Pokedex says that I can find some good pokemons around like Ralts, Scyther, Hoothoot, Squirtle, Magicarp, Mankey etc.

'I will catch them all' I thought and than we moved further in Route 2.

"So Ujjawal lets start training, I will train my pokemon in showing beauty of their attack because that is require in Contests" Ankita Said.

I nodded and we started our training. I asked charmander to tech Lucario Brick Break move by demonstrating him the attack and asked pupitar to focus and try to unlock metal core while using headbutt. They all agreed and started their training. Charmander being a girl was more like a leader and caring one towards all of her 3 friends and that's the reason why Lucario and Pupitar being more powerful than her were obedient towards her. If lucario teaches other two about using aura to dodge moves than that will be effective in our future battles. I left those 3 to train together and went with pidgey.

"So Pidgey we will be trying Wing attack move today. And will work on the combo move we performed last time so that will be more powerful and you will get useful to it." I said. I knew that if we kept trying that combo move than Pidgey will be able to use Hurricane move.

Pidgey agreed and we first started with wing attack as my plan was to teach her steel wing later as it was her egg move so she can learn it with little effort.

"No pidgey that is still weak, focus more in your power, i know you are capable" I said a little furiously. Me and Pidgey have been trying to Master wing attack move since last two hours. though she learned it but I wanted it be more strong and powerful. I knew that this will be little harsh for her little wings but I knew if she keep trying it than when she evolves in Pidgeotto than this move will become more brutal against opponents.

"Let's give it one more shot, try to focus in your flying power, Try to move as fast as you can and than slash that branch of tree" I said.

Pidgey did it, with more speed. I was using that equipment I made to lower her speed which will later make her more speedy when i remove those equipments. Her speed was faster than before which was when we first fought.

"Ok pidgey one more shot and try to break that larger sized and thick branch this time" I said.

Pidgey followed my order and she went flying and broke the branch but crashed down and fainted.

"You are being too harsh Mr. Rai" Ankita shouted and went running towards pidgey she picked her up in meanwhile I also reached there, I was also feeling bad for pushing pidgey so hard because this eventually hurt her.

We took her to our camp and I used medicine and bandaged her wings. I asked all others to stop and take break for now. Ankita was looking at me with red eyes.

"Mr. Rai Pokemons are not tools for battle. This is the reason why I hate Gym Battles. Pokemons are our best friends, if you can't take care of your these friends than how can you be gentle to any human friend" She said shouting at me.

I was still feeling bad and was looking continuously at pidgey, she was sleeping but I can feel that she was in pain. I was recalling everything from my first encounter. tear fell down from my eyes and eventually it felt down on body of pidgey. She woke up and when she saw me crying, she tried to come near me but was not able to.

"I am sorry pidgey, I am sorry you all. I failed you all. I am becoming more like a cruel master to you, you all are trying to give your best to praise me but eventually get hurt as pidgey is" I said it, tears rolling from my eyes.

Pidgey tried to stand up again and she stood, she came near to me jumped on my lap and pecked on my tummy, my other pokemon also came around me. Charmander, Lucario and Pupitar were also filled with tears.

'You are just trying to make us better master. We trust you and we know that you care for us, we do everything as you wish because we believe in you and we know you believe in us too. You are not cruel, you are just best. You are making all of us more stronger by showing us that we are capable to do great things. We will never let you down and please don't feel like you are bad master. We all 4 love you and we all will love you always. We will achieve the best position together.' Lucario was saying all this to me through aura.

I looked at all of my 4 pokemons and said "Do you all really trust me ? Do you all love me ? I swear I always saw you all as my best friends and not any tool for battle"

They all nodded, Pidgey again pecked in my tummy. I Picked her in my both hands gently and said "Sorry buddy, you take rest for few days and we will continue training again".

"Your pokemons love you so much, i thought you are just being so harsh to them" Said ankita hugging me and tear fell down from her eyes as well.

I stood up and put pidgey gently on my bed and asked her to take rest than we all took our lunch, I fed pidgey with my hands, than we all started training. I asked Pupitar to show me headbutt with steel power. He tried Iron Head and it worked first time but on second time that glow faded. I cheered him up and said "Lets do it one more time and I know you will be able to do it"

Pupitar tried it and it worked this time. We kept practicing this move for the whole day and in meanwhile Lucario was able to Master Brick Break move and Charmander was able to learn aura power to detect surrounding. They all were working all this while equipped with those equipments I made for them and I asked them to increase their power holding this only. We all had our dinner later and than I asked them all to sleep. Pidgey was sleeping on my chest and my all other pokemons were sleeping just next to me.

For next few days we did our training on route 2 & 3 and on that route ankita captured one female Ralts and I caught one Scyther, Squirtle and Magicarp. I trained them all together and my 4 more pokemons evolved, Charmander in Charmeleon, Squirtle in Wartortle, Pidgey in Pidgeotto and Magicarp in Mighty Gyarados. Lucario learned Dragon Claw and Shadow ball both because his aura power was most powerful and he trained others in using aura power too.

pokedex entries for my pokemons are like,

Species- Pupitar

Gender- Male

Type- Rock/Ground

Ability- Sand Veil

Moves- Tackle, growl, rock throw, sand tomb, rock slide, magnitude, earthquake, sand attack, sandstorm, bulldoze, Earth power, headbutt, Iron Head, Bite, Crunch, Sneak Attack, Dark Pulse.

Egg Move- Earth Power, Iron Head

(* Both Egg Moves unlocked)

Species- Lucario

Gender- Male

Type- Fight/Steel

Ability- Inner Focus

Moves- Quick Attack, Foresight, Counter, Force Palm, Extremespeed, Aura Sphere, Metal Claw, bone Rush, Dragon Claw, Shadow Ball, Brick Break

Egg Move- Dragon Claw, Shadow Ball

(*Both Egg Moves Unlocked)

Species- Charmeleon

Gender- Female

Type- Fire

Ability- Blaze

Moves- Tackle, Growl, Ember, Metal Claw, Flame Burst, Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Brick Break, Dragon Claw, Aura Power, Flame charge, Slash, Work Up.

Egg Move- Dragon Claw, Eruption

(* Egg move Dragon Claw unlocked, Eruption yet to be unlocked)

Species- Pidgeotto

Gender- Female

Type- Flying/Normal

Ability- Keen Eye

Moves- Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Sand Attack, Gust, Whirlwind, Wing Attack, Ariel Ace, Steel Wing, Fly.

Egg Move- Sky Attack, Steel Wing

(*Egg Move Steel Wing Unlocked, Sky Attack yet to be unlocked)

Species- Wartortle

Gender- Male

Type- Water

Ability- Torrent

Moves- Tackle, Tail Whip, Withdraw, Bubble, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Bubble beam, Bite, Round, Skull Bash, Headbutt, Iron head, Hydro Pump.

Egg Moves- Ice Beam, Hydro Cannon

(*Egg Moves Yet to be Unlocked)

Species- Gyarados

Gender- Male

Type- Water/Flying

Ability- Intimidate

Moves- Tackle, Aqua Tail, hydro Pump, Twister, Hurricane, Water Pulse, Hyper Beam, Ice Beam, Blizzard, Rain Dance, Earthquake.

Egg Moves- Hurricane, Blizzard

(*Egg Moves Unlocked)

Species- Scyther

Gender- Female

Type- Bug/Flying

Ability- Technician

Moves- Tackle, Growl, Slash, Fury Cutter, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, Sword Dance, X-Scissor, Double Hit, Night Slash, Defog, Swift, Brick Break, Air Slash, Bug Bite.

Egg Moves- Night Slash, Defog

(*Egg Moves Unlocked)

We got 7 pokemons now, Sorry I forgot to tell you in this region a trainer is allowed to keep upto 8 pokemons at a time, though the battle is of 6-6 max but he/she can keep 8 pokemons and all other are directly sent to the professor who registered the trainer for league.

now our training is done and we are ready to face our first gym battle and we have got alot of poke-points by defeating many pokemon trainers on route 2 and 3 and this increased experiences of each of my pokemons.

We reached Shikrapur Town after 8 days in evening at 7. And went directly to pokemon center, we both gave our pokemons to nurse joy who returned them after 1 hour and said they all are fit now. We had our dinner, while dinner I was checking about pokemons that current gym leader has, List of pokemon he uses can be any out of these 6 as battle is 3 vs 3 in the gym. Those six pokemons are

1. Beedrill (Mega Evolution)

2. Pinsir

3. Butterfree

4. Scizor (Mega Evolution)

5. Venomoth

6. Heracross (Mega Evolution)

So trainer uses 3 mega evolution capable pokemons and only one mega evolution can be used per battle so any of these 3 is used for sure and other 2 can be any out of remaining 5. I thought to take rest and than will go to the gym next morning to get my first badge.

Lets see what will happen in the gym tomorrow. Will update in next chapter and my next experiences will be updated as well.