Never Underestimate Bugs

I woke up next morning and met ankita than we had our breakfast after that we left to find gym of town. After asking people around we reached infront of gym after 30 minutes. We entered gym and told gym guy that we are here to challenge this gym. Gym guy asked me to show my trainer card which I gave him and after few minutes he returned me my trainer card and told us to wait outside in lobby. We sat on sofa nearby.

"What 3 Pokemon you are planning to choose" Ankita asked.

"As this is a bug gym than I think I will choose my charmeleon, Pupitar and pidgeotto" I replied.

" This is gym, you cannot win by only type effectiveness you will have to go with strategies" She Said.

"I know, I will change my pokemon if I feel like these 3 are not enough" I said.

"You both can come in and mam you can sit on the seats in battleground stadium" Gym guy told us.

We entered gym, The gym was filled with trees like a forest, obviously a bug trainer will use forest theme for their benefit, I thought and than I stood on my position.

Gym trainer entered, she was a girl of age around 20 years.

"Welcome to my gym, Challenger, I am Rini gym leader here" She introduced.

"Thankyou, I am Ujjawal Rai from Sunbloom Town" I replied.

"This is official gym battle and each one of you will use 3 pokemons. only challenger is allowed to switch pokemons and Whoever is able to defeat all pokemons of opponent will be declared winner. Challenger is allowed to forfeit the challenge anytime in between and he can challenge later again" Said gym guy who was acting as Match referee now.

"Now begin" Announced Referee.

"Go Scizor" Rini Sent her first pokemon.

'Ok she is going with scizor so I will choose Charmeleon who is 4 times effective against scizor' I thought.

"Go Charmeleon" I sent my pokemon.

"Wow, a Charmeleon, Nice choice but don't think you can defeat us easily by type match-up only" Rini said.

"We will see about that later, ok now charmeleon use flame charge" I said.

"Doge it scizor" scizor dodged my attack very easily.

'he is so fast' I thought.

"ok scizor use quick attack"

"Charmeleon dodge it"

Scizor was too fast and he hit directly to charmeleon who fell down.

"Ok scizor use X-scissor now"

"Stand up charmeleon" but that was also late and it was also a direct hit.

"Charmeleon use flamethrower" which was easily dodged by scizor.

'I am not able to do a single hit, how to beat her'

"Ok scizor go one last X Scissor"

Scizor was coming with full speed.

"Now Charmeleon use Flame Burst" A direct hit and scizor fell down and he was not able to move also.

"Scizor is unable to battle, Charmeleon Won the battle" Announce referee.

'Her first pokemon was so powerful and she didn't even used mega evolution, this is going to be harder than I thought'.

"Go pinsir" She sent out her second pokemon.

"Charmeleon return, you did great buddy now take some rest. Go Pidgeotto" I thought giving rest to charmeleon will be better and I can use it later and pidgeotto is flying type so it will be better against Pinsir a ground based bug type pokemon.

"Again type matchup, your luck will not give you benefit this time" She said.

'Yeah she is right, last match i won because of luck only or else that last hit was enough to beat charmeleon and scizor was not hit even single time' I thought.

"Pidgeotto use sand attack and than aerial ace" It was a direct hit but not that effective, That pinsir was at different level, might be so much experienced. If this is my condition in first gym than how will I be able to beat all other gyms and also those who has beaten these gyms, I thought.

Effect of sand attack was still there, "Pidgeotto again aerial ace"

"catch her and throw on wall" Rini told pinsir.

Pinsir did it and pidgeotto was hurt badly because of speed and unexpected throw.

'What but how' I thought.

"This is called aura power, I have trained them to feel aura of everything around, this sand attack was good move but not effective against me" Rini said.

"Pidgeotto fly high and than use aerial ace from air"

Pidgeotto flew high and started attacking on pinsir like a missile.

"Get ready pinsir you use bounce and hit her in air"

They both collided in air and that hit was so hard that a small storm arose, when dust settled we saw both pokemons were lying on ground and were not able to move.

"Both pokemon are unable to battle, this is draw" Referee announced.

"Now challenger has 2 pokemon and Gym Leader has 1 Pokemon, start the battle" Announced Referee.

"Now let see how you will battle this one now, Go Heracross" Rini sent Heracross.

'This must be mega evolution pokemon' I thought.

"Now for another level challenge, Heracross lets do it" Rini raised her hand and bracelet in her hand grew.

Heracross mega Evolved to Mega Heracross.

'Now its going to be hard' I thought.

"Go charmeleon" I sent Charmeleon.

"Sorry Buddy to call you back so soon but I need you here" I said.

"Charmeleon use flame charge"

"Heracross use bide"

heracross was storing his energy,

"Now charmeleon this is our chance, use flamethrower to finish him"

It was also a direct hit but not enough to finish heracross, I think he was just barely damaged.

"Now heracross finish her"

booommm.. Charmeleon fell down.

"Charmeleon is unable to battle heracross won" Referee Announced.

I recalled Charmeleon "You did very good buddy"

'Now charmeleon and pidgeotto both are down, these two were my best weapon against heracross and this is also fighting type so choosing Pupitar or Lucario will be gamble as he is super effective on both of them, than leaves Wartortle, Scyther and gayarados, now if I loose this round than I will have to come again to challenge her, whom to choose' I was thinking all this.

Whom should I choose ? out of remaining 5 who will be best against the Mega Heracross, I will tell you in next chapter, or you can tell me who should I choose.