Final Showdown in First Gym

Now I have one pokemon left and there is Mega heracross standing infront of me who just finished my charmeleon with one hit and it seems he received no damage even by two direct hits from charmeleon. Now I have 5 pokemon with me but I can choose only one and this gym battle has been so difficult so far.

'Now who to think, let's go with him, he can handle mega heracross' I thought.

"I choose you" I sent my last pokemon.

Lucario dual type pokemon is standing against another dual type pokemon who is at different level in terms of power.

"I thought you will be going with someone who is effective against my Heracross, but you choosed wrong pokemon, my heracross has just beaten your pokemon who had type effectiveness, are you already accepting your defeat ? When I saw you and your skills I thought you might be worthy trainer but I was wrong" Rini Said.

"You said that type match-up doesn't matter, the thing that matters most is your strategy and bonding with pokemon. I love my pokemons and they trust me aswell, this battle will show you my bonding with my pokemon. Show her what we really are Lucario" I said.

"Go heracross use X-Scissor"

"Dodge it"

Lucario dodge that move easily.

"You got speed, now let see how you will deal with this" Rini Said

"Go heracross use Agility and than Brick Break"

"Lucario use sword dance and again sword dance"

"Increasing attack will not work only, hitting is necessary, Go heracross use brick break"

"Dodge it with extremespeed and than use dragon claw"

direct hit, but heracross is still standing.

"Good hit, heracross use X Scissor and than horn attack"

"Dodge it again Lucario"

Lucario Dodged X Scissor but was not able to dodge horn attack and that powerful horn attack threw him high in air.

"Now its your chance heracross use body slam"

Another direct hit and lucario crashed down.

"Lucario, No.. Are you alright buddy" I shouted, I was tensed and I knew heracross is powerful so two consecutive direct hits were very much effective in giving damage.

"Heracross use brick break"

Another direct hit and Lucario was thrown to nearest wall.

"Lucario Stand up, I know you can do it"

"Why don't you accept your loss and we will spare you. We will show pitty on your lucario" Rini Said.

That angered me, 'Lucario please' I said in my mind.

'Master trust me we will win, this pokemon will see our combined power' Lucario Spoke again through Aura.

Lucario stood up. "Ok Lucario Extreme Speed and circle around Heracross"

That circle created a big sandstorm,

"What are you doing, again cheap trick ?" Rini laughed.

"Lucario now, Aura Sphere"

Another Direct hit on heracross, he was thrown to nearest wall which broke because of that powerful hit.

"Now Lucario use Extremespeed for last time"

"heracross you use horn attack"

They both collided with each other and a storm of dust rose around stadium, I knew that this was last hit for either of them.

When dust settled I saw they both were standing, due to that powerful hit, lucario sat on one Knee and heracross still standing looking at him.

"Heracross use brick break" Rini said.

Heracross moved but fell on ground,

"heracross stand up"

but heracross was not having enough strength to stand up.

"Heracross is unable to battle, Lucario won and winner is Challenger Ujjawal Rai from Sunbloom City" Referee Anounced.

I couldn't believe on my ear, 'I won ? I really won ? I got my first badge'

I ran towards Lucario and hugged him shouting we won lucario, you did it. I knew I can trust you in such difficult situation. Lucario kept his head on my shoulder. I recalled him in his pokeball and said "Take good rest buddy, you will always be ace of my team".

"Congratulations Ujjawal, here have this swarm badge" Rini came with smile.

"thankyou" I said.

"Your Lucario is really awesome, I know you both together will do many great things" She said and than left to the room in gym.

Ankita jumped into me and hugged saying "You won, you won. I knew you will win it".

"I barely won this, this was because of hardwork by all three. We still lack the power needed, I will have to train with more intensity or else if here I barely won than upcoming challenges will be more tough" I said.

"Don't worry you will win, now its time to celebrate. Let's celebrate this win" She said.

"lets go but first lets go to Pokecenter, these three needs big rest" I said.

We went to pokecenter first and I gave pokeballs of my three pokemons to Nurse Joy and than we left to take tour around city. We went to nearest restaurant and tried special sushi there.

We had ice-cream and than returned to pokecenter after 3 hours tour. When I returned I collected my pokemons from nurse joy and I called out all the pokemons out and shown them the new badge and thanked Charmeleon, Pidgeotto and Lucario for their efforts. My other pokemons were so happy and they surrounded those three. I left them there talking with each other and went to Ankita who was sitting on a table nearby. We chatted for few hours and than for next destination she told me that there is a contest in Kesnand Town next week and that town has a gym as well. I checked on my pokenav and it showed that to reach Kesnand Town we need to go through Route A.

"We will leave tomorrow" I said.

"Why tomorrow, contest is next week. We can have tour around town and than we can leave after 3 days" Ankita said childishly.

"No ankita, you saw today's battle, We need to be strong, so we leave tomorrow and do camping near Route A, there I can catch some new Pokemon and Also I can train my Pokemon." I said.

She agreed. I went to Pokemon PC and called Professor Oak.

"hey Ujjawal, Its been Long Time" Professor on other side said.

"He daisy, I am sending you my Gyarados and Scyther" I said.

"Sure why not, I will take care of them and they can train here in backyard with other pokemons" Professor replied.

I called out Scyther and Gyarados and told them to behave properly in Professor's Lab and keep training as we don't know when they will have to battle some strong opponent.

They both nodded than I recalled them in pokeball and Sent pokeball to professor.

"I received them, you take care of yourself" Professor Said.

"Yes sure Daisy I will" I said and hung the phone.

Than I went directly to my room, I packed my all stuffs and than went to sleep.