Route A- Evolution

I woke up little late in morning, I took bath and than went downstairs where ankita was waiting for me with all of our pokemon having breakfast. I went to them.

"Good Morning" I said greeting everyone.

All pokemon said in their tone at once.

"Mr. Rai you are late, if we leave at this time than you will get a day less for training as its already 11 am. Now hurry and have your breakfast so we will leave" Said Ankita (She always be bossy around us all. Just girl things, we know they care for us)

"Ok Ok sorry" i said.

I finished my breakfast within 15 minutes, than we left for route A. We reached to Route A at around 12:00.

"Ok so now lets find some better place where we can train" Ankita said.

"You go, i will go and look for some more pokemon, as per pokedex I can find here, Heracross, Teddiursa, and also Pikachu. You go I will find you later" I said and rain towards forest.

After looking around for 3 hours I was able to get all those 3 Pokemons, Lucario helped me in beating and catching them, pikachu which I caught was having little dark color, different from what shown in Pokedex.

I went to look for Ankita and after 30 minutes I found her practicing combination moves with her charmeleon and ralts.

"thats really cool" I said

"Ohh you are back" Said ankita.

"Finish your lunch, did you found what you were looking for ?" She asked.

I called out all of my pokemon. Ankita was excited after meeting my 3 new pokemons.

"this pikachu is little different from other pikachu i have seen" She said.

"Yeah, I think its a shiny one" I said.

"Shiny ? Whats that" She asked.

'Shit I don't know what they call such different colored pokemons in real world. We call them Shiny in our world' I thought.

"Don't you think its color is shining a little" I said trying to divert question.

"Ohh ok so that what you meant" She said.

'Offffff, thank god she accepted it' I thought.

I finished lunch and so did my other pokemons. So now I have 8 Pokemons and any new pokemon I catch will be sent to professor now.

At 4 we all started training. I was personally training my new pokemons and all others were capable of training themselves and Lucario was there to train.

I have increased weight on equipments to reduce their speed and hand movements.

For Next 6 Days we trained together and intense training with all made Wartortle evolve into Blastoise, Charmeleon in Charizard, Teddiursa in Ursaring. They were more powerful as well.

Charizard learned new moves, Wing Attack, Sky Attack, Aerial Ace, Seismic Toss, Eruption, Flare Blitz.

Blastoise Learned, Hydro Canon, Surf, Crunch, Thrash.

Heracross Learned, Brick Break, Double Edge, Mega-Horn, X Scissor, Aerial Ace, Super Power, Submission, Close Combat, Body Slam.

Pikachu Learned, Thunderbolt, Thunder, Volt Tackle, Slam, Electro Ball

Lucario Learned, Dark Pulse

Pupitar Learned, Smack Down

Pidgeotto Learned, Sky Attack, brave Bird, Double Edge

Ursaring Learned, Slam, brick Break, Shadow Ball, Double Edge, Rest, Thrash, Crush Claw, Submission, X Scissor, Sand Attack, Sword Dance

As per Pokedex the stats of my pokemon were almost double now than that were when we battled first gym and as per claim by pokedex, My Lucario, Pupitar, Charizard, Pidgeotto, Blastoise were almost at highest level and they can be maxed out and than to unlock next level potential they will have to train with same intensity for almost 2 Months and if they do so than they will be at champion level.

At current time my pokemons with level are

Near to Champion Level- Lucario, Charizard

Ultra Level- Blastoise, pupitar, Pidgeotto

Max Elite Level- Heracross, Pikachu, Ursaring

I don't know about current level of Scyther and Gyarados but I made them to First Stage of Ultra Level before sending to Professor. So if they are training at the rate I use to train them than they will reach to Max Ultra Level by next week.

"We should leave now, tomorrow there is contest" Ankita Said.

"Ok Lets Go" i replied.

We walked for 30 Minutes when we heard someone's scream, We looked at each other than we ran towards the scream.

When we reached there we saw a kid of around our age surrounded by some men in White Uniform with M Written on that.

"Give us your pokemons to us" One of those men said shouting to boy.

"Stop right their" I said.

They turned around and looked at us and than to each other.

"We can get few more pokemons now" One of them Said.

"We will see about that, Ankita take that boy and go to city" i said.

"No Ujjawal they are 6 people, I am not leaving you here alone" She said.

"I told you leave that means leave" I Shouted.

Still hesitating but than she agreed, I called out My Blastoise and Pikachu and told them to Escort both of them safely to the city. I knew Ankita's pokemon are not so strong so I sent my pokemons with her to protect her and that another kid.

When they left than I turned to those goons.

"You did grave mistake kid. You are messing with Team Mind" One of them said.

'These are grunts of team mind, one of the evil team about whom professor told me.' I thought.

They sent pokemons and they had, Kadabra, butterfree, Noctowl, Kirlia, grumpig, Mr. Mime.

I sent my 4 best pokemons, Lucario, Charizard, Pupitar, Pidgeotto.

They were not that strong and my pokemons easily beat them than I asked lucario to tie them all near the tree.

"You are not going to survive this" They were saying.

Before i can say anything, I felt someone's aura around and that was powerful.

"What's Going on here" A lady said from behind.

I turned around to see a lady in her 40's standing in front of me.

"Leader this kid is messing with our plan" one of grunt said.

"So you are messing with team mind kid" She said.

I can feel her aura, that was more powerful. I remained quite than she came closer.

"I am one of the Admins of Team Mind, I am Lucia" She said.

"I am Ujjawal and I won't let you hurt trainers around" I said.

"Ok so you are being savior to them, let see what you are capable of" She said and sent her Alakazam and Gardevoir. "this will be double battle and only 2-2 pokemons allowed and if you win I will leave, I have these 2 beast with me only and they are too powerful" She said.

"Ok I am ready" I said and sent out my Pupitar and Pidgeotto.

After intense fight for around 30 minutes both sides pokemons were tired but my both pokemons were hurt badly and they were lying on ground, I was in fear that I will loose now. I think that fear reached my both pokemons and to protect me they again tried and stood, Light glowed from both of them at the same time, I got now Tyranitar and Pidgeot in front of me.

"Both of you use Hyper beam" I ordered.

That knocked her both pokemon and she also fell down. I recalled her pokemons in their pokeball and also mine, than I called out Lucario and asked him to tie her as well. I waited till she regain her consciousness,

"What are you planning to do" She said, somewhat in fear.

"I will show you now" I said.

I went close to grunts and took all of their pokeballs and even one pokeball Lucia was hiding as well, though I was not knowing what pokemon that was but that must be powerful.

"These are mine now" I said than called out charizard and asked him to burn them to ashes with tree. He did it. i could hear painful screams from them all but they deserved it for hurting many trainers before I even encountered them.

I called out my all 6 pokemons who were with me and than i one by one called out pokemons i took from those grunts, than asked them to join me either by their will or they can test me. They all agreed, it took little force to convince Alakazam and Gardevoir but finally they also joined my team. No remained last pokemon, I asked my all pokemons to get ready as this could be a beast. I called out the pokemon, It was a Gengar, he looked around and than to us, he might have been looking for his trainer.

I asked Lucario to talk to him and ask if he is ready to team up with us or I will show him my power. He refused and I had to use tyranitar who beat him but tyranitar also got tired too much by that intense battle, finally he happily accepted to join my team.

So now I got,

Alakazam, Gardevoir, Gengar, Grumpig, Mr. Mime, Kirlia, Noctowl, Kadabra, Abra, Butterfree, Gastly, Haunter and Ralts.

Those all pokemons were sent to professor as soon as they got themselves captured in my pokeballs. Than I went to the kesnand town and directly went to pokecenter and there I met Ankita who asked me about those goons and I told them that when I beat them they ran away. Than I asked her to wait near that kid and I will return after calling professor. I went downstairs and called professor,

"hey Ujjawal you caught so many pokemons today" She said

"yes professor, a great luck you can say, professor I want to send my few pokemons from here and want to collect two pokemons from you" I said.

"Why not whom you want to send and who you want with you there" She asked.

I called out my ursaring, blastoise, pikachu, pidgeot and heracross whom i planned to send as My Blastoise and Pidgeot were at champion Level first stage now so I asked those two and all others to train there and also train others there and check with them. I told them that will recall them when I will need their level of power, so increase and train as much as you can. they all agreed, Pidgeot was so much attached to me so she came near and hugged me with her wings.

"You have always been a good girl, and now I want to be a good trainer for pokemons there, Blastoise will be there to help you and you know all pokemon i am sending along with you think you as a leader and mother, so be like that and make me proud" I said.

She nodded and than I recalled all pokemons and sent them to professor than asked her to send me gengar and gardevoir. Than I hung up phone and went to meet ankita and that kid.