Showdown in Contest

I told ankita to take rest and I will stay with that kid. She thanked me and then left from there. When she left, I went to nurse and asked about situation of Kid and she told that he was just frightened and little bruises were there, he will be alright by tomorrow. I relieved from that news, then I left to the battleground in backyard of pokemon center. I called out all my pokemons, I now kept, Lucario, Charizard, Tyranitar, Gengar, Gardevoir with me. I welcomed the new two members of team, I checked on the egg that I received in Erectus Town, it was moving little, it can hatch within 2 days. I was excited to see what new pokemon I will be getting, Then I checked data of both pokemon's moves,

Gengar has moves- Toxic, Curse, Shadow ball, Shadow Punch, Thunderbolt, Sludge Wave, Sludge Bomb, Acid Spray, Dark Pulse, Hex, Sneak Attack, Mean Look and Moon-blast.

So Gengar have 1 electric and 1 fairy move, I can teach him Dark pulse and Psychic which will make him a tank.

Gardevoir has moves- Growl, Confusion, Teleport, Psychic, Psywave, Psybeam, Fairy Wind, Moonblast, Magical Leaf and Kinesis.

I thought of teaching her shadow ball, Thunderbolt and Toxic later.

As per data in pokedex, my pokemons with levels,

Mid Stage Champion- Lucario, Tyranitar, Charizard

Initial Stage Champion- Gengar and Gardevoir.

As per pokedex three pokemon of mine will take 1.5 months intense training at least to reach Initial Stage of Master Level and other two will take up to 2.5 Months to reach same level.

I checked in Pokenav for data about gym leader and it shown that gym leader here uses ghost type pokemon, and 2v2 or 4v4 battle is allowed in gym, he has used till date

1. Gengar (Mega Evolution)

2. Haunter

3. Mismagius

4. Dusknoir

5. Dusclops

6. Sableye (Mega Evolution)

So, he has 2 pokemons capable of mega evolution and battle can be either 2v2 or 4v4 so he will choose one of these 2 for sure and then other depending on which battle he will prefer against me.

I told all my pokemons and also that Gengar this is your battle for Sure and Tyranitar if 2v2 or in other case will add lucario with either Charizard or Gardevoir, depending on situation. So they both agreed and then I told them that training will start tomorrow morning so take rest and recalled them all. Then I went to my room to have sleep as nurse joy was there with the boy. Next morning, I woke up at 5 and went to battleground, called my all pokemons out and started training. They all were too good in terms of speed and attack, so I was happy as in this gym I might get chance of winning easily if they battle like this.

At 7 am I told them all to take breakfast and do so chit chat with each other as 2 new members were there and then I left to the room where that boy was sleeping. When I reached there, I saw boy was awake and he recognized me, I went to him,

"Hey good morning, feeling better" I said.

"Yes, a little headache but thats fine" He replied.

"I am Ujjawal, and whats your name" I asked.

"I am Aniket, Nice to meet you" He said.

"On a journey to become a pokemon trainer?" I asked.

"No, I am a Pokemon Breeder. I left from my hometown to see many new pokemons around region" Aniket replied.

"That's so cool, you are a breeder. Do you want companion? As you are still not so good to go alone, if you want you can join us and when you feel like you can travel on your own than you can leave" I asked.

"Sure, If you don't have any problem" He said.

"Nah, I never have any problem and about ankita, she will be very happy if you travel with us. She is little bossy though" I said.

I helped him to standup, he went to bathroom and came after getting his clothes changed. We went downstairs to have our breakfast and found that ankita is already waiting there, I went to her than introduced aniket with her and also told that he will be joining us in travel. She was excited after hearing this. I was going to collect the pokefood to give my pokemon but ankita said,

"I knew that training is your priority so i went to check in battleground but you were not there but your pokemon were there, I gave them pokefood and by the way you never told me that you had Gengar and Gardevoir"

"Yeah, I caught them yesterday when I was returning to town, they both were battling each other so I fought both of them and caught so that they will not cause any more disruption in forest" I made a fake story.

"That's cool" She said with excitement. "Are you guys ready to see me performing in beauty contest".

We both said yes and then we finished our breakfast and we all went to the contest stadium, lucario was insisting to see ankita's performance so I kept him out of his Pokeball, Ankita went and enrolled her for the contest. I with Aniket and Lucario went to sit on the chairs in stadium.

Each of participant's performed and they also performed their pokemon's move with beauty and elegance. I was watching very carefully just to see if I can use any of those tactics in gym battle. Ankita got selected for second round which was battle round between trainers.

After battling trainers, she reached finally to final. We all three went to the room where she was to congratulate her, she was bit nervous for final battle but I convinced her that she will win.

"Ankita in every battle either we win or learn, there is no loss for us in any result. SO, go out and give your best" I told her.

That cheered her up and we went back to our seats, Final battle started which was really intense, both were battling so beautifully that I wasn't able to remove my eyes for a second as well. Finally, 5 minutes timer got over and the other trainer won contest just by 1 point. Ankita sat there on her knees and tears falling from her eyes. Then she stood congratulated that trainer and left to the room. We also ran there and saw ankita crying. I went near to her and hugged her. She was sobbing and she hugged me tightly. I was feeling really bad for her because I saw how sincerely she was training for this contest. I was patting her back and was trying to console her.

"Why Ujjawal, why? What went wrong? Why I lost the match?" She asked still sobbing and I could feel her tears falling on my shoulder.

"Ankita we all know that you performed very nicely, you were really great there" I said cupping her face in my hand. "I told you no matter you win or lose you will learn something, and I know you have learned now that you will have to train more intensely from now. I am sure you will win next contest and also tournament"

"But Ujjawal I I I....." Tears rolling from her eyes.

I Kissed her on chicks and said "No matter what, don't ever break like this, you will be best Pokemon Coordinator world ever had".

She hugged me again and said "Thankyou Ujjawal, for being there with me".

"We both will always be there for each other" I said.

Then I took her to restaurant where we had lunch. Aniket told us that he will wait for us in Pokecenter and he left us alone, Lucario also went back to pokeball to have rest.

"Ankita can we go to eat Ice Cream" I asked.

"Mr. Rai are you asking me out for a date?" She said mischievously.

"Yeah, sort of" I said.

We both went and had ice cream. Then we sat on a bench near the ice cream parlor.

"Ujjawal will you always be my partner" She asked.

"Yeah, we will be for sure. We will win each of our tournaments and travel together" I said.

"Silly, I mean, I Love You" She said.

"What !!!!!" I asked in a shock.

"yeah, I always had crush on you since we battled first time in erectus town, that was the reason why I asked to be my companion in travel" She said.

I hugged ankita and then I told her everything about how I reached here and my world.

"What!!!! You will leave after completing the quest" She asked.

"Yeah, I will have to" I said.

"What will happen to your pokemon and what will happen to me after you leave" She said with tears filled in her eye.

"We will find a way till completing the quest" I said while consoling her.

"Promise me, you will not leave us" She said.

"Ok I promise, I will find a way to stay here or if light sends me back than also get some way to return back here" I said.

She hugged me, I told her not to tell about this to anyone as we cannot trust anyone. She accepted the condition.

We returned to Pokemon Center and went to our room, in night Ankita came to my room and asked to share bed. I said yes and we slept their cuddling each other.

I was thinking about my next gym battle that I will go for tomorrow. I was both excited and nervous as I saw power of Gym Trainers of this region in my first battle. I fell asleep while thinking all this and ankita was there cuddling me. We both slept in same position.