Spooky Ghosts

I woke up in morning, saw ankita sleeping in my bed, I remembered everything happened yesterday. I left her asleep and went to take bath. When I came out Ankita was awake and sitting on bed.

"Good Morning" I said.

"Good Morning, Sweetheart" She said.

"I think I should get used to it" I said smiling.

She came close to me and said "You better be" and pecked on my chick than went to take her bath.

"I will be waiting downstairs in Lobby" I said and left.

Aniket was in lobby sitting on table, I went to him.

"Good Morning Buddy" I said.

"Good Morning Ujjawal, so how is Ankita" He said.

"Better than yesterday, I know everything will be fine. This is Ankita we are talking about." I replied and we both laughed.

After a while Ankita came and sit on table beside me. We all called out our pokemon. Aniket had one Squirtle, Geodude, Zubat and Vulpix.

They all started eating, we also dig into our breakfast. We were having our breakfast when I saw All of my and Ankita's Pokemons coming towards us.

"What happened guys, any problem?" I asked.

'Master, I heard everything through pokeball and so did Charizard and she told everyone about your departure in future and about love of both of you. Will you leave us all' Lucario asked me through telepathy.

"Never, As I promised Ankita I will find a way for sure. How can I leave my best friends and the one who love me alot" I said while looking at ankita and my pokemons.

'Master, Ankita is really good and we all always wanted you both to be together because we see you following someone's orders, so she will be perfect life partner for you' Lucario Said and all other pokemons started laughing.

"Whats Going on here" Asked Ankita.

"Nothing just all of our pokemons are accepting our relationship" I said.

"Wow so nice of you" She said smiling.

"Ok guys finish your breakfast and get ready, we are going to battle Gym Leader of this town" I said.

All of pokemons went and finished their food and we also finished our breakfast. We all three walked down the street and went in front of Gym. I told gym guy that we are here to challenge and he went inside to ask gym leader than he returned and told us that we can proceed. Ankita and Aniket sat in stadium's seat and I went to stand on challenger's position.

Gym Leader came, He was a guy of age around 55 and he stood on his position.

"Welcome to my gym challenger, I am Daniel, Gym Leader of Kesnand Town and I accept your official challenge. But first you will need to spin that spinner which will decide what battle we will be doing" He said.

I went to spinner where 4 boxes were there, with markings, 2v2 single battle, 2v2 double battle, 4v4 single battle, 4v4 double battle. I spin that spinner and waited till I saw the pointer to stop on 2v2 double battle.

I came back to my position.

"Ok so this will be 2v2 double battle, it's an official gym battle between Gym Leader Daniel and Challenger Ujjawal, if the challenger wins the battle than he can claim Kesnand Town's Gym badge" Referee Said.

"Ok so I will start with these two" Daniel sent Gengar and Dusknoir.

I was expecting these two,

"Ok I will go with these two" I said and sent Tyranitar and Gengar.

"Start battle" Referee said.

"Ok gengar you use hex and dusknoir you use shadow ball" Said Daniel.

"Dodge it and Gengar use Shadow ball and Tyranitar Use crunch" My pokemons dodged easily and both attacks were direct hit.

"Quite a move, now let's see how you will handle this" Daniel said and his gengar mega evolved to mega gengar.

'His both pokemons are damaged already and if I be able to defeat dusknoir than my both pokemon can beat Mega gengar Easily' I thought.

"Gengar use Toxic and Dusknoir use curse on tyranitar" Daniel said.

"Sandstorm Tyranitar and gengar protect tyranitar from toxic" My both pokemon were batteling in rythm.

"Ok now Tyranitar use crunch on dusknoir and Gengar use shadow ball on dusknoir" I said.

Due to Sand storm dusknoir was unable to dodge attacks and my both pokemons were too fast too, this move knocked out dusknoir.

"Dusknoir is unable to battle" Said referee.

'Now we have only Mega Gengar to Beat' I thought.

"Gengar use shadow ball on Gengar" Daniel said.

"Tyranitar dark pulse on shadow ball, gengar use shadow ball" I said.

That dark Pulse blasted that shadow ball in air and a quick move from Gengar hit Mega Gengar who got damaged badly and fall on ground.

"Now it's our chance, both of you use sneak attack" Another direct hit and gengar was sent flying to nearest wall, he tried to stand up but he fell back down.

"Gengar is Unable to battle, winner is challenger Ujjawal" Said referee.

We won our second badge; this was not that intense as I had to battle in my first gym. I guess this was due to training my pokemons had. I went running to both of them, "You both were battling like one, you guys are a perfect double battle team. I always wanted this spirit from my all pokemon for each other and you did that" I said. they both looked at each other and smiled, like they were congratulating and thanking each other.

"I haven't seen this level of power and bonding of pokemon with each other and also with their trainer, you are an outstanding trainer" Said daniel who was standing behind me.

I turned around and thanked him.

"Here take this Spooky Badge, you really deserve this and I want to thank you for showing me such great power" He said and then left.

Ankita and Aniket both came running to me, Ankita directly hugged me congratulating me and Aniket also Congratulated me. I called out other 3 pokemons to show them the new badge I won and also told them about how gengar and tyranitar battle together like one. They all surrounded tyranitar and gengar and congratulated them.

I called lucario to me and said "Thankyou Lucario for making bonding within team, you all are doing so much for me and when I see you all together as a team, I feel proud of myself".

All others also came there, and they touched lucario than I started hearing each of them through aura of Lucario.

'Master, you are the one whom we trust and you way of giving us chance to train each other makes us more trustworthy towards each other' Said Charizard.

'Yes, Charizard is saying right. She is little bossy but she always keeps us all together, and your way of training is really best and last night when you were sleeping, we came out of our pokeball with help of gengar and silently went downstairs where we made plan for today's battle' said Larvitar.

'Yes Master, last night we all trained together and Lucario told us how you let each of us train one another, that created a faith towards in me and gardevoir, we did really great by accepting your proposal. This is what led us to perform as one today' Said gengar.

'Master, we will never let you down. Your trust in me and our love towards you will make us achieve anything' Said Gardevoir and Lucario.

"Thank you all and next time when you go for training in night wake me as well and as you didn't last night so for punishment you all will have to do 300-300 push-ups and 100 rounds of battleground in pokecenter before lunch" I said.

'No !!!!!' They all said in one tone and started laughing.

Then we all went to pokecenter where my pokemons completed their punishment regardless of I said I was joking, after that we all had our lunch. We heard a big blast in town a little far from pokecenter.

What was that blast? Will update you all in next chapter...