Battle on Water

After completing my training in coral town and a stay of 2 days there, I was ready to take on the coral gym. I along with my 2 friends, reached gym at around 11 in morning. We met gym guy of coral town gym and told him that we want to challenge the gym leader here. He went inside and came with confirmation for the challenge acceptance, we went inside the gym and reached battlefield, Ankita and aniket sat on the stadium chairs. Battlefield of coral town gym was like a big swimming pool and there were some poles in between pools where pokemons could stand. I stood on my position and gym leader also arrived there in a while.

"I am Ujjawal Rai from Seabloom Town and I am here to challenge you and claim your gym badge." I said.

"Welcome challenger, I am Storm, Gym Leader of Coral Town and I accept your challenge. This is my 3rd gym battle since yesterday and last two battles were very disappointing, I hope you will give me some challenge." Storm replied.

"I am at different level than the trainers you might have battled before, I even have 2 gym badges, one from Shikrapur Town and one from Kesnand Town. I will give you a best competition." I said.

"Quite some confidence, I hope it doesn't proof to be bluff, Let's see what you can do. This will be official gym battle and we will be using 4 pokemons each." Storm said and than he turned to gym guy who was referee for the match.

"This is official gym battle between, Challenger ujjawal from Seabloom town and Gym Leader Storm of Coral Town, this will 4v4 gym battle and only challenger is allowed to substitute his pokemon but substitution for challenger will start after 1 pokemon of either side get knocked out." Referee Said.

'This is different rule, I can only substitute after any of our pokemon gets knocked out ? I will have to choose my first pokemon very perfectly so that I don't get into pressure' I thought.

"Both trainers send your first pokemons" Referee announced.

"Ujjawal get ready to face my first pokemon and that might be the only one you will face" Storm said and he sent out Starmie.

'He is going with starmie, dual type pokemon with typing water and psychic so i should choose raichu as he has speed and also super-effective against starmie' I thought and sent out Raichu.

Storm smiled and said "Going with type effectiveness, you cannot win against us with type effectiveness only".

"We will see about that in battle storm, Raichu let's show him what we are" I said.

"Ok trainers start battle" referee announced.

"As a challenger I will start, of Raichu get close to starmie by using quick attack and than use thunder" I said.

"Bad shot, Starmie use dive and protect yourself from the attack" Storm said.

We missed our first attack, 'Water conducts electricity, and I have seen in anime that that will help in beating a water type deep in the water easily, that comes in mind of ash very late but I won't do that mistake' I thought.

"This time you did mistake storm, Raichu use thunderbolt in to swimming-pool" I said.

"Starmie rapid spin quick" Storm said.

A direct hit to raichu before he can even charge thunderbolt. Raichu fell in water.

"Now starmie use surf"

that move was so powerful that my raichu was sent flying to the wall on the side.

'He is very fast than i thought, I will have to think differently' I thought.

"Ok starmie use Rapid Spin" Storm ordered.

'Just stay calm raichu, stay calm and wait, i will tell you to attack' I was murmuring to myself. Starmie was almost close to Raichu.

"Now raichu use thunder" I said.

Direct hit, starmie fell down there, "Now finish with Iron Tail and than shock wave" I said.

Both attack were also direct hit, I thought it was over but starmie again stood up, 'Now this is going to get more difficult' I thought.

"Quick starmie into the pool and use recover" Storm said.

'This move will take time and now is my chance to hit him when he is in pool' I thought.

"Ok Raichu quick use thunder in to the pool" I said.

Whole stadium was filled with the yellow light, we both were waiting for the result to come, my raichu was also tired by two direct hits and than using such powerful attacks. Starmie came up to the surface and a red light beeping can be seen in the center of its body, in anime that meant its not able to attack now.

"Starmie is unable to battle, raichu won" Referee announced. That announcement relieved me, if this was power of his first pokemon than other three will be more devastating, I thought.

Storm recalled Starmie and said something to its pokeball, than turned to us and said "That was something trainer, last 2 challengers were not even able to beat my starmie, you have some power. Lets see how you will face pokemon on effectiveness over you" and he sent out swampert.

'So now he is choosing swampert, Raichu is not much effective against him and he is also tired' I thought and recalled Raichu and thanked him for that fabulous battle, I sent out my second pokemon Grovyle.

Storm smiled and said "Someone did homework before challenging, thats good. I want the same as our first battle".

"I will give you better" I said and looked at grovyle who nodded in response.

"Start duel" referee said.

" Swampert lets give them some blast, use water pulse"

"Grovyle dodge it with quick attack and than use another quick attack to get close and use leaf blade"

It was a perfect hit, but swampert was still looking like that attack didn't give much damage.

"Swampert again use water pulse"

"Same mistake storm, do you really want to loose this battle as well" I said smiling and also in little surprise " Grovyle repeat the moves you used last time".

We were almost close to swampert for another perfect attack just when, "Swampert use mega punch"

A direct hit and grovyle was sent flying, "Now swampert use Ice beam"

"Quick grovyle dodge it" I said but we were late and another direct hit, Grovyle fell down, 'Please grovyle stand up, please' I was pleading and my heart was pounding.

"Let's finish this with another mega punch swampert" Storm said.

"Grovyle quick stand up and dodge it with quick attack and use leaf blade" I said.

Grovyle did it, Swampert was damaged now, "Another leaf blade" I said. It was also direct hit.

"Now finish with last leaf blade" I said.

"Swampert step aside and use mega punch" Both attacks collided which sent both of pokemons flying.

Both pokemons were barely able to stand up, we both knew that any move from either pokemon will be last for the other pokemon.

"Swampert use hyper beam with full power" Storm said.

As we were near beach and it was summertime so sunlight was harsh and solar beam could be used without waiting, "Grovyle use solar beam with full power" I said.

Both the attacks collided and that force was so much that I also stepped back due to that force, we waited for the smoke to displace, after smoke got cleared we saw both pokemon standing infront of each other and smiling, as like they were appreciating each others powers. They both smiled and fell down together.

"Both pokemons are unable to battle" referee announced.

We recalled our pokemons, I said "Grovyle you were fantastic there, that swampert was much powerful then you but you countered him with taking direct hits" And kept his pokeball back to belt.

"You are really good Ujjawal, I am getting excited with the battle" Storm Said.

We smiled, now storm has 2 and I have 3 pokemon left, Raichu is tired and other two I will choose depending on his choice.

So what will happen next in my gym challenge, will update you in next chapter.