King of the Sea

We both were standing and facing each other, now storm was left with 2 pokemons and I had 3 pokemons in my arsenal, first two pokemons of storm were really tough to beat, now I know why internet says Storm is one of the best gym leader in region and is able to take on elite four as well, he was member of elite four previously but now he is not interested in that position so he is working as gym leader only in his hometown.

"You are really good Ujjawal, now let see how you will face this one" Storm said and he sent out his Golduck who was known as his ace in terms of speed.

'He is going with speed, I will have to go with speed and delusion at same time' I thought. I had a perfect pokemon with the same effects.

"I choose you" I said and sent out my beast Gengar, who was standing there on one of the stand. "Gengar this will be your second gym battle, lets show them our combination". Gengar gave me a smile with nod.

"Now begin" referee announced.

"Gengar use shadow ball" I said.

"Don't you know about speed of my pokemon" Storm said "Golduck dodge it"

"Shadow sneak" I said.

A direct hit, storm smiled with that move. "Now you are going with tactics, I really like it. You are amusing me Ujjawal" Storm said.

"We have very good bonding storm, Not only gengar battle but I also battle with him on the ground" I said.

"Now I will show you our bonding, we have been together since I started my journey and Psyduck was my first pokemon" Storm Said.

"golduck use use water pulse" Storm said.

"Dodge it Gengar and use shadow ball and than shadow sneak" I said.

"Same strategy, Ujjawal. You cannot win with repeating strategies" Storm Said.

Golduck dodged Shadow ball as I expected and than my gengar went for shadow sneak but got hit by close range water pulse. That move was really powerful and even my Champion Level Gengar was sent flying.

"Gengar stand up, and repeat again' I said, gengar looked at me in shock, I said telepathically' Gengar trust me, they will think we are doing same mistake but change of plan is when you get close by using shadow sneak just go a little behind him and use shadow ball' for which gengar smiled.

"Again same mistake, don't you love your pokemon ?" Storm said with surprise.

"Do it Gengar" I said.

Gengar repeated same move but storm was expecting our mistake which we did last time, for his surprise, Gengar went past golduck and used shadow ball. Golduck fell down.

"Now gengar use toxic and than venoshock" I said.

Golduck was unable to dodge my moves and got another direct hit. "Now finish with another venoshock" I said.

"Golduck quick step aside and use water pulse" Golduck moved a little and sent gengar flying by water pulse. Two close water pulse and from such powerful pokemon were able to weaken my gengar. Gengar was breathing heavily. That toxic did its effect and golduck again fell down on knees, 'I cannot attack from close as another water pulse from that range will be enough to finish my pokemon' I thought.

"Gengar use shadow balls" I said.

"Quick golduck dodge it" Storm said.

But due to poison effect golduck was not able to move and got direct hits by 4 shadow ball one after another. Golduck fell down on ground unconscious.

"Golduck is unable to battle" Referee announced.

"You beat my golduck, that was quite some strategy using toxic to weaken my pokemon. I am impressed Ujjawal" Storm Said, "But don't think its over, you are still that far as you were when we started our battle". He sent the sea monster gyarados, That gyarados is too big than an average gyarados, even my gengar stepped back a little after feeling its aura. Gengar was tired so I thought to recall but gengar said telepathically 'Master, I can continue, trust me'. I smiled in return.

"Now to add some more beauty, let's show some additional power" Storm said and he used his bracelet which started to glow and so was a necklace on the neck of gyarados. Gyarados was mega evolved now.

'Now this is going to be difficult' I thought still trembling with the power I was feeling.

"Gyarados use Hydro Pump" Storm said.

"Dodge it gengar" I said.

"Now crunch" Said Storm. A direct hit on Gengar who cried in pain. 'He used hydro pump to trick us so he can use crunch' I was shocked with that sudden attack.

" Gengar use double team and than shadow ball" I said. Gyarados was surrounded by double team of gengar and got a direct hit from shadow ball, he cried in pain.

"Keep using shadow ball" I said.

Gyarados was getting continuous hit by shadow balls and that caused a smoke of blast, gyarados was crying in pain from that attack.

"Gyarados use surf" A wave of surf surrounded stadium and all delusions created by Gengar vanished and also gengar was eloped under that wave. When wave became normal, Gengar was lying down there and swirls could be seen in his eyes.

"Gengar is unable to battle, change your pokemon" referee announced.

I recalled Gengar and thanked him, He has already given damage so raichu can finish him I thought and sent my raichu.

"Raichu use Thunder" I said.

"Counter with surf" Storm said. A wave again arose and that thunder was absorbed, Raichu dodged it in time.

"Raichu use quick attack to get close and use thunder" I said.

"Hydro Pump" Storm said.

Raichu summoned thunder and gyarados used hydro pump, both pokemon got hit by attacks. Raichu was blasted towards the wall and fell unconscious, Sparks were flying around gyarados, that means he was paralyzed.

"Raichu is unable to battle" referee said. Now I was left with one pokemon and I knew whom to choose as Gyarados was paralyzed by my raichu and even he was damaged by both gengar and raichu so it was easy for my pokemon to beat him now.

"I choose you Lucario" I sent my pokemon.

Lucario was standing in front of gyarados who was breathing heavily by taking damages from my pokemons.

"Lucario he is tired, use extreme speed to get close and than use force palm" I said.

Lucario followed my order but storm used surf to counter and my lucario was swapped like a trash in the wave. He still has power left, I cannot go close and attack from front I thought.

"Ok lucario use extreme speed, and cross gyarados" I said.

Lucario was the pokemon who trusted on me for my any order and he followed that, before gyarados could use surf again my lucario was behind him.

"Now aura Sphere" I said.

A direct hit and gyarados was sent flying to the wall and that crash destroyed that wall.

"Good move Ujjawal, now look I will have to repair this wall now." Storm said and laughed.

"Ok Lucario use aura sphere to finish him" I said.

"Counter with water pulse" Both moves collided in air and a blast occurred in air.

"Again Aura sphere and keep attacking Lucario" I said.

"Counter each with water pulse gyarados" Storm said.

Gyarados was able to use 4 water pulses but than next he couldn't send any, due to paralysis, I thanked Raichu for that. Gyarados was hit directly by 3 aura spheres after that. Smoke arose where gyarados was lying. I thought that its over now but when smoke got cleared I saw gyarados was still moving.

"Gyarados very good now use Hydro pump" Storm said and that was direct hit as my lucario was not able to move quick enough.

"Now finish with Hyper Beam Gyarados"

"Extreme speed and another aura sphere" Lucario was able to dodge that attack now and used Aura sphere which was direct hit. "Now finish him with force palm" I said.

Due to paralysis gyarados was unable to move and got another direct hit from lucario which sent him flying to opposite wall, gyarados was lying there unconscious, Lucario was breathing heavily as those attacks from gyarados were really powerful.

"gyarados is unable to battle, Lucario wins and that means challenger ujjawal won battle against gym leader storm" referee announced.

I jumped in excitement, Storm came to me with badge in his hand and said "I thought you will be also weak like other challengers i face, but ujjawal you proved me wrong and so I present you with this Coral Badge which will prove your win against me. Also as you were able to beat me than I am sure that other battle will not be that hard for you as I am most powerful gym leader in the region. And Ujjawal thanks again for giving me such beautiful battle after so many years"

I took badge and bowed to him and after thanking him I came out of the gym, My friends came running,

"You were really awesome there" Said ankita.

"Yeah at one point we thought you will loose it" Said Aniket.

"All thanks to efforts by my pokemons and specially Raichu who paralyzed gyarados or else he could have defeated my lucario" I said smiling and looking at pokeball of Raichu. 'You deserve good rest buddy, we will go to pokecenter and than we will go out for treat for all of your efforts' I thought and than we three walked towards pokecenter to heal my pokemons.

What new surprises I will be facing, what will be my next battle, I will update you all in next chapters and thanks all for reading.....