Journey to Lavesia Town

Next morning I woke up and then after taking bath went downstairs and first went to computer area of Pokemon Center, I dialed laboratory's number and Vishal picked it up, I was about to storm out at him because he knew about me but he didn't tell me, but I thought otherwise and asked him to call professor so that I can collect my pokemons. Vishal told me that professor was busy in treating some pokemons which we found injured in forest last night and brought here. He said he will bring my pokemon and asked which ones I want, I gave him a glare and he understood that I know everything, so without saying anything he went to the field and called my pokemon back to their pokeball and sent me my Gengar, Gardevoir and Pidgeot. I said good bye to him, and hang up phone.

I went to pantry area where I found my other two companions waiting for me, than I called out my pokemons, Lucario, Lapras, Charizard, Gengar, Gardevoir and Pidgeot were standing in the area where pokemon eat their food. Then we started our discussion and first topic was about Lapras.

"Wow, when you caught your Lapras" Asked Ankita.

"Yes and its bigger than any normal Lapras, atleast 3 times bigger." Said Aniket.

"yeah, yesterday when I was doing work I told, I heard her cry and then we battled and finally I was able to tame her" I replied.

"Where are your other pokemons" Ankita asked.

"I sent them to Laboratory, professor wanted to check them, so I collected Gengar, Gardevoir and Pidgeot from her and sent others to her" I said.

"Ok, thats cool. So what is our next destination ?" Asked Ankita.

"I think we should head to Lavesia town, there is a gym. So we should check it out" I replied.

They all agreed with my point, than I checked the way to reach Lavesia town and I found that we can reach there by crossing Route 21 and that route is not that big so if we leave today we can reach there by evening. We packed some food for our lunch and then started our journey towards lavesia town.

We were almost at the end of route when we saw some Team Mind Grunts, standing in between the route and blocking the route. I saw few trainers as well who were sitting on other side, tied by ropes.

"Turn back and leave, we have some matter to solve in Lavesia Town. Return back or you will feel wrath of Team Mind" One of grunt said.

I looked to aniket and ankita who understood what exactly I wanted to say and they ran towards the trainers and untied their ropes.

"What are you doing" Shouted another grunt.

"You will feel my wrath" I said keeping myself calm.

"This kid think he can beat us" Another grunt said and laughed.

"Kid, look around you we are 10 here and you weakling cannot handle us" Said another one laughed.

"Do you guys only bark or bite also" I said teasing them.

"You will regret this" Said one of them in anger.

They all sent out their pokemons, which were similar to what those grunts had who were beaten by me earlier. My Lucario and Gengar alone handled them all, they tried to escape but they fall asleep by hypnosis of my Gengar. I turned to the trainers and my friends and told them to go towards city and they followed my instruction. I sent out my Charizard and she understood my intention and burned them all, I released all of their pokemons in wild as I already had those pokemons. I wanted some powerful pokemons which I thought admins might be having some.

I went to the town which was at 10 minutes distance from the place where I killed those grunts. In the town there were many team mind grunts walking around. No one was allowed to get inside town or out of the town.

'Why league is not doing anything against these bastards' I thought and anger filled within me.

"Where are you going, you are not allowed inside. Those fools were not able to stop you kids." Said one of the 4 grunts who were guarding the entrance of the town.

"Those were useless, I knew that" Said another grunt.

"Do you want to meet them" I said in anger.

"What do you mean, you little punk" Said one of them holding my collar.

My lucario was standing beside me who got angry by his actions and he punched him so hard that he fell unconscious there, which caused others to run from there. We entered the town and searched for pokemon center. That place was also guarded by one grunt but lucario punched her as well and she fell down other side. I told them to enter the Pokecenter and stay till I clear mess. I was filled with anger, these bastards are taking over a complete town and that league is not doing anything to help them. This all was making my anger more worse. I called out charizard and gengar as well, they felt my anger as well, I told them completely eliminate any grunt who comes in between. They all nodded and I first went to a grunt and Lucario picked him up with his neck, then I asked, "Tell me whats going on or you will suffer a death which you will not forget even after your reincarnation" Which shivered him and he told me that they were here to take on Lavesia Corp, that company is making an ultimate ball which can capture any pokemon and also tame that and make friendly towards the one who captured.

I told lucario to spare him and told that grunt to leave this place and also team mind or if I encounter him next time then that will be his last day. He bowed and ran from there and I also saw few other grunts running behind him.

'Those fools, if I see them again I will kill them' I thought in anger.

'Master, I can sense too much anger within you. What exactly is the reason' Asked Lucario and, Charizard and Gengar were also looking little surprised as they had never seen me in anger.

"I am angry because these Team mind bastards are making innocent people suffer and moreover the league of this reason is not doing anything to stop them." I said.

'Master, this might be the reason why arceus teleported you here, there is something more fishy going one here.' Said Lucario.

"Yes you are right, I am also thinking the same, the best thing for us will be that we eliminate each grunt we fight today" I said and put a mask on my face so no employee of Lavesia Corp see and recognize me later. As if league is with these teams than I may come in danger.

I reached at the gate of Lavesia Corp. I was eliminating any grunt who was fighting with me and I show mercy on them who were willing to leave team mind and their aura show me pureness. Finally I reached at the top of the building, and than went towards the battleground where i heard some Elderly Man was threatening someone. I opened the gate and entered the field, I saw many trainers lying around and one elderly guy with some scars on his face was threatening an old guy.

"Tell me where is the first Master Ball, or else I will kill you and destroy this building" Said that Man.

"Please Mason, I swear I gave the ball to elite 4 Avery, she came and collected it from me to check whether its working or not." Said that old man.

"That Elite 4 Avery, what do she think of herself. She knows that league cannot do anything to us, but still messes with us." Said Mason.

'What why league cannot do anything' I thought.

"Please Mason, I told you everything, please spare me and my company" Said that Old man pleading.

"I will release you from all pain Jackson" Mason said and threw him to a wall then took his knife to stab him. But I shouted "Leave him alone, Mason".

Mason turned to see the guy who shouted his name. I could feel his aura and I could also feel some powerful pokemon in his possession. Only one pokemon's aura was powerful and I was not feeling much power in others. I wanted to fight that pokemon.

'Master, I can feel the power, I want to fight that pokemon' Said Lucario.

"Yes Lucario, but first we might need to beat his other pokemons" I said.

Mason turned around and said, "Ohh, another trainer who wants to get killed. Do you know I am one of the elite admin of Team Mind and I am fourth only in the Team in terms of power".

"Ohh, if this is what I feel about you power and you are 4th in team then I can now think how pathetic team you are" I said and Laughed.

That triggered him and he said "Kid you will regret this".

"Common dialogues, I never regret anything but Lucia also said the same and she is no more" I said.

"What !! I thought Lucia ran from team, that coward, What you did to her" he said.

"Nothing, just released her from all the pains and same I will do with you" I smirked.

"You are not going alive kid" He shouted.

"Bring it on" I replied.

He sent Claydol, Wobbuffet, Espeon, Crobat, Alolan Exeggutor, these all were beaten easily by my lapras alone.

"You are powerful kid, but do you think you can handle this" He said. I was also waiting for that pokemon, that power, that aura was too high.

He sent out his pokemon, a bipedal, humanoid creature with some feline features. It had primarily gray with a long, purple tail. On top of its head were two short, blunt horns, and it had purple eyes. A tube extends from the back of its skull to the top of its spine, bypassing its neck. It had a defined chest and shoulders, which resemble a breastplate. The three digits on each hand and foot have spherical tips. Its tail is thick at the base but thins before ending in a small bulb.

I remembered the pokemon, It was Mewtwo, the beast. I knew this battle is going to be most difficult one.

"Now see one of the powerful slave of team mind" Said Mason and Smirked.

'He is saying a pokemon slave, this bastard is not going to win. I will help in releasing these pokemons' I thought.

'Master, we will win' Said Lucario. I nodded.

"Lapras Ice Beam" I ordered.

"Mewtwo Shadow Ball" Ordered Mason.

Both moves collided in air. Lapras and mewtwo battled for few minutes and we were not able to give a single hit to him, Lapras was tired from her battles with other 5 pokemons so she lost, but Lapras was able to tire out mewtwo a little.

I sent out my charizard, than other 3. But they also got beaten by Mewtwo, but my pokemon were powerful enough to give damage to mewtwo. Mewtwo was breathing heavily after battling my 5 pokemons in row, I was also tired by the battle, we were battling since 2 hrs and I knew that this battle was going to be over now. I sent Lucario, after battling for more 10 minutes, Mewtwo lost to Lucario.

Mason fell down on knees, How can my mewtwo loose.

"Your pokemons are not your slave, mewtwo is powerful but lack of bonding between you both was reason for his defeat" I said.

" You are not the one to teach me" Said mason and recalled his mewtwo. "I will defeat you next time" he said.

"What next time, you are meeting lucia now" I said and laughed. This line trembled him with fear.

"What do you mean" He said.

"I will show you" I called out my charizard and gave her oran berries. Then I ordered her to pick mason with claws and we went into the jungle.

"Who are you and why are you doing this" Said Mason.

I removed my mask, "I am here to finish your reign, but before I end you,tell me why league cannot interfere in your work" I asked.

"Because our leader has beaten the champion and told him to not interfere in our work, for which he agreed" Mason said.

"Ok and what about team dark, why they are not interfering in their matter" I asked.

"Because the champion is leader of team dark" Mason replied.

'Wait what, league is doing all this' I thought.

"Though no one know this, not even elite 4, but they have been instructed to not to interfere in our works till champion instruct them to do so" Mason continued.

"I am thankful to you for clearing my doubts mason" I said.

"So you will leave me" he said, still trembling in fear.

"I never said that" I smirked and I took his pokemons and then my charizard finished her work.

"Ok so another admin is gone, but he was at top position so this may cause some doubts in team mind" I said.

Than I called out all pokemons except for mewtwo, I asked them if they are willing to join me as I cannot leave them in wild because they all are very powerful, So they agreed after a little discussion.

After that I called out Mewtwo, who roared after coming out. "Calm down, Mewtwo" I said. He turned towards the sound. "Your trainer is no more, I called you out to ask if you want to join my team, or I will not stop you from leaving but if you harm anyone then I will have to interfere again".

'That bastard never treated me like a friend, he just tortured me and treated me like slave. Why should I trust you. You are also a human' Said Mewtwo.

"You can trust me, because I also didn't like when he called you a slave, My pokemons are my friends and I respect and love them all" I said turning to my pokemons for which they all nodded.

'How can I trust that whatever you are saying is right' Mewtwo replied.

"You can sense past, and feelings as you are connected to mew, see through me you will get your answers" I said.

He focused for a while and then said 'You are friends with mew ? Even other legenderies trust you'. I nodded in response.

'I can trust you than but treat me wrong and I will leave you' He said. I agreed and captured him in my pokeball.

I was returning towards pokecenter, when I heard some rustling in the bush nearby.

What is that rustling... What new adventure is coming to me.... Will write in next chapters.