Battle in Dark

I have defeated elite admin of team mind and was on my way back to lavesia town pokecenter, when I heard sound in bush nearby. I went near to that bush and cleared it to see the one who was causing the rustling. It was none other than our beloved and mischievous Mew.

"Hey mew, I thought you will come after 10 days" I said.

Mew turned to me, and pouted and said, 'Don't you like when I am around'.

"No, Not like that, I really liked your company in last 2 days but you said you will be training my pokemon along with other legenderies for next 10 days. Thats why I asked" I replied with a smile.

Mew Circled around me and then sat on my shoulder and said 'They all are boring, I was feeling bored so I thought I should come to see you. I will teach you about poffins, I learned that from a trainer many years back from a far away region named Kanto. That trainer was Alex, he was a great trainer and his power was equivalent to Professor Samuel Oak, Blue Oak and Red Ketchum. They all 4 are at Champion level and only 10 trainers are around globe who reached that level. But Alex is most powerful in them.'

I know these three characters from anime, and as I have already met Daisy so I know that they also exist. "Ok, that will be fun, but can you tell me more about this trainer ?" I asked.

'Alex is really good pokemon trainer, Arceus was planning to summon new trainer here so he did against my suggestion to bring Alex here. You may meet him someday if Arceus allow you to stay in this world' She said.

"We will try to convince him" I said. I was really excited to meet this trainer Alex, and also Red, I wanted to know more about them.

'Ujjawal, I am feeling a powerful pokemon in your possession, did you caught any new powerful pokemon' Mew asked.

I nodded and called out mewtwo. Mew circled around Mewtwo and said 'So you are the pokemon that human created using my cell, I thought you were in Kanto region.'

'No, they created me here in this region as well. I was created around 7 years back by Team Mind and they had my possession, untill Ujjawal released me from them' Mewtwo said.

'Very good Ujjawal, now mewtwo you will be helping ujjawal or not' Asked mew.

'Initially, I hesitated in joining him as what humans did to me was really brutal. So I wanted to destroy humans, but when I sensed and saw the heart and thoughts of this kid then I thought I should help him in his quest' Replied Mewtwo.

'Yes, Ujjawal is a good Kid, Ujjawal you always remind me of alex and his friendly aura. Though you are still not as powerful as him but with mewtwo in your team, you atleast stand a chance against him.' Mew said.

"Yes Mew, I am glad mewtwo accepted my proposal of joining me and now as you mentioned that trainer Alex, then I am really looking forward to meet him in near future." I said.

Mew giggled and again circled around me. Then she returned and sat on my shoulder. 'Ujjawal, you will be battling few more legenderies in coming future, and We want you to get ready for that. Those Legenderies were forced to join these evil teams, you will have to save them and let them back in the free world. Though you are not allowed to keep any legendary for yourself as we are in this world to protect the world but you can seek their help. Mewtwo is considered as Legendary pokemon in Kanto as it has power level equal to Legenderies, but it's human made so Arceus will not say anything if you keep his possession' Said mew.

I nodded in response and looked at Mewtwo proudly who also smiled and nodded at me with response. After that mew taught me about poffins and told me to make good poffins for her next visit, for that I smiled and nodded. After mew vanished, I along with my pokemons went to lavesia town. I went directly to pokemon center and treated my pokemons. Only Mewtwo was healed by mew as she said that I shouldn't disclose world that i have mewtwo untill time comes, which she will inform me earlier and I agreed with that condition. Mew had given me a bracelet, in which i tucked mewtwo's pokeball.

After that, I was exhausted by all day's incidents, so I went directly to bed and fell asleep as soon as I climbed on the bed.

Next Morning I woke up at 8 am and then after finishing my morning schedule, I went to Pantry. I finished my breakfast and also I went to battleground where no one was at that time and gave Mewtwo his breakfast, he ate along with my other pokemons. I returned and then checked about the gym leader and only data available was that the gym leader is dark type, There was no data about his pokemons/battle strategies.

'This is going to be a battle in dark with dark type gymleader' I thought.

We reached gym by 11 in morning and asked the gym guy about our challenge, he went to inform the gym leader and returned back after a while and informed us about acceptance of challenge.

I went inside the battleground, I was dark, than suddenly someone switched on light and I was standing infront of a plain ground, light was not that bright, A guy came on the other side and said "Welcome challenger, I am gym leader of Lavesia Town, Harper. I accept your challenge. This will be a 3 vs 3 battle, and battle will be compulsory switch round and points will be given to each of the trainer who defeat the pokemon of other trainer. So in the end whoever has highest point will be winner."

'This is something different. I will have to choose my pokemons more wisely, I cannot rely on only one pokemon' I thought.

"Ok, Challenger, I will start with this one then" Harper Said and sent out Weavile.

'A weavile, I should go with charizard against this one' I thought and sent my charizard.

"Ok battle begin" Announced referee.

"Weavile use blizzard" Harper said.

Before we could react, a hail storm threw charizard away. Charizard stood up on her feet.

"Charizard Fly and use Ariel ace" I said.

"Big mistake, Weavile wait for her and then use night slash" Harper said.

He miscalculated my plan, My charizard dodge and went back to weavile, "Now Charizard use fire blast".

Direct hit and weavile fell down with swirls in his eyes.

"Weavile is unable to battle, Charizard won and 1 point to challenger" Referee announced.

"Very good challenger, If you win next round than this battle will be over as you will lead any how" Said harper.

'Yes, if I win next round then, I will win challenge for sure' I thought.

"Let's see how you will deal with this one" Harper sent out his bisharp.

'Dark and steel, easy for lucario' I thought.

"We can handle this" I said and sent Lucario.

"Ok, Begin" referee announced.

"Lucario, Extremespeed and than aura sphere" I said.

"Dodge it bisharp and use bulldoze" Harper said.

'Is he really a gym leader, how is he battling' I thought and my Lucario gave hit of Aura Sphere from behind. Bisharp was thrown towards the wall and fell with swirls in eyes.

"Bisharp is unable to battle, Lucario wins and the challenger wins by winning 2 rounds back to back" Referee Announced.

Lights turned bright and now I could see the gym leader properly, he was a guy of around 16. He came towards me with badge in his hand, and said "I am a newly appointed gym leader, this was my first battle as a gym leader. You clearly outsmart me with your tactics".

I just smiled and collected Dark badge from him, I then returned to pokecenter.

"You completely destroyed him" Ankita said patting my back.

"He was a novice gym leader" I sighed.

"It doesn't matter, you won fair and square and also with ease" Said Aniket.

"Yes, anyone up for ice creams" I said and they both said yes. We had our ice cream then returned back to pokecenter. It was 2 days since Mew took my pokemon, more 8 days were remaining and I was really excited to see what level of power my pokemons will have after returning.

It was still 1 in afternoon so I thought of doing some training with mewtwo, so I asked my friends to train there and I went into jungle and to the deserted place and called out my pokemons.

"You both were really great there" I said to charizard and Lucario, they responded with smile. Then I turned to Mewtwo, so this will be our first training session.

'Yes, I am looking forward to it' Mewtwo said.

We trained till 6pm and the training was too intense that my all pokemons were exhausted.

'This was really great training master. I trained with this intensity after so long' Said Lucario.

'Yeah I also liked this session' Said Mewtwo and than added 'Master'.

I smiled and said "You call me master but I want to be your friend more than a master"

'Yes I know master, we respect you so we all call you master' Lucario said.

'Yes and you earned my respect as well' Said Mewtwo.

I smiled with their responses. We lied on ground for one hour then we returned to pokecenter, where I gave treat to all of them for good performance in training. Then returned back to my companions. We finished our training and after this many days I spent some good time with Ankita. Next I was planning to go to Tree Root Town, for which we had to cross Dark Forest, that was going to be a long trek. SO I thought of starting my journey towards Tree Root town tomorrow itself.