Spooky Forest

I received my 4th gym badge from Harper, I was planning to visit Tree Root Town and collect gym badge from that town, to reach their we needed to cross Dark Forest and a Village named Flora Village. The total day to reach tree root town was going to be upto 3 days as I planned to cross Dark Forest by morning itself as in night it becomes too foggy and no one can cross the forest. I deposited my newly caught pokemons, except for Lucario, Mewtwo, Charizard, Gardevoir, Gengar, Lapras and Pidgeot. My friends were not aware of my new recruit Mewtwo as Mew asked to keep him secret till her next instructions. Next day we started our trek early in the morning and reached at entrance of Dark Forest by 8:30 am, We entered in the forest and as the name states the forest was complete dark due to dense trees, only few rays of sunlight was able to enter in the forest.

This forest was little spooky and Ankita was little scared, so she kept close to me. I was not scared as I wanted to capture some good pokemons in this forest. I heard that I can capture Venomoth, Dustox, Beautifly, Shuppet and some more. I told my friends about my intention which spooked them more.

"Ujjawal are you mad, don't stop to capture any pokemon, we will be leaving this forest as soon as possible" Ankita said.

"Yeah, you can capture these pokemons somewhere else as well" Aniket said.

"But guys, Think how powerful pokemons here will be, they can be great asset to the team" I said, I was going to say something more but I heard some sound from behind.

A venomoth flew above us, it was different in color, might be a shiny and I can get a shiny species as I had Raichu already. SO i decided to follow it but others insisted to stop, eventually they had to agree with me.

I called out pidgeot, "Buddy I saw a venomoth and he flew towards that direction, go and look for it, just inform us if you see that pokemon" I said, pidgeot flew towards the direction in which Venomoth headed. We all were running towards the same direction. After 15 minutes only Pidgeot returned and started pointing towards our right, we followed the direction and I saw the same venomoth on a tree. It was sucking honey. I asked pidgeot to attack and after few dodges and few direct hits I was able to capture that pokemon.

"Ok, so you caught it, now lets leave please" Ankita said.

"Ok, Fine" I replied.

We all started walking towards the direction we came from but after travelling for 1 hour, I felt like I am just walking to the same location again and again. I stopped them all and observed my location and it was the same where I caught venomoth. We were only travelling around the same location for 1 hour. I was freaked out.

"We are Lost, I told you to stick to the path but you never listen to me" Said Ankita almost crying.

I was feeling guilty, I tried to console her but she was not listening and sat on the ground. I called out Lucario to sense the way through his aura.

'Master, I can feel a pokemon around, and I think we are in illusion' Lucario said.

"What pokemon" I freaked.

Lucario pointed towards a direction and than dashed towards the pokemon and hit him with his extreme speed, we saw a pokemon lying infront of us, I checked in pokedex and it said that the species of the pokemon was stantler. I knew from anime that stantler were able to cause illusions but this time I felt it by myself.

I threw a pokeball on lying pokemon and it got captured. Than asked Lucario to sense path nearby to exit towards flora village. He started focusing and after a while he asked to follow him, I followed Lucario who took us out of the forest. We were standing in front of an open path out of the forest, I was only able to catch Stantler and Venomoth, but I said it's ok I will capture some more after I finish the quest and arceus allow me to stay here.

The beautiful flowery path made Ankita delighted, I was happy seeing her happy after all she was the one who cared for me most and I always try to reckless.

What next in flora Village, and what will happen in Tree Root Town.... Will update in next parts.