Flora Village

I along with my two companions entered into the flora town, It was dark already and they rushed to the pokecenter, though the pokecenter there was small so no trainers were allowed to stay. I healed my pokemon from there and than headed in the village to find a place to stay in the village. He reached infront of a Inn, he went inside and asked if they have any room vacant. The lady on the counter was old woman of age around 60-65 and beside her there was a beautiful girl whose age will be around 15.

"We have only one room available as all rooms are filled because of function tomorrow" Old lady said.

"We are fine with one room" I replied.

"Ok, then that will be 1000 poke coins for one night." Old lady answered.

I had battled many trainers and 4 gym leaders along my journey of 4 months, so I had sufficient poke coins in my card as League pay better to trainers at the time where I was sent and I also beat those bad guys which gave me alot of money from their cards, though I used many on Vitamins for my pokemons but still I had 70,000 poke coins in my card.

"What event you were talking about " I asked.

"oh, you don't know ? Professor Samuel Oak is coming tomorrow with his grandson Gary Oak and Grand Daughter Daisy Oak to attend Art Exhibition organised in this village. Also there is rumor that Great Ash Ketchum will also attend the exhibition" She replied, "That Exhibition will end on day after tomorrow" She continued.

'Wait what ? Professor Oak with his both grandchildren and also Ash Ketchum is coming to this village. Those famous characters from Anime, I will be meeting them.' I thought. As I knew Professor Daisy Oak will help me in meeting with others so I was excited for tomorrow.

I turned to Lady and said, "So will you give me any discount if I say I will stay here for 3 nights ".

"I can make it 2500 pokecoins for 3 nights but you will have to pay it in advance" She replied.

I am really bad in bargaining so I agreed and paid her 2500 pokecoins and went upstairs with my friends. Though they insisted in sharing me the rent but I said no as we were going to stay here for one night and it was me who wanted to stay for 3 nights. That whole night I was not able to sleep due to excitement. Next morning I took bath and woke both of them then we went downstairs and had our meal along with pokemons, then I told them to wait for me in my room and I went to a place where no one was there and my mewtwo took his meal.

"Guys, I am going to meet my favorites from this world" I said excitedly.

'Yeah we heard your conversation master and we all are excited and want to meet them' Replied Mewtwo.

"Yes," I said looking in sky.

After mewtwo finished his meal, I returned to Inn and joined Aniket and Ankita, Ankita asked me where I was but I told her some preparation for upcoming meeting and she smiled. It was 9:00 am and the exhibition was going to start at 10:00 am, Old lady also informed us that the guests had already arrived and are staying in the house arranged by the head of village. I asked the direction to that house and that gentle lady told me the way to reach there.

I had Vishal's number added in my pokenav and also of Professor daisy oak but i preferred calling vishal, I dialed vishal's number,

"Hey Vishal, Ujjawal this side" I said.

"Hey Ujjawal, what a pleasant surprise. how are you" he replied.

"I am good, Vishal can you tell me whether you are in flora town or not ?" I asked.

"Yes Ujjawal, I am here with professor for the exhibition. Why are you asking though ?" He said.

"Because I am in Flora Town, I reached here yesterday and I am on my way to the location where you guys are staying" I replied.

"Wait what, its really great, Professor was telling Professor Samuel Oak about you achievements and even he including Professor Gary oak and Champion Ash Ketchum wanted to meet you. It will be really great. In what time will you reach here" He said.

"I will be there in 10 minutes, can you come outside so that no one stops me from coming inside." I said.

"Sure I will be waiting outside" He said and we both hung up phone.

I reached infront of house in 10 minutes and saw vishal waiting outside who was smiling after seeing me. I greeted him. Ankita and aniket also greeted him, they already met each other, when we returned to the Laboratory for our visit to Coral Town. Vishal took us inside where Professor daisy Oak was waiting outside of a room.

"Hey Ujjawal, Welcome, My brother and Grandpa wants to meet you. They will be really happy when they will see you." Said Professor.

"I am too excited to meet them as well" I said and happiness could be seen in my tone.

"Let's go inside then" She said and opened the door.

I entered inside the room and saw 3 people sitting on adjacent sofas. One of them was too old and he must be around 80 years old, 'He must be professor Samuel Oak' I thought. The other one sitting beside him was looking like of 30 years old and he also wore a white laboratory coat, 'He must be Professor Gary Oak' I thought. And there was one other guy with a pikachu in his lap, 'He is Ash Ketchum' I thought, he was also looking like 30 years old.

"So we have guests here" Said Professor Samuel Oak.

"No Grandpa, This is Ujjawal I was talking about and these are his companions Ankita and Aniket" Professor Daisy introduced us.

"Ohh he Ujjawal, we heard alot about you, come sit" Professor Samuel Oak said. I went and sat on sofa exactly opposite to his sofa.

"Th..th..thankyou professor" I was nervous meeting such big personalities from pokemon world.

"No need to be nervous Ujjawal, make yourself comfortable" Said Professor Samuel Oak.

Then he started introduction, "I am Professor Samuel Oak a researcher from Kanto region, and she is my grand daughter Daisy Oak who is researching here in this region and you already know her." I nodded on that and then he again continued " He is my Grand Son Gary, he is also researcher like me and he is currently working in Jhoto Region and then last but not least he is Champion of Alola Region Ash Ketchum". I greeted them all and they responded back.

We discussed about my journey and pokemons I caught and my experience in gym battles for a while. Then professor stood up and brought a scroll and said "I drew this painting, this is of a trainer who never told me his name and I also never forced him to say, I met him when I was 16 years old, he helped me in understanding training pokemons quickly and bonding between pokemon and trainers. When I was travelling I didn't had such facilities provided to trainers and Risk ok getting killed was too much that time. This trainer saved me from swarm of scythers and helped in my training, he was very skilled trainer but I was never able to meet him or hear about him till this time".

Then professor opened the scroll on the table and we saw a picture of a trainer who was looking like the same age as of Gary and Ash currently, he had good and classy beard and good physique, behind him there were 6 pokemons, Ruthless Infernape who was looking so fierce from the drawing itself and the fiery aura could be seen from drawing, beside him was an Inteleon (Pokemon from Galar region) who was also as Ruthless as Infernape. Also one Lucario was standing on his right side who was looking so determined from his eyes and on his left a pokemon which looked like Deoxys was standing who was also Looking determined as Lucario but More ruthless than others. There was a Salamence sitting in front of him and a scary looking Gengar was also sitting beside Salamence.

"This is the trainer who helped me and he had these pokemons when I met him, he had Deoxys at that time, I don't know how but yeah I am sure it was deoxys and he was protective towards him, his other pokemons were so loyal and so powerful that you can say his infernape was able to dry a big lake of diameter 5 Km by her flamethrower. Infernape was caring to the trainer, being a female pokemon she had a motherly feeling towards that trainer and was so possessive about him" Professor Samuel Said.

"Wow professor you never show me this" Said Ash.

"yes grandpa this is not fare" Said Gary.

"I always keep this scroll with me ash and gary, but i opened it today because eyes of Ujjawal looked like this trainer. He reminded me of him, I hope you will be so powerful like him as no one was even 5% close to his power at that time" Professor Samuel Said.

I kept staring at the picture, the trainer was really looking fierce and his eyes were determined to achieve anything. This picture really motivated me and I decided that I will try to be equal or better than him.

We continued our discussion for a while and than a person came and told us about opening of exhibition so I along with 3 professors, Ash, Ankita and Aniket left for the exhibition.