Exhibition and Battle with Idol

We all together left for exhibition. On whole way Professor Samuel Oak was talking with me about my experiences, he was showing more interest in what I am doing and what I am planning to do, though he was not aware of my whereabouts as Professor Daisy Oak didn't inform him about that so I also didn't say that, I wanted to keep it secret as Mew told me that these 3 people should only know about my whereabouts.

After hearing my experiences and battles Ash got excited and said, "Ujjawal, I want to battle with you today, if you don't mind can we battle after exhibition today"

I nodded, 'I will get a chance to battle Ash Ketchum' I thought.

We enjoyed the exhibition and in meantime I heard experiences of Ash and Gary, also Professor Samuel Oak told me about hi latest researches. I was learning alot about pokemon world from them, Exhibition for the day was closed by 6:30 in evening, then ash asked the manager of exhibition about a place where we can battle and he took us there. Many people were gathered there to watch Champion Ash battling. I was bit nervous as I never battled around this many people.

"You should get use to it Ujjawal, you will be battling in a stadium with more audience" Said Ash like he noticed My nervousness.

I smiled back but still I was nervous.

"Send your best pokemon" Said Ash, "This will be 1 on 1 battle and its a friendly battle" he continued.

I sent my Lucario, 'Lucario we are battling against the opponent who is at different level in terms of power' I said through Aura.

'Master, I can feel your feeling of respect towards the opponent, I think he is your Idol' Said Lucario.

'Yes, He is ash ketchum, in my world I have seen him in anime and I am big fan of his' I replied.

'Don't worry master we will give our best' Lucario replied.

"Ok, Ujjawal, this is you best pokemon ? He really looks powerful, I will send one of my best pokemons" Said Ash and he sent out his charizard, that charizard was atleast 2.5 times in size than my charizard and that fiery aura, that was really powerful. I could feel his tremendous power through my aura. 'Charizard, most powerful pokemon of Ash and also he is strong against my Lucario, Ash never feared to battle against pokemon who had type effectiveness over him and this time I was on disadvantage' I thought.

Gary became our referee, "Ok trainers, this side we champion of Alola region Ash Ketchum and on the other side we have trainer from Sunbloom town, this is 1 on 1 friendly battle, first pokemon to faint of either side will loose this battle. Are you both ready" gary said.

We both nodded in response.

"Ok, Then begin." Said Gary.

"Ok, Ujjawal you start first, show me your power" Said Ash.

"Ok Lucario, show them your speed, go around and use aura sphere" I said.

Charizard was standing calm, lucario sent out his Aura Power move but charizard stopped it with one hand, though it looked like his hand was paining.

"That was really powerful move, at this level and only 4 months of training then your pokemon must be atleast at initial master level" Ash said. I was impressed by his observation, I knew ash is powerful but his observations were also good. I nodded in response.

"That's good, then see the power of An initial legendary level pokemon" Said Ash.

Charizard flew towards Lucario, 'That speed' I thought, before lucario could react he was thrown in mid of the battle field by the attack from Charizard's tail. That his was really powerful, lucario stood up but was looking in pain.

"Ok Charizard use Wing attack" Said Ash.

"Dodge with extreme speed" I said.

"Quite a speed, I am impressed" Said Ash.

"Your charizard is really powerful Ash" I replied for that he just smiled. 'He is so calm, he is not like what I saw in anime' I thought.

Charizard kept attacking my Lucario and Lucario kept dodging using extreme speed, my Lucario was tired but charizard was not looking like it was tired. 'We can't keep on dodging' I thought.

"Ok Lucario, Extremespeed to get behind him and then use shadow ball" I said.

Charizard couldn't react in time and got direct hit by shadow ball, he fell but again stood up, That direct hit was also not enough.

"Lucario keep on attacking" I said.

Lucario kept attacking shadow balls, few were dodged by charizard and few were direct hits, that tired him a little bit but my lucario was completely exhausted.

"Charizard, Seismic Toss" Ash said.

before my lucario could react, he was caught by claws of charizard and charizard flew in air then returned back towards land like a missile and threw Lucario on ground from a height. Sand storm brewed by that attack and when the storm settled, Lucario was lying on the ground fainted and charizard was standing infront of him throwing Flames in Air.

"Lucario is Unable to battle, charizard wins and that means Champion Ash won the duel" Said Gary.

I walked towards Lucario who was lying on ground, I sat beside him and touched him, he was in alot of pain and said 'Master, I am sorry I disappointed you'. I was looking at the wounds on his body, I could feel the pain of Lucario as we both had most close bond. 'No Lucario you did best, we were battling against a trainer who was at different level, he is champion of a region and have alot of experience.' I said.

I heard someone's footsteps coming towards me, I looked up and saw Ash ketchum smiling and he said "You did great, You battled a Initial King Level pokemon with an initial master level pokemon, even a max master level pokemon has hard time battling against an initial king level pokemon. Thinking that you reached this level so early makes me feel that you will be at different level in near future and I am looking forward to it"

"Yes, thanks for battling, we learned alot of things and also that we are still far from perfection" I said looking at lucario and smiling. I helped him stand up, charizard was standing beside Ash who bowed in respect to Lucario.

"Look, my charizard also admire power of your Lucario. We haven't had this good battle in many years and also against a trainer who started just 4 months back, I was also not this powerful in my 4 months journey" Ash Said.

I smiled and Lucario also smiled back, I was proud after hearing praise from person I admired in my world, but still I wanted to be so strong that I could beat him. I thought if Ash is this much powerful than at what level that Trainer Alex will be about whom mew told me.

Ash helped me in taking Lucario to pokemon center where he was admitted and nurse joy told me that he will be recovered in 2 days. I stayed with him for whole night and we discussed alot of things.

"I am sorry Lucario, I challenged ash knowing that he will be powerful and endangered your life, the situation could have been more critical" I said.

'No master, if we fear in battling powerful trainers then how we will reach that power. You told us while training that we have to be very best in the world so we will be together and these battles are just starting, there will be days when we will beat this level trainers easily' Replied Lucario.

"Yeah, I promise you Lucario we will reach the top" I said and my mewtwo was standing beside me as there was no one in our room and it was 1 am.

'That charizard was really powerful, I could feel his power through my pokeball as well. Lucario was beaten by him that easily who matches my power that means we still have to train hard' Said Mewtwo.

I nodded and said "yes and we will be like that mysterious trainer about whom Professor Samuel Oak told me today"

Mewtwo and Lucario also saw through my vision so knew about whom I was talking and they also saw determined Look in the eyes of Lucario and Deoxys of that trainer that made them more determined. 'Whoever you are, if I meet you I will battle you for sure and I will beat you' I said in my mind for which my pokemon smiled.

Lucario slept and I recalled mewtwo to take rest but I was awake for whole night looking after Lucario and thinking about the trainer in portrait and power of pokemons I felt through their eyes.

One day of exhibition is remaining and I am waiting forward to discussion with my role models.

Thanks to my readers..... I will share my experiences in other chapters.