Last day of Exhibition and Good Bye

Next morning Ankita Came to the room, she saw me I was still awake and sitting beside Lucario.

"How is he now" Said Ankita.

"He seems fine, he is sleeping. If he takes good rest he will recover soon" I replied.

Ankita came closer and gave me a kiss then hugged me and said, "Don't worry he will be alright".

I nodded and looked back to Lucario who was still sleeping. I asked Ankita if she had her breakfast for that she replied in no and said they both were waiting for me to come but when I didn't, she came to look for me. I said to wait for me and I went to the bathroom and took bath then went straight to Pantry and had my breakfast, took some food and asked them to wait for me at Professor's place and left to Lucario's Room, I called out Mewtwo and Gengar then I gently shook Lucario to wake up. He woke up then all three had their meal together, my other 4 pokemon already finished their meal and charizard was waiting outside of room so no one comes in as I didn't want anyone to see mewtwo yet.

After finishing their meal, I asked Gengar to stay in the room with Lucario and take care of him till I go for the exhibition and also asked charizard to stay as well, they both nodded and I recalled Mewtwo, and asked Lucario to sleep and said I will be back in Lunch time and we will have Lunch together, for that he smiled, he wanted to come along me but Charizard glared at him so laid back at bed, and I smiled a little by seeing behavior of Charizard and response of Lucario, even Gengar Laughed on the reaction. I said good bye to them and went to the house where Professor and others were.

"How is he now" Asked Ash as soon as I reached.

"He is fine, just had his breakfast and I asked Gengar and Charizard to stay with him and take care of him" I replied.

"Thats good, you don't worry he will get well soon" Ash said.

And I nodded in reply. Professor Samuel Oak came to me and said, "Ujjawal your Lucario trusts you alot and loves you as well, that bond between you two is really great as I saw pain in your eyes when Lucario was in pain". I smiled weakly in back.

He patted on my back and said "Just don't get this defeat get over you gentleman, you have a long way to go and have great future ahead of you".

I smiled and we all went to exhibition where we enjoyed next day's collection and artifices. In afternoon everyone gathered for Lunch but I said I will have my lunch with Lucario and others together and they agreed. I ran towards the pokecenter, collected lunch for 8 and went upstairs to the room, where I called my pokemon out and we all ate lunch together. I heard giggling from behind and when i turned I saw mew sitting on the table behind me.

"Hey mew, how are you, come have lunch with us" I said and offered her our lunch and also poffins that I made for all depending on their tastes and type to increase their elemental power. She giggled and sat with us, we finished our lunch together.

'Ujjawal, you made really delicious poffins, not as good as Alex but little similar to that' Mew said.

"So mew does this Alex guy is powerful then Ash ?" I asked.

'He is very powerful compare to Ash and He can beat all his pokemon with help of only one pokemon' Mew said.

"That means if I want to beat him then I will need to train harder" I said.

'Yes, even after we train your pokemon, we can only make them to reach upto Max Master level or Initial Legendary Level but to reach level of Alex pokemon who are atleast at mid legendary level you need to train more harder and unlock alot of potential of your pokemon and that may take 5-10 years with your intensity too' Mew replied.

I was excited with the knowledge Mew was giving and suddenly mew's expressions became serious and she said 'Ujjawal I came here to remind you the danger you may face today, you may have to take Mewtwo's help as Lucario is weak and I can heal the wounds but still Lucario won't be able to beat that one'.

"What danger mew" I asked looking surprised.

'You will see but don't worry you and mewtwo can handle this' She said and then vanished.

" she do this always, just give little info and leave us in suspense" I said for which all nodded.

'But Master, if we both are battling together that means all legenderies want me to show myself along with you. Isn't that good' Mewtwo said.

"yes thats really cool" I said excitedly and mewtwo smiled in response.

I was amused by what exactly going to hurt when I heard big shouts from the stadium, we all looked at each other and then I stood up, lucario wanted to come but I told him to take rest and asked charizard to wait so he don't come behind us.

I recalled all back and then ran towards the stadium, when I reached there I saw Gary, Ankita and Vishal fighting with Grunts of Team Mind and I saw a guy standing wearing a different uniform than other grunts and also then admin with whom I fought. That guy said, "I want to know who killed mason, he was a top admin and we heard his scream as last sound from mike in his collar and a boy was saying that he will finish us all. This will show the boy what we are and whom he messing."

I looked for ash around but he was lying on a side, "They hit him from behind and he fainted, he cannot help us in fight with them, you are our last hope" Said Aniket.

I called out my lapras who wiped all the grunts with the surf move that transferred that guy's focus to me, "Who are you kid, do you think you can beat me, even these powerful trainers are not able to beat me so what a kid can do" he said.

"I will show you the exact power which your friend saw and I will send you to him as well if you wish" I said.

" You will not go alive, You killed mason, I will finish you here and now" He replied and send his first pokemon Alakazam, Lapras and Alakazam fought well but they both fainted at same time.

Then we battled and my other 4 fought well but his Gardevoir was so powerful, I was able to defeat his 4 pokemons and damage gardevoir a little but still he had gardevoir and one more pokemon I was not aware of, and I had only mewtwo left.

"So now, I thought you are powerful enough to beat me as you beat Mason but I was wrong, send you pokemon and my gardevoir will crush that as well as she did to you 3 pokemons" He said.

yes he was right, My Gengar beat his 3 pokemons in a row but was easily defeated by gardevoir and also pidgeot was not even able to get close to her and was beaten as well. Gardevoir tried her best but she was not able to match power of his Gardevoir and got defeated by giving a little damage. I was left to 1 pokemon now. Mew told me that I will have to use Mewtwo now and I thought I can beat this guy with my other pokemon but I was wrong.

Finally after recalling all this, I sent out my last pokemon. Mewtwo was standing on the battlefield, All of my friends were shocked when they saw mewtwo standing there. When that guy saw mewtwo there he said, "My My, we have a traitor here"

That term angered me and mewtwo as well and mewtwo said, 'You bastards want to take control of world with help of my power and you tortured me but I wanted the revenge, this kid standing here is worth having me with him. I am happy I left you' And gave a cry that was so loud that gardevoir got frightened.

"I will take what belongs to me" Said that guy.

'Try and see' Replied mewtwo. which angered him and he ordered gardevoir to attack but was defeated with single shadow ball.

"Ohh so you little weakling has become powerful but what will you say to this one" he said and sent a pokemon which was blue from wings and till tail and white at head to mid of body and was floating.

"Latios teach this traitor a lesson" Said that guy.

Mewtwo was angry by hearing traitor term and he threw a powerful shadow ball towards Latios which was blasted mid air by Latios' Mist Ball. I could feel power in that mist ball.

"Latios use dragon breath"

"Dodge it mewtwo"

Mewtwo dodge it but was hit by one mist ball as that dragon breath was just diversion. That hit was powerful but mewtwo being psychic type was able to sustain hit. Mewtwo fell down on ground.

"Latios use dragon claw"

Latios was coming with speed of jet, when I said "mewtwo catch him and use Toxic than blast with shadow ball"

Mewtwo did that and latios was sent flying back, latios was crying in pain. This was our chance for another hit and I commanded mewtwo to use shadow balls and he followed my command, all were direct hits and that created a black cloud and when cloud settle latios was still floating, though in pain but was able to attack. Mewtwo was tired from taking first powerful direct hit and then using this many shadow balls.

"Latios refresh' That guy commanded.

But asked Mewtwo to hit him with another shadow ball, Latios was able to sustain that hit as well, he was a legendary pokemon so he had power to handle such attacks. He was cured by poison but was still tired and mewtwo also used shadow ball with his full strength so he was also tired.

"Latios use zen headbutt"

"You counter with same mewtwo"

Both of them hit in mid air and that collision was so great that I also stepped back few steps. When this dust settled we saw both pokemons were down on ground. I went near my mewtwo and thanked him for this great battle.

"You will not get away with this", that guy said and sent his 2 pokemons, Mr. Mime and Kirlia. I didn't had any pokemon and my friends were also not able to protect me.

"This is not fair, as per rule you can only use upto 6 pokemon max in battle" Said Professor Samuel Oak,

"Shut up you old fool, I don't care about rules, I being top member of elites in Team Mind I will kill this kid here and now" He said and his kirlia hit him with a powerful psychic move which made professor fall unconscious. My other friends were unconscious as well and people around were either dead or unconscious or fled from there so no one was there to help me.

I knew that I am not able to save myself now, he commanded his pokemons to attack me but were blasted by one shadow ball and flamethrower.

"What!!!!" He shouted. His pokemons were lying on ground by those powerful hit.

We both turned towards the direction from where attack came and we saw Lucario sitting on the back of charizard. They landed in front of me and lucario jumped from the back of charizard and came to me,

'Sorry for being late master but I cannot allow my friends to steal the show by themselves' Lucario said smiling.

'This was most dramatic entry buddy' Said mewtwo, still tired from his battle.

"Indeed it was" I said and hugged Lucario and then charizard.

Than we turned to the trainer who was lying on ground, and I said "Are you ready to face your destiny".

He was sitting with his head down, I snatched pokeballs from him and I tied them all in a rope and ordered charizard to fly us to a deserted place.

I ordered my charizard to finish him, than freed all pokemons in the wild except for his powerful gardevoir and Latios. I asked them gardevoir to help pokemons around and told her to be at lab and do some training with my pokemons than she can go in wild to help wild pokemons unlike her master and she agreed. Then I released Latios who after being released seemed little different, he turned to me and said, 'Are you the trainer who freed me'. I nodded.

'Thankyou trainer, they have captured me and Latias in these pokemons which forcefully make us to bey their command. Please help in freeing her as well.' He said.

I agreed with his request and told that I will free Latias and any other legendary in possession of the Team Mind.

'I will help you as well, now I see why mewtwo choosed you because you have a good and pure heart. I hope you will take care of Mewtwo because I have seen those bad humans giving him alot of pain' Said Latios.

"Yeah, He is my best friend now and we will free this world from chaos of Team Mind together." I said and looked at mewtwo.

'I will come whenever you need me, just concentrate and call me and I will join you' Said Latios.

I thanked him and he left. 'I now have support of a pure legendary pokemon but I will only use him when its really necessary', I thought.

'That was really good step master' Mewtwo said and then we hurried back to the exhibition and with help of my pokemons I took injured people to Pokecenter where they got treated.

Next morning when professor oak woke up I was standing there, "Are you alright" he asked me.

I nodded, "What happened to that guy" He asked.

"After you fell unconscious, Lucario and charizard reached there in time to protect me and beat those two pokemons but that guy ran from there and I was not able to stop him" I said.

"What was he saying about you killing Mason" asked Oak.

"Professor, I don't know who is mason but as I saw you guys in danger so thought I will risk myself to protect you all thats why when he said whether I killed Mason than I agreed" I said.

"Why was he calling Mewtwo Traitor" He asked.

"I asked mewtwo about same and he told me that he was pokemon of mason and when mewtwo and mason were defeated by that masked trainer, he somehow escaped. I found mewtwo unconscious in the forest where I treated him and for further treatment I asked if he can come to pokecenter but he refused so I asked if he can join me so that I can treat him secretly and later I can release him if he want and he agreed for that. But we grew closer in treatment and yesterday after battle he finalized joining me" I said.

I said that lie with so confidence and even mewtwo nodded on everything I said, professor firmly believed in what I said, that relieved me. professor later told everyone about my battle with that guy and I introduced Mewtwo to everyone. Ankita was doubting me as she knew previously I killed some grunts but I told her that this time it wasn't me. She got convinced after some briefing to her.

'All the higher admins have possession of legenderies, that means battle is going to be harder from now' I thought.

In evening Professors and Ash ketchum left for their destinations and I with ankita and aniket returned to Inn where we were staying. Its been almost 4 days in that village and 6 days since mew took my pokemon, so next I planned to go Tree Root town to get my next badge, we could reach town in 1-2 days by crossing route 21 and 22.

'I have beaten Leader of elites of Team mind and also one elite Mason so I think 2 elites and leader is remaining to beat' I thought and beating elite will be easy with help of mewtwo and lucario and my pokemons who will be returning after 4 days.

Next journey is towards Tree route Town.... What other adventures are waiting for me....
