Route 21 and Route 22

Next day i woke up exhausted from previous day's incidents as I was not able to sleep properly since that attack. Ankita was still sleeping beside me, I kissed on her forehead which woke her up and she gave me her cute smile.

"Good Morning Bae" I said.

"Now this morning becomes much better as I saw you first in morning" She said, I blushed with that reply and she smiled mischievously. I left bed and went straight to bathroom, had shower and then returned and went to lobby of inn and waited there, Aniket was staying in other room as I took another room when one got vacant. Aniket reached downstairs first and came straight to me.

"Good Morning, How are you now" He said.

"Feeling little exhausted, but fine. How are you, are you fine" I asked.

"Yes, all good. So where is ankita ?" He asked.

"She will be here in a while" I replied and we chatted for a while, ankita arrived after 15 minutes, than we left for the only Cafe in village as we thought to eat outside and pack some raw food for journey ahead. My plan was to do 2 days camp in route and then reach to Tree Root Town. We finished our breakfast and bought few Raw materials for journey ahead and also some Vitamins as I had got plenty of money in my card from battle with those grunts.

We left the village at around 11:00 am and reached to Route 21 by 11:30 pm. On this route I was planning to battle few trainers so that my pokemons could get more experience for battles in future. We were halfway of route 21 when we heard one boy and one girl arguing on something.

"I told you to buy some pecha berries and you said you will buy" Said that girl.

"I am really sorry, I forgot to buy, we were in hurry" Said boy.

We were not able to see who they were as they were behind bushes, I thought to go there but its not good to get in random people's arguments.

"Ashvin how can you be so careless" Said Girl.

'Wait Ashvin ?' I thought and looked at ankita who also gave same surprised expression and we went towards the sound and saw our friends from Creselia Town, Ashvin and Shruti arguing there.

"I am really sorry shruti, we can make our lunch from what you have" Ashvin Said.

"What do you mean, Ashvin you are not accepting your mistake" Said Shruti.

"Ok I accept that and I am sorry" Said Ashvin. They were so busy in arguing that they didn't saw us standing near them. We all three were listening to what going on, when shruti turned to our direction and saw us,

"Hey guys, how are you" Said Shruti.

"hey Shruti, hey ashvin. We are fine and how are you guys" I said on behalf of team.

"Ohh just fine, first tell me since when you were standing there" Asked Shruti.

"When fight on pecha berry started" Said Ankita and I started laughing.

Shruti and ashvin turned red in shyness, "Ok fine guys, I have pecha berries, I can share and also if you don't mind can we join you in lunch" I said.

"Sure why not ujjawal, you all are welcome" Ashvin replied.

We all settled on the mat that we had and than we started some chit chat when I was taking some raw foods out.

"So where are you guys headed to" I asked.

"To tree route town and from there we will go to florida Island where a contest is there on next monday" Said shruti.

"What a contest and I didn't know about it" Ankita said.

"You should look for these on net instead of surfing garbage" I said.

That made her angry and she threw a oran berry towards me which I caught in air.

"By the way where you guys are headed to" Asked Ashvin.

"To tree route town, I will have my 5th gym battle there" I said.

"So we all can go together till florida town and there is also a gym which is fighting type, I battled gym leader there and he is friendly" Said Ashvin.

I nodded in acceptance. Then Ashvin asked if we can battle and I agreed, Girls said meanwhile they will prepare lunch and Aniket became our referee.

"This is friendly battle between Ujjawal from Sunbloom Town and Ashvin from.." Said Aniket.

"Florida Island" Said Ashvin.

"Ashvin from florida island, battle will be 3 vs 3 and the winner will be decided when no pokemon of either side are unable to battle" Continued Aniket.

"You are from florida Island ?" I asked.

"yes and Atharva is my childhood friend, sorry i didn't mention it before" Ashvin said.

"Its ok, so lets begin now" I said and sent out my Gengar.

"Ohh a Gengar, I will go with this then" Ashvin said and sent his Houndoom.

"Good choice Ashvin, but you know effectiveness doesn't bother me" I said.

"I know" Ashvin said and smiled.

"now begin" Said Aniket.

"Go Houndoom use Scary Face"

This move lowered speed of my gengar harshly. "Houndoom now use quick attack to get close and use Crunch"

I waited for Houndoom to come close and when he reached near to Gengar I said, "Toxic and than shadow ball"

Houndoom was sent flying back. He stood back and howled.

"Thats the spirit Houndoom, we cannot get close but we can attack from distance, use Dark Pulse" Ashvin Said.

"Counter with confuse ray" I said.

Both attack blasted each other in air. "Houndoom use flamethrower" Ashvin said, he seemed frustrated.

"Dodge it and sludge bomb" I said. Gengar dodged it and used sludge bomb, which was a direct hit, Houndoom fell down unconscious.

"Houndoom is Unable to battle, Gengar is winner. now switch your pokemon" Said Aniket.

Ashvin recalled Houndoom and after thanking him, he turned to me and said "Your pokemon is really powerful but let's see how you will face this one" he sent his alakazam.

"Now begin second round" Said Aniket.

"Alakazam use confusion" Said Ashvin.

"Gengar Shadow Sneak" I countered and Alakazam's confusion failed and got direct hit from attack.

"Finish with shadow ball" I said.

Before Alakazam could even react he got hit by shadow ball and fell unconscious on ground.

"Alakazam is unable to battle, gengar win. Trainer switch your pokemon" Said Aniket.

Ashvin seemed frustrated and said "You are really powerful Ujjawal, I didn't think that I won't be able to even give you a scratch, but this one will give you some damage for sure" He sent Venasaur.

'that Venasaur seems to be powerful' I thought. 'Gengar can you handle him' I asked Gengar Telepathically.

'They didn't gave me a single scratch master, only lowered my speed but I regained my momentum now. You don't worry I can handle him also' Gengar replied.

'Ok fine but just don't get over confident, this pokemon seems powerful' I said.

'I can handle Master' Said Gengar in overconfidence.

"Ok begin" Said Aniket.

"Gengar use shadow sneak" I said.

"Earthquake Venasaur" Ashvin said.

That Earthquake was really powerful and gengar was flinched by that attack.

"Now use frenzy plant" Said Ashvin.

Big plants grew from below of gengar and captured him, that started hurting Gengar.

"Gengar use confuse ray" I said.

That move confused Venasaur and he lost his focus from frenzy plant, "now use shadow ball" I said.

That shadow ball was direct hit but because of that Venasaur regained consciousness. "Ok, gengar Another Shadow Ball" I said as using shadow sneak was going to be costly because Venasaur knew earthquake move.

"Energy Ball" Said Ashvin.

Both balls collided in air and created a blast. Both pokemons were battling and had even power, after battling for a while both pokemons were breathing heavily, I knew that this move from Gengar will be last as any aftermath can also cause him to faint.

Ashvin on other side also knew this and his venasaur was also tired from this intense battle.

"shadow ball gengar full power"

"Energy ball venasaur with full power"

Both pokemon gave their last remaining power in the attack and those moves when collided created a big dust storm and when dust settled we saw both pokemons were standing and smiling at each other. After few seconds both fell down on ground together.

"Both pokemons are unable to battle and as Ujjawal has 2 pokemons remaining so Ujjawal is winner" Said Aniket.

I went towards Gengar and Ashvin also came forward, we both thanked our pokemon and shook hand with each other. Ashvin Said, "I should train hard now, as I only beat your one pokemon with help of my three pokemons so I can think how powerful your other pokemons will be"

"No, You were really good there, we can train together if you want as I plan to camp here for 2 days" I said and he agreed.

Then we went to the camp where girls were making foods for us and our pokemon. We all called out our pokemon, they were like

Ashvin: Houndoom, Alakazam, Venasaur, Poliwrath, Fearow, Scizor, Seadra and Magmar.

Shruti: Blastoise, Roserade, Electrabuzz, Butterfree, Wigglytuff and Togekiss.

Aniket: Gravelar, Crobat, Chansey, Vulpix and Marshtomp.

Ankita: Charizard, Meganium, Kirlia, Piloswine, beautifly and Pikachu

Ujjawal: Charizard, Lucario, Mewtwo, Lapras, Gengar, Gardevoir and Pidgeot.

Shruti and Ashvin were shocked seeing Mewtwo in my team, "When did you catch a mewtwo" Asked Ashvin.

"I befriended him, he joined me as he liked my company" I replied and mewtwo nodded in response.

"That's so cool, I heard your Lucario is most powerful but you have a mewtwo as well, now you are toughest trainer in the history of this league" Ashvin said.

I just smiled and replied "You are going to be a tough rival to me and I know you will give me the most memorable battle, whether I loose or you we will keep our friendship like this".

"Yes, remember you will never forget our battle" Said ashvin and we all laughed.

later we did chit chat for a while and then continued training after finishing Lunch, Mewtwo and Lucario were training together as they knew that they should increase their potential for future fights and their main aim was to protect me from any harm.

Charizard and Gengar were also over protective towards me but they were possessive and so were other 3 but Lucario and Mewtwo had only one goal to be the best pokemon in world like they saw in the portrait from my vision.

What will be in coming day training ? I will update... Just be with this and you will like upcoming events....