Second Day on Route 22

Early morning I woke up early and with help of mewtwo and lucario I brought water for morning meal and also collected woods, than I helped Girls in making food and also made some poffins for all the pokemons, the poffins were made as per elements and vitamins were also added with berries in that.

"How do you know to make poffins and how you blend it so perfectly without blender." Asked Shruti.

"I learned it from some special friend." I said.

"Who is that special friend" Asked Ankita and jealousy can be seen in her tone

"A secret friend who help me in training my pokemon" I said.

"Tell me, I would like to meet that friend" Ankita said, this time with little anger.

That jealousy make me to laugh but I controlled and said "When time will come you will meet that friend as well"

She knew about my few secrets and also knew that I am a chosen one so she didn't questioned further as other there were not aware of my secrets and she didn't want to disclose that.

I finished making poffins and also girls finished preparing meal. We called out our pokemons and gave them morning meal and also poffins which I made as per element of pokemon. They all loved it. These puffins gave little boost in their element power as well.

'Master they all are admiring your cooked poffins' Said Mewtwo.

"yeah and I am happy seeing them all happy" I said.

My pokemons were also happy seeing other pokemons happy by eating my handmade poffins. They already had tasted this before many times so they knew the taste but every time they eat they also become happy.

After that training session started and I was training against team of Ashvin and Aniket, where as Ankita and Shruti were training for the contest.

We trained for next 5 hours and all pokemons of Ashvin and Aniket were exhausted battling my pokemons and they all were lying on ground, where on other side my pokemons were ready for another round.

"What are your pokemons, they are not even sweating and our pokemons are completely drained" Said Ashvin who was also breathing heavily by that intense training.

"They are used to battle against 32+ pokemons at a time, so they are not feeling exhausted, it's like warm-up for them" I replied.

"What !!!!!" That reply shocked Ashvin.

"Yeah leave it Ashvin, his pokemons are like him, they don't tire out easily." Said Aniket.

'Yes Ashvin, our Master is the only one who can make us exhausted.' Said Lucario.

'Yeah and I can agree as we all use to get exhausted after his training techniques, so this small training session will not exhaust us' Said Mewtwo.

My all other pokemons also replied in yes to the reply of Mewtwo. All the pokemons of Ashvin and Aniket including them were shocked.

"What kind of determination you all have" Ashvin said.

"We want to better than us Ashvin" I replied.

Ashvin was impressed by my reply and so were my pokemons as they now got why I was training them this hard. Reason was just to make them better version of themselves.

We felt small earthquake and loud sounds like someone was coming. We waited and a while later we saw a big fat pokemon with creamy color in front and black in back, that pokemon was too huge. I checked in my pokedex and it said the species of pokemon as snorlax. I wanted to capture him as he could be added as another tank to team but from behind ankita said, "Wow this pokemon is so cute, I want to capture it".

You know you can never say no to your girlfriend, because you will not want that silly fights and arguments over some silly things so I agreed to let her battle and capture snorlax.

Ankita sent her most powerful pokemon Charizard to battle snorlax, Snorlax was slow and was not able to dodge Charizard's attacks easily so he was getting direct hits but he was a tank so Charizard was not going to defeat it easily.

After getting so many hits, Snorlax gave a thunder punch on Charizard which immediately fell Unconscious. 'He is really powerful' I thought and told Ankita to use her piloswine. and she followed my instructions, after taking hits from piloswine and previously he already got hits from charizard, snorlax fell down and Ankita threw a pokeball and captured that snorlax.

"Yay, I got snorlax" Ankita said and hugged me.

I knew that this pokemon was a complete glutton pokemon and can eat all meal and will remain hungry. So I remembered Mew teaching me to cook a special puffins which can make a snorlax full after it eats only 5 cubes. So others were preparing lunch and I was making those puffins, then I asked Ankita to call out snorlax first and I gave him those puffins which he ate and that made him full and he fell asleep on ground, his falling created a small tremor. That snorlax was big in size compare to other snorlax, so this pokemon as an addition to ankita's team was good for her, I can help her later in training him for speed.

We all finished our lunch and continued our training, then in night we camped there and next day we left for tree root town.

What will happen in the gym.... Stay tuned to know more.....