Next morning I along with my friends reached the Gym, Atharva was waiting outside for us.
"Good Morning all, hope you are ready for a good battle" Said Atharva.
"hope you are ready to be beaten easily" Said Ashvin.
"I will see Ujjawal's true power today" Said Atharva.
"I will not disappoint you" I replied. Then we all headed in the gym and my friends sat in the arena sitting area.
"I hope you are ready, let me formally introduce myself. I am Atharva Ambredkar Gym Leader of Florida Town, I accept your challenge, we will be having dual battle and will use only two pokemons. The trainer who beat pokemons of other trainer will be the winner" Said Atharva, "Hope you understood everything" He continued.
"Yes," I said.
"Ok, Trainers send your pokemons" Said referee.
"Hope you are ready, I will start with these" Said Atharva and sent his Weavile and Mamoswine.
"I will go with these than" I said and sent my Heracross and Sceptile.
On seats:
"He is using his sceptile and heracross, why not garchomp. That pokemon can beat them easily" Said Ashvin.
"Ujjawal want to see power of his these two pokemons, let's see the battle and then decide" Said Aniket and Ashvin agreed.
On Battlefield:
"I thought you will go with Garchomp" Atharva Said.
"Nah, let these to handle this one" I said.
"Ok trainers begin" Announced referee.
"Weavile use quick attack then night slash on Sceptile and Mamoswine you use Ice shards" Atharva said.
"Show me your powers, you both battle on your own without my directions" I said and that shocked everyone in the gym except for Ashvin who knew that a powerful trainer sometimes allows his pokemons to react on their own to see their real potential.
Sceptile easily dodged the attack but got hit by Ice Shard.
"Again Night Slash on Sceptile" Atharva Said.
Weavile was almost close to Sceptile when he got hit by heracross, A powerful Megahorn attack. Weavile fell down and was trying really hard to stand up but in meantime sceptile stood up and finished weavile with his powerful leaf blade move. Weavile fell unconscious by these two powerful hits and it was obvious because he got hits from two Initial Legendary pokemons and he was at final ultra level at the time.
Atharva recalled weavile, "Mamoswine now everything is on you, use blizzard" Said Atharva.
I was just looking my pokemons battling, sceptile and heracross both got hit by attack but using that move made Mamoswine immobile for a while and in that mean time my pokemon recovered from hit and gave him a combo of Brick break with leaf blade and those two hits were sufficient to make Mamoswine faint.
Atharva recalled his last fallen pokemon. "Both pokemons of Gym Leader are unable to battle, Challenger Ujjawal won the battle" Announced Referee.
This was quick and my pokemon were only slightly hurt. I went to them and said. "You both have really gotten so powerful, I am really proud of you" for that heracross and sceptile both gave a smile.
Atharva and other friends came to me, "That was really awesome" Said Atharva.
"Yeah, Ujjawal your both pokemons were really outstanding there" Said Ashvin.
"I am really glad that I am your friend" Ashvin Continued.
"We are his friends too" Said Atharva.
"Yes you all are my friends, I am really glad meeting you all. You weavile was really great there, his speed is really good also you used combination really perfectly" I said.
"Yeah but was only able to give two hits" Said Atharva little disappointed.
"You atleast gave his pokemons two hits, I was not able to give a single hit to his pokemon" Said Ashvin and we all laughed on that.
"Here I present you with Ice Badge" Said atharva and I took the badge and said "I got my 6th badge now 6 more to go".
"You only need 4 more" Ashvin said.
"No but I want to collect all 12" I said.
"Yeah you can easily win as you have already beaten most powerful gym leader storm" Said Atharva, "He is at different level than us" He continued.
Yeah I remembered, Though I barely won but that time my pokemons were almost equal to his level but now my pokemons are at much higher level that that of Storm's.
We all went outside to have fun in the amusement park. I was really missing my Lucario and charizard, Sceptile put a hand on my shoulder like he understood that I am missing the and he patted my shoulder.
"I missed you guys too and miss them as well, just few days more and we all will be back together" I said and sceptile smiled.
We spent our whole day in the park and then I checked the place where I can go to collect my next gym badge and it showed Sprout Town. To reach sprout town I had to take a ferry from Florida Island for Creselia Town and from there a walk to Route 23 and then through Crest forest. Duration to reach there was about 5 days from creselia town and to reach creselia town 1 day. So the journey was going to be of total 6 days and Its been already 3 days since I gave my pokemon to mew so I planned I will make 5 days trek to 7 days trek and see powers of my pokemon in training. I told all others about my plan. Though Ashvin wanted me to stay but when I told that I will keep in contact then he agreed. I shared my number with atharva as well.
In night we had a big buffet at mansion and in that I told everyone about my encounter with Team Mind and dark, also how I beat 3 admins of Team Mind and one of Team Dark.
"Next time when you are in trouble don't face alone, you contact us and I flew there on my fearow" Said ashvin.
"I had many encounters with Team Mind but only one with Team Dark, I think that team is not much active." I said.
"But be cautious, you can never say anything about these bad guys" Said Ashvin.
"Yeah I will be and now I have feelings that there will be a big encounter in coming future." I said.
"Don't worry you have our back now" Said Atharva.
"Yeah" I said.
I was really having bad feeling for my upcoming events as Mew was really aggressive towards training my pokemons quickly. That means she knows that something bad is coming to me soon, but I know that now I have supports from my friends.
End of Chapter....