Battle with Old Friend

Next morning after our breakfast Ashvin, Shruti and Atharva came with us to say us good bye near the port. We had to take our ferry to Creselia Town.

"You should stay atleast for few days, we can train together" Said Ashvin.

"No, Ashvin I would have stayed but it's better to keep travelling and we can also meet in next contest when shruti will come to take part" I said.

"Ok, I know you are stubborn, but remember what I said yesterday night, next time when you feel like in trouble just give me a call and we all will come as soon as possible" Said Ashvin and I nodded then he gave me a hug and I told him to take care and keep training.

We boarded on our ferry and our journey towards Creselia town started. We reached creselia town in the night at 8 pm. Town was looking beautiful as usual. We went to pokemon center and took our dinner after finishing we went straight to bed. I wanted to spend some time with Ankita as I was bit busy in these days and we were not talking much, so I shared my room with ankita as usual.

Ankita was lying beside me when I said, "Ankita I have feeling that my time in this world is coming to get over."

"What ? Why you are saying that" Asked Ankita who turned towards me and was now facing me.

I crossed my hands through her hairs and said, "Look last time when I defeated that higher rank Admin of Team Mind, he said that Team dark was defeated by Team mind so that means main threat for the region is Team Mind not Team Dark as I saw possession of legenderies with them."

"So how do you think your journey is getting over." She asked.

"I don't know but my gut feelings are saying me that I will be facing Team Mind leader soon and when that happens I will try my best to beat him, but after beating him threat in this world will be over and my work here will also be over." I said.

"But you said you will find a way to return" She asked, her eyes were filled with tears.

I wiped her tears from her face and said, "Ankita you are dearest to me in this world just after my pokemons, I can't live you guys and be happy there in my world. These thoughts and my journey will always be there with me, but I will try to ask the being who teleported me here to let me stay here in this world".

"That being will listen to you for sure and we all will try as well" She said.

"Yeah, you know ankita, when I met Ashvin's mother, I felt like something is missing, I was missing my mom and dad, what will be their reaction. I never thought about that, how that world is when I am not there." I said.

"I know they will be missing you too, I am scared by the thought that you will leave this world so I know what they might be feeling." Said Ankita.

"Yeah, My mom, dad and sister, they all will also be missing me. I really want them to know what their son is doing and how their son is protecting a region with help of his friends." I said, tears filled in my eyes as well.

"Why don't we ask that being to teleport you back along with your mom, dad and sister ?" She asked.

"We can ask but I think that will be against the laws of dimensions" I said.

"He teleported you here that time he didn't think about the laws then why now" She asked and that made me think that she was right. If I am allowed here then why not my parents and sister. We are only 4 and we don't have any relatives there.

'I will ask mew next time when we meet' I thought.

"What are you thinking ujjawal ?" Ankita asked and that startled me.

"Nothing, just thinking that if I get a chance to meet that being then I will ask him to let me stay here along with my parents" I said and cuddled with her.

"I love you Ujjawal and I will try my best to keep you here or I will also come with you there." Said Ankita.

"No, you can't, I want someone to take care of my pokemons if I am not able to return." I said.

"Ujjawal you were nothing to me before I met you but now I can't even think my life without you." Ankita said.

"I have the same feelings" I said and then we continued to chat a little to light up our moods and then we slept cuddling each other.

Next morning I woke up and after finishing my daily routine I went downstairs in lobby and I saw Aniket and Ankita talking to someone. I went to them and saw that, the guy they were talking with was no one other then Vishal.

"Vishal" I shouted in excitement and ran towards him and hugged him.

"Ok calm down buddy, you will break my bones" He said.

"We are meeting after so long and that meet in flora town was nothing as we were not able to chat. You know I have 6 badges now." I said in excitement.

"That's really great buddy. I am really proud of you and professor will also be happy hearing this." He said.

"Yeah and you know what I want to battle you, I want to see at what level we are." I said.

"You have got just 6 badges, I am experienced trainer Ujjawal and I am champion of the region" He said.

"What????" We all three shouted at once. I remembered what that admin told me that Leader of Team Dark is Champion of the region, vishal is that guy.

"Yes, I am and Ujjawal I need to discuss with you something, ALONE" He said.

I agreed as now I had many questions as well. We went into the battlefield in the pokecenter to discuss and there was no one so that was better.

"So you can start asking your questions." Vishal said.

I looked at him and then asked, "Are you leader of Team Dark ?"

"Yes, I know that you now know it because my pokemon read your thoughts when you returned to us after beating Jermie" He said.

"Jermie ?" I asked.

"That team mind admin you beat in the flora town, he didn't recognize me as his leader is the only one who had seen me and all others have only seen me in mask." He said.

"Then why you were not able to beat him there." I asked.

"He had possession of a legendary pokemon that time and my pokemons which I had at that time were not able to beat that legendary. But when I saw you with Mewtwo i really felt good that you made him to join you, Mewtwo will be best weapon against them." He said.

"Yeah so when I beat them you will take control on region. Thats what your plan is and that's why you made me friend." I asked.

"No, look I was the one who created team dark to destroy team mind, but later few members of my team started threatening people in region and that made team dark a target as well. So I disbanded team mind and I asked mew to help me find someone with pure heart, who will not act a vilen after getting power. Mew found you and with help of arceus we brought you here, I tested you by sending my newly born Larvitar in forest, though that was risky but I would have come to protect you if things went wrong." He said.

"So you knew about my visit, though mew has told me. Ok but why the team dark members I encountered were trying to harm people." I asked.

"They were those members who went berserk after getting power, but you finished them so now officially team dark is disbanded. Haven't you noticed there was no encounter with team dark after that." He said.

"Ok I agree, Do professor know all this ?" I asked.

"Yes, she know, she was the one who helped me in forming team but when things started going wrong we disbanded Team Dark." He said.

"Then why she said that Team Mind and Team Dark both are threats." I asked.

"Because I asked her to say as I knew at some point you will remember that only group of team dark so I wanted you to know that you have to beat them as well." He said.

"Why you hid this from me" I asked.

"If I had told you earlier that I was a leader of Team dark then you reaction towards them might have changed and that I never wanted to happen. So I kept it a secret." He replied.

He had some point, so I asked, "You are a champion then why didn't you beat team mind on your own."

"Because leader is so powerful, he promised me that if I don't interfere then he will not kill people, so I stopped my interference and asked for external help." He said.

"Why me then ?" I asked.

"There is a reason that you will know when time comes." He said. I tried asking but he stopped me. So I asked if we can battle, he hesitated but finally agreed for 1 v 1 battle. We both took our positions and I called Aniket to be our referee.

"Ok Ujjawal, I will go with my 4th strongest pokemon" He said and sent out Aggron.

His aggron has an aura that was really powerful. I felt the aura to be equal to atleast a pokemon of Initial king pokemon. I sent out my Garchomp.

"So they helped you in training, that's good" He said, I knew that he knows everything so I remained quite.

"Ok Aggron use Rock Slide." Vishal Said.

"Dodge it Garchomp and use earth power" I said.

My Garchomp dodged it and used earth power which was a hit but Aggron was still standing perfectly.

"Good Ujjawal, you are controlling your pokemon well" He said, "Aggron Iron defense and then earthquake" he continued.

That earthquake was really powerful that I also fell on my knees but Garchomp was still standing still, he was at Initial King Level as well so I can understand the power.

"Garchomp Dragon Claw" I said.

"Aggron counter with Metal Claw." Said Vishal.

Both the hits collided and both pokemons were thrown back, that power was almost equal.

"Garchomp Dragon Rush" I said.

"Stop him with Iron Tail" Vishal Said.

Both attacks again collided and both pokemon returned back, this counter battle continued for a while and both pokemons were tires and so were we both.

"It's really entertaining Ujjawal, but I have to finish it now, Hyper Beam Aggron." Said Vishal.

"You use Draco Meteor Garchomp." I said.

These two attacks also collided and a smoke arose which when settled I saw both pokemon standing facing each other and I knew this last move will decide the match. Aggron was immobile by using Hyper Beam but Garchomp was still able to attack so I asked him to finish with dragon claw and that hit finished Aggron.

Aggron fell down on ground unconscious, "Aggron is Unable to battle, Garchomp win and winner is Ujjawal" Aniket announced.

Garchomp sat on his knees, I rushed to him and helped him to stand up, and said, "You are really great buddy" for which he gave a weak smile. I recalled him in pokeball to take rest and saw vishal coming towards me.

"You were really good there Ujjawal, but remember to beat my team of 6 you have to come very prepared as my other top 3 pokemons are far stronger then Aggron." He said.

"I will come prepared" I said.

That battle was really great and I went to nurse joy and handed her my garchomp for treatment. We all went to take our breakfast and then waited for Garchomp to get healed. Nurse Joy called me and said garchomp is fine now but will be battle fit after 2-3 days so take care. I nodded and returned to my friends, Vishal also said good bye to us and I with my friends headed towards Route 23 to reach Sprout Town.

Now I know Team Dark is disbanded, so only threat I have to beat is Team Mind, What will happen in my encounter with Team Mind? Will Update in upcoming chapters.