Crest Forest and Finding Odd one

In afternoon we started our trek to Sprout Town, We reached at the end of Route 23 and near entrance of Crest Forest by evening. Crossing crest forest was going to take atleast 3 days as that was a big forest but I planned to complete it in 5 days and train my pokemons in between the forest.

We camped at an opening near forest and I cooked meal with help of Ankita and aniket brought us wood and water from a lake nearby. We finished our meal and then I called out my Tyranitar and Metagross to stand guard for night, Raichu was sleeping beside me with Ankita and Aniket was sleeping in the tent beside ours.

Next Morning we woke up early and after cooking meal and finishing we restarted our journey at 9:30 am, We entered the forest and after travelling for almost 4 hours we reached near a clearing in the middle of forest and a pond was near as well. I told them that we will camp here for next 3 days. This time Aniket was the one who had to cook and I was training my pokemons where as Ankita went to collect some water. When she returned she also started training. I was training mine as well Aniket's Pokemons.

At around 3:00 pm Meal was ready and we sat together to finish our lunch, I heard a sound in the bush and stand on guard, my garchomp was standing beside me. After a while I saw a pokemon who was injured falling from the bushes infront of us, that pokemon was Red colored having two stingers in front and a tail which looked like claw. It had teal eyes and his miniature jaws were white. I checked and it showed that the pokemon was skorupi but the Skorupi shown in pokedex was purple colored and what we saw was Red colored. Ankita hurried towards it and picked it up, "It's badly hurt" She said.

"But skorupi are native to sinnoh, they are very rare here and also a shiny is very rare." Said Aniket.

I remembered how my Noibat was all alone in cave and other noibats were ignoring its presence, its shows that pokemons ignore the pokemon with odd color whom we call shiny. I remembered that a story that some pokemons even try to kill the shiny ones and whoever protects them also become their enemy.

"If I am not wrong it is work of Drapion and other skorupi" I said, when I heard another sound from bush.

I saw two Drapion and few skorupi coming out from bushes, one of the drapion was really big compare to the other one, it was almost double of that drapion. I looked at ankita who was holding skorupi tightly like she wanted to protect it, I then turned to Aniket who understood what I meant and stood beside me.

"Aniket you take care of that other drapion and I will take care of other one with these skorupi" I said and he nodded.

I called my Crobat and Metagross to take care of the skorupis and told Tyranitar to battle the drapion. Where as Aniket sent his newly evolved Golem to battle against that drapion. Both drapion were really powerful, my metagross and crobat beat the skorupi and they ran away from there. Also on other side Golem beat the other drapion whom Aniket caught for himself. Tyranitar took a while to beat this big one as he was really powerful and power was seeming equal to that of Tyranitar, that meant he was leader of the team and he must be well experienced and atleast at Max Master Level.

I caught that pokemon after Tyranitar beat it and checked its data in pokedex which showed,

Species- Drapion

Gender- Male

Type- Poison/Dark

Ability- Sniper

Moves- thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Fire Fang, Poison fang, Leer, Hone Claws, Toxic Spikes, Bug Bite, Bite, Night Slash, Slash, Cross Poison, X Scissor, Toxic, Crunch, Giga Impact, Rock Slide, Sludge Bomb, Dark Pulse, Shadow ball and Earthquake.

'This many moves, he must be very experienced' I thought and my pokedex showed it at Max Master level.

I went to Ankita who was spraying medicines on wound of skorupi. I sat beside her and helped her in healing skorupi.

Then I with aniket called out Drapions and our pokemons were ready to attack if they attack us, but after coming out they were standing normal, I walked towards my drapion and said "Welcome to team buddy, I hope you will like to go on adventure with me." For that he nodded, he seemed to be in pain so I sprayed medicines on his wounds as well and then fed all 3 new members as well.

Then after lunch at around 4 I restarted my training but this time drapion was also in the training. Garchomp was just doing normal training as he was still hurt from the battle with Aggron.

I was training Ankita's newly caught Skorupi as well so that he will be strong and later ankita can train him further for contests. Skorupi being different in color will give Ankita an advantage in contests so I agreed when she said she want to protect it and keep it with her so he don't get any harm in future.

For next three days harsh training continued and I asked my pokemons to work on the moves they know to make it more powerful as they knew all the moves that they could learn. Those three days were really tiring for them all as I was finally training them and my pokemons along with Ankita and Aniket's pokemons use to get exhausted after end of the day but they were happy as they were getting more and more powerful.

After 3 days camp I planned to go the Sprout town. 10 days were over since mew took mew took my pokemons and we were near Sprout town. It was 11th day so I knew today I will be meeting my pokemons who will be at different level in terms of power.

So what will happen next. What level of power his most powerful pokemons hold now ? Will update in next chapters.