We reached sprout tower by 4 pm and we went first to pokemon center to heal our exhausted pokemons. At 6 we received our pokemons back and then I told my friends that I will go and look around the city and meet them later. My Garchomp was walking along with me and we were talking, by now I understand my pokemons as I have felt increase in my aura and telepathy since I first met mew. I was walking in sprout city, it was beautiful city with houses made of Japanese Design, I remembered that Violet City in Jhoto region also have houses with such designs.
While walking I saw a wild eevee who when saw me ran towards a lane. I wanted an eevee because they are really cute and powerful so I followed it. We entered the lane and after walking a while I felt like someone was behind me. I turned around to see the same eevee we saw earlier. It was looking little different though. I was in a Lane which was dark and it seemed it was abandoned one. Then I saw that eevee glowing and turned into mew. I knew that mew being mother of pokemons can transform itself in any pokemon so I was not that surprise.
"Hey mew, this was really some trick indeed" I said.
'Yeah I wanted you to follow me here, so I turned into a pokemon as I don't want me to be seen by anyone else' Mew said.
"So how are you" I asked.
'I am good, do you have poffins ?' She asked cutely and I opened my bag which I brought in case if I like few things so I will buy those and keep in the bag. I gave her newly made poffins which she really liked.
"So how is training going on" I asked.
'Training is over, I came here to give you your pokemons back.' She said.
"You trained my pokemons so how you feel about the power" I asked.
'Your Mewtwo and Lucario were more determined and they even surpassed initial King level but for other your Gardevoir, Gengar, Pidgeot, Charizard and Lapras reached initial King level and others are stuck to Max Master Level.' Mew said.
I was happy listening the progress of my pokemons. Mew handed me my pokemons and she said 'Your Claydol and metagross has mastered gravity so you can use them to train your pokemons for more power and speed, now you will have to train your pokemons further on your own. Though I will help and keep visiting you if you promise me that you will give me poffins' Mew said.
I laughed on that condition and said, "Sure Mew, I will obey your command" and she circled around me then we chatted for a while and she left. I also returned to pokemon center by 9 pm and first thing I did was to call professor and I kept, Lucario, Mewtwo, Gengar, Garchomp, Gardevoir, Tyranitar, Raichu, Lapras, Charizard and Metagross with me and deposited remaining. I have kept 10 pokemons with me and also instructed Claydol to train pokemon in lab at high gravity and here Metagross was there to help me in training my current team with help of gravity.
I went to battlefield where I saw Ankita and Aniket were chatting with their pokemons.
"Hey guys, Look who are here with me" I said and when they saw me they came to me.
"Are Lucario and others back ?" Asked Ankita, Ankita always liked Lucario and Charizard as they respected her as they did to me and also they use to help her in training her pokemons.
"Yes, Now see" I said and threw all my pokeballs in air, white light emerged from each pokeball and the creatures inside that pokeball were standing in front of me. I could feel the powerful Aura Lucario and Mewtwo were emitting, those were more powerful then what I felt when I saw Ash's Charizard.
'Hey Master, How are you' Said Lucario. I ran towards him and hugged him who hugged me back. I hugged all others and they also looked happy meeting me after 10 years. It was only 10 days for me but they were trained in time chamber where these 10 days were equal to 10 years.
"I really missed you all" I said and tears rolled down my eyes.
'We missed you more master but determination to protect you kept us doing our training' Mewtwo said.
Ankita and aniket both were happy meeting my old buddies return. I wanted to see the power level of my pokemons so I asked Lucario to Battle Garchomp. They both battled very fiercely but Garchomp was not able to give a single hit to Lucario. They both had speed unmatched and sometimes we were only seeing lights crashing.
That battle continued for 30 minutes, Garchomp was tired but Lucario was still standing his hands behind him. I told them to stop.
"Lucario you have become really powerful" I said.
'Yes Master, but Mewtwo is really powerful compare to me, when I and mewtwo battled in training my condition was similar to mewtwo and he was standing like I am. When I asked him he told me that he only used 30% of his power, whereas today I used 55% of my power.' Said Lucario.
I was really happy with the power they had, I saw Mewtwo beating Latias when he was not trained under Legenderies but now he is so much powerful than before.
'Master, I matched equal to the power level of mew and creselia. Though I was not able to beat them but we both fell together when I battled each of them' Said mewtwo through telepathy so no one else hear what I said.
"Thats really great, now we can beat anyone from Team mind" I said.
'Yeah Master and Even Lucario was able to tire Darkrai, so you can understand the power level when we all will battle together. All of other companions were also determined in training' Said Mewtwo and I smiled with what he said. My pokemons were really powerful now. I thought of using Gengar and gardevoir to see their power tomorrow in gym battle against Gym leader of Sprout who was a poison type gym leader.
What will happen in tomorrow's battle, will share in next chapter.