7th Gym Battle- Learning From Loss

Next morning I woke up and I didn't research anything about the Gym Leader as I thought as per my power I can beat him easily. I called ashvin to get his experience in this gym but he said he never battled the gym leader as when he was travelling the gym was closed as no gym leader was there but he heard some retired elite 4 is taking command of the gym.

I thought my pokemons are powerful and at Initial legendary level so we can beat anyone easily and I beat storm who was also a retired elite 4 and that when my pokemons were not trained under the legenderies. This new power which I received made me so confident that I thought I can now beat anyone who comes in my way. But I forgot about hierarchy of the power level,

The hierarchy in the world where I was the pokemons were at 4 levels,

1. Elite Level- Initial, Mid and Max (All three also had 3 stages Primary, Secondary and Final).

2. Ultra Level

3. Master Level

4. King Level

Some says that there are only few trainers who surpasses even Max King Level. As mew already told me about trainers Alex, Blue, Red and Professor Samuel Oak who are at champion level.

I was blurred by my continuous winning streak and I only lost to a champion Ash Ketchum but no one else was able to defeat me. With all these proud feelings I moved to the Gym and asked gym guy to tell gym leader I want to challenge. Gym Guy looked me up and down and left then returned us and told that challenge was accepted.

I entered in the gym with confidence and stood on my place, I saw a guy who was coming from door on other side. When he came to the battle are I saw him, that guy was in his 60's and had white hair and white french cut beard. He had light black skin but when I saw his face, those blue eyes were emitting pure aura, I was strong but that aura was making me feel uneasy, even my aura was not able to counter it. He had muscular body and was standing infront of me with confident posture.

"Welcome Challenger, I am Stern, Gym Leader of Sprout Town, I welcome you to my Gym" He said.

I felt like he has reduced pressure from his aura, I regained my conscious and said "I am Ujjawal Rai from sunbloom town, I am here to challenge you for the gym badge."

"Yes I know that, you won't be standing on opposite stand to give me good wishes. By the way I accept your Challenge" He said, that sarcasm made me angry. I wanted to show him true power of my pokemons.

"This will be 4 vs 4 battle, only challenger is allowed to change his pokemon. Is it clear" Announced referee.

We both nodded in agreement.

"So Challenger I will start with this then" Stern said and sent out his first pokemon Gengar. That Gengar was big in size and from power of aura he was emitting I felt like he might be at Mid King Level. In King level the difference between Initial and Mid is too high and mew told me that my pokemons were at first stage of Initial King Level.

I thought to go with type effectiveness and sent out my Gardevoir.

"Both the pokemons are out, you may begin" Announced referee.

"You can start, Gengar you may fight on your own with the kid" he said.

That angered me and I ordered Gardevoir to start with shadow ball, Gengar dodged by floating and it kept dodging all the hit from gardevoir like it was just playing with her. Then Gengar sent his shadow ball, that power in shadow ball was really high and my gardevoir was barely able to dodge it when it got hit from shadow punch and sent directly towards the ground. A King level pokemon was hit with that bad showed me how powerful an elite 4 is, this was enough to beat my confident.

Gardevoir stood up, it could be seen from her face that how powerful that punch was, I asked Gardevoir to use Psybeam which was dodged by Gengar and then my Gardevoir again gave a hit from behind, Gengar also fell down though it was not looking like he was badly hurt.

"Gardevoir Psychic" I said.

"Counter with Shadow Ball" Stern Said.

Gardevoir tried to deflect shadow ball back to Gengar but the power and control in that shadow ball was too high and Gardevoir got direct hit and fell down unconscious.

"Gardevoir is unable to fight, send your next pokemon" Said Referee.

I was shocked at how Gardevoir was beaten by just 2 moves. I sent my current powerful pokemon Mewtwo next.

"So you have tamed a Mewtwo" Stern Said.

"We are friends, I have not tamed him" I said.

"Ok, then lat's beat your friend, Gengar won't you show them our bond" Stern Said.

"Mewtwo start with psycho cut" I said, Mewtwo sent an air slash with psychic, which was dodged by Gengar and he landed a shadow punch on mewtwo, though it was a super effective move then also Mewtwo was not that much effected, which brought my confident back.

"Mewtwo Shadow Ball" I said. Gengar countered it with his own shadow ball, a smokescreen produced by that blast, when that smokescreen subsided, we saw both pokemon standing back on the ground. Gengar started with sneak attack which was stopped by Mewtwo's Psychic and Gengar was sent back flying towards the wall.

The heated battle continued for next 15 minutes and both the pokemons were countering each other's attacks. Then I told mewtwo through aura to use shadow ball and then attack from behind with psychic. Gengar was much better then I guessed, he countered Shadow ball and sent another shadow ball towards mewtwo who was behind him. Mewtwo fell on ground from that attack.

"Gengar let's finish this" Said Stern and Gengar was coming closer to finish mewtwo with shadow punch but when he reached closer mewtwo used shadow ball though he himself got hit by Shadow punch as well. Both the pokemons fell on ground unconscious.

"Both pokemons are unable to battle, trainers send your next pokemon." Said Referee.

'Mewtwo the most powerful beast got beaten so easily even after he was trained by legenderies.' I thought. I knew that this is losing battle so I thought to forfeit but Lucario talked me through pokeball, 'Master, you once told us that its better to fight for what you want then to regret after losing it without fighting. How can you think to forfeit before fighting.'

'But Lucario this will only hurt our friends, didn't you see what happened with mewtwo and Gardevoir. Mewtwo also lost to his first pokemon.' I replied.

'Master, give me a chance, whether we loose or win, we tried thats really matters. Considering loss without even trying is not a good thing. If you become weak then how can we think to be strong. We heard from legenderies about trainer whose pokemons are able to give equal fight to them.' Lucario Said.

"Ok, Lucario we will try, win or loss we will learn from it. Thankyou for your advise but wait for your turn as your other friend will like to show what power we have" I said.

What will happen next and who is that other friend MC will choose, will update in upcoming chapters.