Dear Diary,
Thank goodness this story/diary will prove my existence… Meanwhile, while everyone else continued their lives in the busy city of London without acknowledging my faded presence I was awaiting his arrival. I was just scouting out for a tall tanned guy in a red hoodie but oh no… It's coming I know it. Whenever I stand by myself doing nothing; I just have an inclination to just travel elsewhere in my head and end up God knows where. Yup its' here now so at least I've warned you of what's coming…
Firstly, can I say that it's absolutely freezing where I am. The worst part is that I didn't even have time to pack - it was all so unexpected! Standing on an iceberg however would obviously cause me to say that. Being on top of this Icelandic wonder with the blustering wind almost pushing me off I just think to myself… isn't this beautiful. What a perfect way to try and you know…. End it all. All this pain and suffering of me being invisible to everyone I know. And especially the pain that was initially caused by my parents.The northern lights further away are enticing me to join them. I step closer and closer until I'm literally dancing at the edge of a volcano. Roaring. Fire. So much intensity in my brain I can't cope. As I take the final plunge….
"Excuse me ma'am? Are you Joline?"
I quickly snap out of what I'm doing and whizz around so quickly I forget what I was even thinking of. A tall specimen, someone I've never seen before is towering above me. Somehow, the more I stare at him the more I recognise the fact that he looks like the real-life version of the pixelated screen. Shocked at my realisation I just beam at him since, unexpectedly ... he saved me from myself – with him I can already see a golden glow radiating off him and me? I'm getting more and more attracted by the second…