The hustle-bustle of the Maheshwari Mansion gave Sidhanth nothing but a headache. Today it's Sitara's birthday, and his little cousin is going out of his way to make it memorable for her. How much he wanted to ruin this day for her, but he knows now is not the time to act. After his stroke on Sonali and Shekar, he could see that Sitara is spending her time in loneliness. All he has to do is let this unseen distance between Sitara and her mother to be widened on its own. He has a solid two weeks to start the real game.

Sidhanth's thought process came to a halt as he felt someone hugging his leg. He found Nithya, his cute little niece giving a hard time to his sister-in-law.

"Chachu, save me from Mumma."

As he looked up, he found his sister-in-law huffing and puffing with milk glass in her hand.

"Sidhanth give her to me. She is becoming very stubborn, like her father. Not at all listening to me," Lakshmi said, glaring at Nithya while she hid behind Sidhanth.

"Can... Can I... try?" He stuttered, looking at everywhere but Lakshmi. They all are currently in the living area of the mansion. Lakshmi looked at Annapurna, who signed her to give Sidhanth a chance.

Sidhanth picked Nithya in his arms and made her drink the milk cooing sweet things to her, and like a good girl, she drank the milk from her favorite Chachu. Lakshman smiled in tears as he could see his brother coming back to his old self.

"Jiji, do you remember once Sidhanth told us that he wants his firstborn to be a girl child, and he will make her this much strong and independent that no guy in this world will be equal to her. Look at the way he is handling Nithya. Though he is still unstable, he knows very well how to handle things." Sujata's voice choked at the end, looking at her son. Dr. Rosholi told them that there is progress in Sidhanth's health, and they should continue treating him as a sane person, and in this- Nithya, their granddaughter, played the vital role. Sometimes they treat Sidhanth as a patient, but she not even once treated Sidhanth indifferent. For her, Sidhanth is the best Chachu. Lakshman, who saw the atmosphere getting heavy with emotions, thought of breaking it.

"Hello, Ms. Fireball. After Sidhu Bhai came, you changed your party, huh?" Lakshman said beside Sidhanth and took Nithya in his lap.

"Lakshman Chachu… as your name is so big to say, I changed to Sidhu Chachu's team. Also, he gives me chocolate after I drink this yucky milk." everyone laughed at the way Nithya animatedly spoke. After Sidhanth's death news, Nithya was the only one who kept the light of this house from burning out. Looking at the way Lakshman is playing with Nithya stirred an unknown emotion inside Sidhanth, which he buried deep inside him that he forgot how it used to feel.

"Boss… Boss, could you hear me?" Smith's voice boomed in Sidhanth's comms, which got him out of his emotional loop.

As everyone was busy in their own world, he slipped away from the living area to his room. After opening his secret vault, Sidhanth looked at the live feed of the colony and his house, which showed nothing unusual.

"Smith, why the fuck you on-ed the comms? I told you only to contact me through comms if there was any emergen—"

"ALEX GLOMES ESCAPED THE FEDERAL HEIGHTS, BOSS." Sidhanth froze on the spot, hearing Smith's shout. Not even for once, Smith raised his voice in front of him, let alone shout. Alex Glomes, the international mafia criminal, is on the loose. Which means…

"Where is Sitara, Smith?" His words met with a silence, which means Alex reached Sitara. Without wasting a single moment, Sidhanth started to gear up in his mission suit.

"What is the status, Smith?" Sidhanth asked, typing a code on his keyboard, which opened the wall behind him. It's a walk-in closet filled with guns, grenades, smoke bombs, knives, etc.,

"Sir, Mam is still in the academy, but in a few minutes, she will come out. I don't think I can delay the process, sir. Alex's soldiers surrounded the academy, also I could see a few other people in civil. I think they Ashutosh's men," Sidhanth groaned in frustration. Loading the magazine, Sidhanth saw his mother walking towards his room on the screen.

"Just great. Today all the problems are washing over me like a wave." taking a deep breath, Sidhanth calculated how to rescue Sitara.

"How much time is left, Smith?" Sidhanth asked, stuffing his guns in the holsters and picked up a few daggers, and place it around his ankle and waist.

"30 minutes tops, Boss."

"Listen carefully, don't know what you will do? And how will you do it? I need a live location feed of Sitara. I think Alex is going to kidnap her through the car sent by Lakshman. Make sure you divert the car towards the NH 12. It will be deserted at this time, also inform Elena to reach the highways with paramedics exactly 1 hour from now on."

"OK, Boss."

Making up his mind for his mother's interrogation, Sidhanth exited his vault and walked out of his closet only to meet his shocked mother. Her face is filled with confusion and terror, and soon sweat broke out on her forehead.

"Sidhanth, you… what… You are fine!

What is happening here?

And why are you dressed like this?


"Mom, I don't have time to explain everything. Sitara's life is in danger. I have to save her. Once I come back, I will explain everything to you, but for now, please make sure everything goes according to the plan of Lakshman. I will bring Sitara to our resort in an hour or two, but please make sure no one doubts that I am missing."

"Sidhanth, you are scaring me!" taking her hands into his, he brought it against his forehead as if seeking her blessings and trust.

"Trust me, Maa. At least this time." as expected, his words hit the bullseye, and Sujata let him exit the mansion without anyone's notice. Sidhanth walked to the backside of the house and jumped over the wall landing on his knees. He went towards a shed that looks like hasn't been maintained for years. He removed a dusty sheet revealing his BMW bike and dusted off the dirt over the seat.

"My boy, it's time to roar." as he pressed the start button, the bike came to life, flashing its white lights as if he is ready to run over whoever crosses his path. Sidhanth connected his phone to the bike's G.P.S, which shows Smith's location and the location of another one, which he assumes is of Sitara's

"Boss, I pasted the stick-on transmitter on Mam. You should be getting its feed by now. I contacted my friend in the Traffic Department, he will divert the car towards the highway. They should be reaching the highway in some time." Smith informed Sidhanth while he hit the road, speeding towards the highway.

"Inform MI6 to close Alex's file because he is not going to survive today."


"Do as I say, Smith!" Sidhanth's stoic face and finality in his words itself show the wrath Alex unleashed within him.

After a few hours, somewhere in London, Abdulla's face changed into a furious one, hearing the words of the person on the other side of the phone. Shariff, who saw Abdulla's face, could see that he has some bad news.

"Abdulla, what happened?"

"Chief, Alex is DEAD." shock ran over Shariff as it is not an easy task to tackle Alex let alone to kill him.

"How Abdulla? I told you I want him alive. Then?"

"Chief, as you instructed, we let him believe that he kidnapped Shonu Baby, but someone diverted the car towards the highway where our people are blocked to enter. It took them 30 minutes to reach the other side of the highway, and when they reached the car, Alex was murdered, and Shonu Baby was gone." Abdulla explained impatiently about their failed plan.

"Contact MI6 and get to know who executed this?" Shariff told Abdulla, and within a few minutes, he got a file about someone.

"Chief, it's KILLER STRIKE. He/She is the one who killed Alex" Shariff's jaw ticked in irritation as his well-laid plan of destroying Alex went to the gutter because of Killer Strike.