She was right...

Sitara could do nothing but gush over the thought that what good thing she did in her this life that she is surrounded by the most beautiful souls she could ever find in this world. At first, she thought Lakshman to be this spoilt brat who just knows how to enjoy the money his family earns, but when she started to spend time with him, it turned out it was all because of the bad company he was surrounded by. He is working as the Head of the IT Department at Maheshwari Enterprise, and from his talks, she could decipher how much he admires Sidhanth. More than Aditya, Sidhanth is the one who inspires everyone in their family. It was Sidhanth who inspired them to start anything from the ground level.

Just because they are born in a well- settled and renowned family, it does not give them the privilege of busking in the sweat of their fathers.

'If you wanna achieve something, do it on your own.'

That's the principle of Sidhanth, which formed newfound respect for Sidhanth in her heart.

"You know Sitara, even though Aditya Bhai and I admire Sidhu Bhai, sometimes we have this disappointment and jealous brewing inside us that we could never compete or match his level. How much ever we try, we could never match the thought process of Sidhu Bhai. He always finds out a solution to every single problem in a snap. Even when he was young, Papa's friends and family were scared to talk to him because one wrong thing they say, he will just skin them alive with his words itself. Sidhu Bhai is like a wall between us and this evil world, but then something happened which changed our entire life." Sitara's eyes teared up once again as she thought about Lakshman's words.

How a single person's impulsive decision affects the people connected to him/her?

Slowly her thoughts leaned towards Sidhanth. She could never forget those cold hazel brown eyes which pierced through her soul.

The thought of meeting him today just gave Sitara a sweet chill down her spill. Goosebumps crawled through her skin, and a cold sweat broke out. That's when she noticed that they are driving through the NH 12. This highway is one stretch road that ends at Siliguri, and there is no sophisticated park or hotel on this highway that she knows of. Her gut is kicking with a danger sign that something is not adding up. Before she could ask the driver, the car came to a halt with a screech, throwing her off the seat.

When Sitara got her equilibrium back, she looked through the windshield and saw Sidhanth on some high-tech bike racing the accelerator so much that on the deserted highway, it was the only sound she could hear. Before she could get down, the driver got down, and as he closed his door, the car went into safety lock mode.

"Driver, please open the door," she asked after lowering the window glass.

"Oh, shut up! You little skunk," Sitara's eyes widened in fear as the English accent of the driver clearly gave away that she is trapped. Her heart accelerated, looking at the shining silver gun the driver took out from his back as he moved towards Sidhanth. She moved to the passenger seat and saw Sidhanth getting down from his bike. His face is as always stoic and devoid of any emotion, but today he is not at all looking like an insane person.

Then her assumptions were right. Then why Dr. Rosholi's reports indicated that he is unstable mentally?

"Well, well, look who is here! Agent Dev, all in his glory. But the question is- what are you doing here?" Sidhanth felt this sudden rage coursing through his veins as he looked at the ugliest piece of shit standing in front of him without any shame. Without any warning, Sidhanth just shot Alex on his foot from the minigun he hid in his palm. As Alex fell on his knee, Sidhanth kicked the gun away from his hand without a second delay.

Sidhanth lowered to his eye level as Alex's face turned red in pain "You know one thing, Alex? For a Mafia Don, you speak a lot. When someone tries to hunt our prey, you just have to eradicate them. This is not any fucking motion picture, Alex. Where you and I will speak non-sense and get into a fight; that too for a girl. You touched what is mine, so bear the consequences."

"You think if you kill me, it's the end. People like me will come after her because she is a fucking stallion." Sidhanth just shot right between his eyebrows and stood up as if his words didn't matter to him.

Sithara screamed, closing her mouth with her palms as she saw Alex go lifeless right in front of her eyes. She couldn't see any kind of regret or fear pass on Sidhanth's face. Leave fear, fucking his hand didn't even shake for a second. Which means he has a good grasp on how to handle guns. As she saw him coming towards the car, Sitara tried to grab her phone, which is on the back seat, but before that, she got yanked out of the car by him.

"Leave me! You idiotic bastard." She tried to free her hand, but his grip felt so rigid. When she saw him turning back at her, she just slapped him as hard as she could with her free hand. Sitara was shaking in fear and anger. Today was supposed to be the best day of her life. But as always, she got entangled in this mysterious kidnapping of her. So many questions were running in her mind, and before she could process them all, she was forcefully backed against the car bonnet.

"Listen carefully, Sitara. I don't have all day to clear your doubts, and I am not obligated to give you answers. Whatever happened here, you should not open your mouth about it or else--,"

"Or else what will you do, haan?" Sitara raised her leg to kick his part. But within a micro-second, Sidhanth caged her legs between his and locked her hands behind her back. Sitara tried to get out of his lock with all her might, but poor choice of clothing made his work easy.

"Will you please stop wiggling for a second?" Sidhanth screamed on her face and gripped her cheeks between his palm, which had a temporary effect on her. For the past few minutes, this little girl is getting on his nerves. He never thought his cover-up would be out in front of Sitara like this. How much he planned for that day? To see her shocked and numb. Looking at him in his glory, but everything went into the gutter because of Alex.

Fucking Skunk.

He couldn't decipher where these people are coming from? Trying to sabotage his plans from day one. And now this little girl fucking slapped him and facing him without any fear flashing on her face.

But she is petrified.

He could see that in her eyes, but she is putting up this brave mask to show him that she is not at all disturbed by the events that happened in front of her.

"Yes, whatever happened was true, and Yes, I fucking killed that bastard, and I have no regrets for doing it. He touched what was mine so, he has to go to hell. Now you listen to me because I don't like to repeat myself. I promised my mother that I will bring you safe and sound to the party. Now without throwing any tantrums, get on the bike and come with me. Already I am hot-headed because of the turn of events, so don't make me even madder by your antics." his ice-cold husky voice gave a shudder to Sitara as she gulped the lump that formed in her throat.

She wanted to cry. So badly, in her mother's embrace, but she swore in her head that she will not let a single drop of tear fall down from her eyes in front of this monster. As Sitara tried to wrap her mind around the situation, her mind gave up as it couldn't take up any more stress and let herself engulfed by the darkness.

Sidhanth's eyes widened as he saw her go limp in her arms. He tried waking her up by tapping her cheeks, but nothing worked.

"Boss. Ashutosh's men and Elena both will reach the spot in less than 10 mins. You have to leave the place immediately." Smith's voice boomed in his ears at the same time his phone rang. As he took it out from his pant pocket, it flashed the name of his mother. Without a second thought, he answered the call.

"Sidhanth, where are you? Here everyone is starting to worry about Sitara. I tried my best to delay the party, but now it's going out of my hands. Please, come fast."

He so wanted to scream at someone right now. On the one hand, Elena and Ashutosh men will be reaching here any moment, and Sitara is lying like a lifeless person in his arms; on the other hand, he has to get to the hotel within half an hour, which is an impossible task.

Sidhanth just threw away his phone, which broke into pieces as it depicting his current state of mind.


What will he do now?