Years of Agony...

Sidhanth entered the Maheshwari Resort, which is located on the other side of Kolkata, a few minutes away from the central city. From the highway they were standing, it will take at least more than an hour to get to the resort. But thanks to his mother, who somehow destroyed the birthday cake which brought him some time. Sidhanth informed Smith to clear the perimeter and raced to the resort in the car with Sitara in the back seat. Through the back door, he entered the second-floor lobby with unconscious Sitara in his arms.

Sujata, who saw Sidhanth walking towards her with Sitara in his arms, immediately guided him towards the guest room she booked in advance because her instinct told her that when they come, they will need time to compose themselves.

The minute Sidhanth place Sitara on the bed, Sujata slapped him repeatedly while Sidhanth just bore the pain silently because he knew he hurt the woman standing in front of him so many times.