She is back...

Sitara felt acid bile forming at the bottom of her throat. She tried so hard to control the reflex, and before she could puke on herself, she felt someone turning her to the side, and she puked her stomach out. Her body went limp as she used all of the energy she had in her for puking.

Slowly Sitara laid on her back and tried to open her eyes, but she couldn't bring her muscles to do so. All she could remember was how Revathi assaulted her and threw her off the cliff and how she crawled back up with great difficulty and went blank after reaching the top. 

After that, everything is blank to her. She couldn't even remember how long she was out.

She felt drained.

Emotionally, physically and mentally. 

She had enough of everything. She never thought Revathi brewed in the dirt of jealousy and is accusing her of all of her insecurities. More than anger felt disappointment crawl under her skin.