Reality Check...

Weeks passed by and Revathi felt like an outsider though she was surrounded by people. She achieved the things she always dreamt of. To become a daughter-in-law of an esteemed family and she got it. She needed to a lot of things including her failed attempt at killing her step-sister. She thought after Sitara is removed from her path of life, she will have everyone for herself and she didn't have to share her people with anyone but that didn't happen at all.

Day and night the Maheshwari family could only talk about Sitara. How is she doing? What is she doing? Hope she gets well soon, blah, blah, blah. She feels agitated and her dear husband whom she married taking all these risks is dwelling every single day on his so-called past and feeling sorry that he destroyed three lives.

"Lakshman ji, today…"