Make a Small Place for that Someone...

It felt like an eternity for Sitara as she stepped into the Saraswathi Colony. Her eyes wandered around, visualizing her happy days, thinking that her neighbors will be happy; to see her back but what she didn't expect is that people throwing pity looks at her face. After one month of spending her time at the hospital, Sitara felt an emptiness fill up her heavy heart. 

Dida told her what happened on the wedding day, the fiasco put up by Revathi and Parvathi Dadi, how she exposed Sidhanth and finally Lakshman marrying Revathi, not able to take the drama anymore. More than anger, she felt disappointment. She thought Lakshman would be sensible enough to pull through the situation and come and find her, but he didn't do that. Instead of that, he just went on marrying her evil step-sister, who didn't think once before committing a sin.