The look of Disappointment...

Sitara entered the room as if she is trying to suck in as much oxygen as possible. The heaviness of the silk material she is wearing started to weigh her down and on top of that the jewels. Sitara loves wearing jewels but not heavy ones. The lehenga and the jewels started to give her head and body aches. Turning towards the dressing table Sitara started to remove the jewels one by one and she got alert hearing the knock on her door. Sitara came towards the door and opened it revealing her mother Sonali.

"Maa, I thought you left the house. Come inside" Sitara moves aside giving way to her mother to enter. Closing the door, Sitara sat on the bed and made Sonali sit beside her.

"Do you want to say something Maa?" Sitara initiated the conversation.

"Shona, you are happy here, right? I mean everyone is treating you with respect, right?"