Cat is out of the bag...

"Don't you think you are dragging this seamless rival for generations?" Annapurna questioned her unusually calm husband. Annapurna knows how shrewd her husband could be when it comes to what he wants. He is like a leech who sucks the hard work of the others and enjoys it. She knows how smart he played with the fact that Ram likes to work in the shadows and now he is doing the same with Sidhanth also.

She knows who is Sitara and why her husband is silent about all the things that happen in the house. When she got to know about the secrets, he had been keeping away from the family she couldn't believe her ears. All the things make sense to her except one. The one thing she doesn't understand is what is the dealing between him and Ashutosh? There is a deep-seated secret which he is carefully guarding.

"It's better everyone comes to know about Sitara after she safely reaches Ashutosh's place."