Coming out of the darkness...

Shariff entered the secret basement after getting the directions from his man he put behind Sidhanth and Smith. Though he gave a chance to Sidhanth, that is only because he was the key to find his Shonu.

"Matt, where are they?"

"Chief, they are the room which at the end of this corridor. Sidhanth is my Sitara Mam. They haven't come out in a very long time. That's why I called you" Walking towards the room, Shariff's eyes hardened looking at the chamber where his little girl was locked up in. Then, his eyes fell on Sidhanth who is trying to wake Sitara.

"Sir, we have to take her out of this chamber." he saw a girl wearing a mask pleading Sidhanth.

"No, she has to wake up. She has to fucking wake up. She just flinched feeling my touch. How is that possible? Sitara... Wake up..." Sidhanth shook her and having enough of his tantrums, Shariff walked inside and carried unconscious Sitara from him.