Planned Escape...

Christopher's POV...

I could still feel the adrenaline rushing to my ears deafening me. The wound on my right foot is stinging like hell but that gave me this weird satisfaction. This is what. This is fucking what I was missing. 

Partner... Partner... 

He still doesn't know what fucking games I played to tie all of us together in this Game of Olympics. People always compare these types of games to chess but that's the most boring game according to me. I know it needs strategies, game planning, bluffing, etc., but in Olympics, though you lose in one game you can win in another. Every game needs different tactics, different game plans. 

Sidhanth will think that he won against me and concentrate on Sitara. He wouldn't even care about whether his subordinates collected his body or not. Sitara had always been the weak point for all the men involved in her life. What to do? His sweetheart always has her way of charming people.