The ten duels had been picked by the instructors based on qualifications only they knew of. The whole field was silent as the students waited with bated breaths for which of the many duels that had been submitted were chosen.

Lexine watched as the pairs who were to duel were called forward. Amongst these, there were two of her housemates. Both of them were the anthropoids who were in their house.

Lexine's brow scrunched up and she looked at Meddy and Raveer who were standing side by side. It was no secret that the anthropoids were the weakest species with Meddy and Raveer standing at the top of all of them. Was that why both of them were chosen?

Next to Meddy was a tall werewolf who was buff and towered over him. He reminded Lexine of a bodybuilder. Despite his height and build, he still seemed to be quaking in his boots. His sword had fallen more than twice since they had been called out.